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In the bustling city of the City of Angel on Earth, a series of police cars lined up along a quiet alley, their sirens piercing the air.

"Missing Person: Bayi, 17 years old, a high school sophomore at the City of Angel's Fifth National High School. As per investigations, the target has not been in contact with anyone since leaving school three days ago. His parents reported him missing last night."

"Surveillance records show that Bayi's last known location was this alley after leaving school three days ago. Although the alley is secluded and spans only about 300 meters with no side paths, strangely, he does not appear on any other surveillance cameras at the other end of the alley."

At the alley's entrance, several investigators furrowed their brows, organizing the case's clues.

Recently, not just in the City of Angel but across the Union of the Nine States, there had been many similar cases of missing persons.

Initially, these incidents didn't alarm the higher authorities, considering the large number of people who go missing in the Union of the Nine States every year. However, the recent occurrences stood out due to their bizarre nature.

The strangest of these cases involved a person vanishing in broad daylight on a crowded square, witnessed by many, yet remaining untraceable.

This new case they were investigating seemed directly related to these mysterious disappearances.

"Let's record it for now," one investigator said as he closed his notebook, "Inform the student's family that we'll do our best, but the chances of finding him might be slim. We'll notify them immediately if we get any leads."

Another investigator sighed, "These strange occurrences are becoming more frequent. If these missing persons have indeed encountered paranormal events, their chances of survival are slim."

One of them took a deep breath and rubbed his temples, "The government has formed a special task force to investigate these frequent disappearances. But chances of uncovering anything substantial are slim; these cases are beyond our understanding."

"If only we could find even one person, it would ease our burden," he added with a wry smile.

The other investigator shook his head, "Let's not dwell on it too much. Let's check other areas. We can't just hope for the student to fall out of the sky, can we? Life's not that simple."

But just as he finished speaking...


With a loud crash, a young boy suddenly appeared out of nowhere and landed squarely on the investigator.

The investigator was completely taken aback (ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪).

"Chief! Chief!! (ΩДΩ)!!"

On the ground, Bayi, dizzy and disoriented, lay on top of the twitching investigator, clutching a piece of paper and mumbling incoherently, clearly unconscious.


In the hospital, Bayi lay on the bed with his eyes closed, his chest bearing a gruesomely stitched scar. It was terrifying and bizarre, yet oddly, just below the scar, there was a neatly tied little bow, adding a touch of cuteness to the otherwise horrifying sight.

"The initial diagnosis is that the patient's physical characteristics are normal, just a slight concussion. He should wake up soon," a doctor informed the group gathered in the room, which included several senior doctors and a few serious-looking investigators.

The hospital director, with graying hair, adjusted his reading glasses and frowned, "However, we'll need to wait for the scan results for a more thorough assessment. And judging by the suture on his chest, he's obviously undergone a major surgery recently, and whoever stitched him up did a pretty rough job! I've been a doctor for many years, but this is the first time I've seen such a shoddy suture job that somehow didn't kill the patient!"

He was visibly upset.

The other doctors looked at the director, not daring to comment on his blunt assessment.

The director took a deep breath, rubbing his temples, "Sorry, I got a bit carried away."

He then approached Bayi for a closer examination.

"Doctor," an investigator stepped forward, "He's not in any immediate danger, is he?"

The director still looked concerned, "What exactly do you mean?"

The investigator clarified, "Aside from the concussion, does he have any other injuries?"

"Yes, and quite severe," the director replied.

"What?!" The investigator was taken aback.

The director inhaled deeply, then said, "Come and see for yourself. I think it's best not to inform the family just yet."

He then lifted the blanket covering Bayi's lower body. The investigator walked over curiously.

Upon seeing what was underneath, he exclaimed in shock, "Holy crap!!"

Despite his years of experience in law enforcement, he was profoundly shocked and disturbed by the sight.

What on earth was this situation! Gone! The area was bare, with nothing left! But that wasn't the end of it.

From the appearance of the wound, it seemed that what used to be there wasn't typical at all!

