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"Guest! Your bill has been calculated. You've received 21 shots, each at 100 coins, totaling 2100 coins. The major artery dressing is on the house. I've counted the coins on your table: one black skull coin and seven hundred skull coins. You're still short 400 coins."

Lynne said, maintaining a smile on his face. Without thinking, the sheepfolk touched his pouch and then placed a small bag of coins on the table.

Lynne counted and smiled, "You're still 100 coins short."

The sheepfolk frantically searched himself from head to toe. Suddenly, his eyes went hollow.

"I... I have no more..."

A brief silence.

Lynne slid a list towards him, saying seriously, "Take a look. Here, not just money can settle your bill."

The creature glanced at the list he'd presented.

It read:

[Kidney]: 1000 coins (average)

[Eyeball]: 200 coins each (average)

[Arm]: 250 coins (average)

[Phallus]: 500 coins.

And so on.

The sheepfolk: "!!!"

Lynne brandished a knife, smiling kindly, "I suggest you keep your eyeballs. Once you've earned enough in the future, you can always come to redeem them. We'll store them safely for you."

"Wait!" The sheepfolk (ΩДΩ) hastily raised his hand in alarm, "I have other things to offer in exchange! Take a look!"

With that, he quickly pulled an object from his pouch and placed it on the table.

"I found this while wandering a few days ago. It seems to be a part of something. I thought it might be valuable, so I kept it."

Lynne paused, his gaze fixated on the object the sheepfolk had placed on the table. It was silver in appearance, resembling a fragment of some container, showing signs of scorch marks. And in Lynne's vision, an introduction of the object flashed before his eyes.

[Mithril Skull Fragment]

[Quality: Rare Material]

[Description: A high-intensity skull fragment made of unique mithril. This mithril, forged through a special process, is incredibly precious. It's frequently used by the Demonfolk Association to craft powerful bioweapons.]

Demonfolk Association?!

Lynne's pupils constricted instantly. His expression turned grave. Holding the fragment, he inquired, "Where did you find this?"

The sheepfolk looked bewildered, "A hillock to the west, about a hundred kilometers away. There seemed to have been a recent battle when I arrived. I didn't dare stay long, so I hastily picked up a few parts and fled."

With that, he pulled out several more charred fragments from his pouch.

Without exception, the descriptions were all related to the Demonfolk Association.

Lynne pondered.


Several minutes later.

[Ding! Congratulations on completing the task. You have been rewarded with 200 Skull Coins, Experience +100, and a Special Reward: Radiated Severed Fingers x2.]

[Radiated Severed Finger]

[Type: Consumables]

[Description: An additional limb grew after an unknown creature encountered radiation. Consuming it can temporarily flood the body with a massive amount of radiation.]

With a cheery smile, Lynne escorted the sheepfolk out of the door. He then quickly grabbed his left hand and hurried back into the shop.

"Truce!" His face was stern. "Trying to eat me now would be futile. I suggest we postpone our squabble. I have more pressing matters at hand."

"You think I'd listen to you?!"

In an instant, his left hand swelled up, suddenly opening its gaping maw wide, aiming for Lynne. Sharp teeth loomed dangerously close, its long tongue making terrifying hissing noises.


In a mere blink, Lynne's entire head was engulfed within its mouth.

The left hand hesitated, mumbling unclearly, "Why didn't you dodge?"

With his head swallowed, arms crossed, Lynne calmly replied, "I knew you wouldn't dare eat me. Consumed a bit too much pesticide earlier; my mind was a tad foggy. But now that I've sobered up, I understand – you truly don't dare eat me."

The left hand sneered, "Oh, really?"

Lynne responded calmly, "It seems we share a relationship of mutual prosperity and mutual destruction. Since drinking pesticide affected you, and vice versa, if you were to consume my brain, I doubt you'd be affected, right?"

The left hand paused.

Eyes closed, Lynne inquired, "Am I right?"

A moment of silence ensued.

Slowly, the left hand opened its mouth, revealing Lynne's head, now returned to its original size, bearing a single fang at him.

Wiping the saliva from his forehead, Lynne squinted, "It seems I was correct."

The left hand opened its mouth, chattering its teeth, and retorted, "No, I'm just unsure about the repercussions of biting off your head, but that doesn't mean I won't eat you!"

Clearly, the previous pesticide incident had left a profound mental scar.

[Ding! Your mission: 'Body's Response', is currently 50% completed.]

[Description: You've caused the mutated part to doubt its survival if it were to eliminate you, but the mutated part still holds a strong animosity towards you.]

[Ding! You've activated the second phase of the mission. The time limit is now removed. Mission objective: Survive while cohabitating with the mutated part, ensuring it remains unaware that if it were to kill you, it would, in fact, be unharmed.]

Lynne: "???!"

Wait a minute. Does that mean it can survive without me?! What... What a cruel joke! Had it bitten off my head earlier, wouldn't my death have been in vain?!

[Lynne's Sanity -10.]

"Hmm?" The fanged left hand twitched, eyeing the suddenly perspiring Lynne menacingly.

But Lynne wasn't one to be underestimated. Years of cultivating a composed demeanor allowed him to maintain his calm facade. He responded, "Since you're unsure, I'd advise against trying. It would be a loss for both of us. I assume you wouldn't want the infamous end of being the one who killed itself, right?"

"That would be quite the laughingstock! (〝▼皿▼) Hiss—"

Though Lynne appeared as calm as ever on the outside, internally, he was in sheer panic. But he knew he had to remain composed. If he showed even a hint of fear, the mutated left hand would not hesitate to bite his head off.

"Let's get to the point!" Feigning confidence, Lynne put on a monocle, its lens reflecting a chilling white light. He toyed with the mithril fragment on the counter, speaking softly, "The creature that came last night was a creation of the Demonfolk Association. In my teacher's journal, I read about this organization. According to the records, my teacher was once a member of this association. Although I'm not certain of the events..."

Lynne continued, "Based on last night's encounter, it's highly probable that my teacher had a deep-seated conflict with the association. The flesh puppet that arrived was actually here to eliminate him, but instead, it found me."

The left hand (▼ヘ▼#) grunted disdainfully, "Hmph—"

Lynne stood and paced, "Moreover, judging by these fragments, the influence of the Demonfolk Association has infiltrated nearby areas. After we defeated that puppet last night, the Demonfolk Association must have already been informed of the events here through some special means."

The left hand (╬◣д◢) interjected, "It was ME who defeated it, not you!"

Ignoring its comment, Lynne thought aloud, "If I were in their shoes, I'd surely send someone back here, either for investigation or cleanup. If they discover I'm just an ordinary human, they would