The hospital director, adjusting his reading glasses, spoke with a frown, "Based on the initial diagnosis, it appears the patient has undergone a physical castration. The procedure was clean and precise, with a very smooth incision. It was a clean, two-cut operation that didn't endanger the patient's life. In all my years of medical practice, this is a first for me."

Just then, a knock sounded at the door. It was Officer Rock from the recently formed special investigation unit. After showing his credentials, he entered the room with a serious expression, accompanied by several members of his team.

"I'm the detective in charge of the missing person's case. How's the condition of the target? Is there any risk to his life?"

Upon hearing of the sudden appearance of the missing individual, he had immediately brought his team to the hospital.

The director replied with a furrowed brow, "He's not in any immediate danger, but there are some tricky issues that are not easy to handle."

"What kind of issues?"

Officer Rock, sensing the grave atmosphere, instinctively glanced at Bayi's exposed lower body on the hospital bed.

Upon seeing the sight, Officer Rock exclaimed in shock, "Holy crap!!"

He shivered, overwhelmed by the unprecedented shock. Realizing he had reacted too strongly and feeling the gazes of those around him, he quickly composed himself and turned away.

"Sorry, my apologies."

He then turned back to the director, his expression grave, "Although I don't understand the specifics, I am greatly shocked. Clearly, this child has undergone horrific torture during his disappearance. But now, we must ensure his safety and make certain he recovers quickly."

At the hospital, the director nodded solemnly to Officer Rock's request, "Rest assured, ensuring the patient's well-being is our duty as doctors."

Just then, a commotion erupted outside the door, filled with cries and shouts.

"What's happening outside?" Officer Rock asked with a frown.

An anxious investigator entered the room, reporting, "Sir, the patient's family has arrived. They insist on seeing their son after hearing he was found. They are right outside, demanding to come in."

As Officer Rock was about to respond, a middle-aged couple burst through the door, crying and shouting.

"Let us in! How is our son? Is he still alive?!"

"My child! My child!!"

Seeing the distressed parents, Officer Rock looked uneasy.

Clearly, the investigation team had just been established and hadn't yet coordinated the workflow here, and the investigators had already informed the family that Bayi was found.

"Let them come in," he said.

Bayi's parents rushed in anxiously, spotting their son's delicate face on the hospital bed through the gap in the crowd.

"Bayi!!" Bayi's father cried loudly.

However, as they tried to approach their son, they were urgently stopped by several doctors.

"What are you doing? My son is back, I need to see my son!" he sobbed.

One of the doctors urgently said, "Please, family members, the situation is a bit special. I think it's better you don't look right now. You can speak with our director to understand the situation because..."

But this only made them more panicked.

Was their child's life in danger?!

Without hesitation, Bayi's parents pushed through the crowd, blocking their way. The director hurriedly tried to cover Bayi with a blanket, but it was too late. Their eyes immediately fell on a particular area below the peaceful Bayi.

The room fell silent.

Bayi's father exclaimed in shock, "Holy crap!"

Bayi's mother was equally stunned, "Holy crap!!"

Overwhelmed by the shock, the couple fainted, eyes rolling back, and collapsed under the astonished gaze of everyone. The crowd reacted with alarm, rushing to assist them.

The director, in distress, urged, "I told you not to let the family in! I told you! Quick, take them to the emergency room!!"

Half an hour later, in the radiology department, the director and a few specialists were waiting earnestly in front of the X-ray imaging equipment, anticipating the machine's output.

"How's the patient doing now?"

"He's regained consciousness but seems to be in a disturbed state of mind, muttering about stainless steel repeatedly, which is quite troubling."

The director nodded and sighed, "It's normal, possibly a post-traumatic syndrome. After all, he's a young man in his prime, and losing his... parts might be too much for him to handle. Imagining a more resilient replacement is a way for him to psychologically rebel against his reality."

The doctors around him looked empathetic, "Such a poor boy."

The director adjusted his reading glasses and asked, "How about the patient's family?"

"They're awake and undergoing psychological counseling. We've informed them that there's no life-threatening danger to the patient. As for their request for an organ transplant, we couldn't give a definite answer due to the lack of mature techniques domestically and internationally. However, gender reassignment surgery is something our city has good clinical experience with..."

The director nodded, "Let's put that aside for now and focus on his internal condition first."


Just then, a doctor examining Bayi's X-rays approached with a concerned look. "Director, I think I've found something odd with the boy's organs..."

With years of experience in reading X-rays, the director took the film, put on his reading glasses, and asked, "What's the issue?"

"See for yourself."

The director studied the X-ray closely and was taken aback, "How... how has the heart moved to the right side?!"

He quickly composed himself, recalling his decades of clinical experience. Although rare, with a one in a million chance, it wasn't unheard of for a heart to be situated on the right side. Perhaps this boy was born extraordinary.

He then opened another X-ray film.

Director: "!!!!"

He stared in shock at the image, exclaiming, "This... this... the heart is back on the left side now?! Are you sure you didn't mix up the films?"

The doctor frowned, "These just came out; there's no mix-up. I... I'm puzzled too."

The director furrowed his brow, trying to regain his composure. It was probably a glitch in the machine; otherwise, how could the heart move back and forth like that? It seemed implausible.

He took a sip of tea to calm his nerves. Then, he turned to the third X-ray film.

The director spat out his tea in shock and pointed tremblingly at the X-ray image, "It's descended! How did it descend like that? The heart's gone all the way down to the stomach! What, is it on vacation?!"

The surrounding doctors were also visibly shaken, having never seen such an absurd X-ray in their careers.

The heart seemed to have a mind of its own.

The director, his teeth chattering, quickly took a fast-acting heart relief pill. He knew something was seriously wrong. Either there was an issue with himself, or the machine was malfunctioning. In any case, something was severely off, as he had never seen such a bizarre X-ray in all his years of practice.

"No, this isn't right!" he exclaimed, standing up abruptly and adjusting his glasses. "We need to do a full-body X-ray scan on him and find out what's going on!"

Minutes later, in the radiology department's X-ray room, dozens of hospital specialists followed the director, looking intently at the slowly emerging full-body scan of the young patient named Bayi.

"The machine is functioning normally, and there are no faults," the technicians confirmed.

The director, carefully watching the image materialize, was certain there would be no issues this time. The previous anomaly had to be a strange machine glitch that caused undue alarm.

As Bayi's chest cavity appeared on the screen, everyone held their breath, fixating on the display. When they finally saw the heart in its rightful place, they all sighed in relief and wiped the sweat from their brows.

"It's a bit messy, but clearly normal," one doctor commented.

"Right, except for the kidneys being slightly displaced, there doesn't seem to be any major issue," another added.

The director, stroking his beard with a smile, said, "I must admit, I was quite startled earlier. In all my years in this profession, I've never seen a heart descend to the stomach. If that were actually the case, it would indeed be something supernatural!"

The doctors around him laughed heartily, lightening the mood in the room.

"Absolutely, that would be like seeing a ghost! Haha!"

"Where have you ever heard of a heart wandering around on its own? If hearts could do that, what would stop other organs from rebelling?"

The director closed his eyes, smiling and stroking his beard contentedly. However, at that moment, a doctor who had been laughing along happened to glance back at the X-ray screen.

"Wait a minute! Director, did you see that? His heart just kicked his lung!"

The others looked confused, giving the doctor a bewildered stare.

"Don't joke around like that. A heart kicking a lung? What's next, organs fighting for territory?"

The doctor, still in shock, pointed shakily at the screen, "I'm serious! I saw the heart extend a foot and kick the lung next to it!"

The others looked at him with disdain, then turned to glance at the X-ray image again. To their utter disbelief, a tiny, reddish fist extended from the heart, sneakily landing a punch on the adjacent lung.

Silence fell over the room as they stared in disbelief.


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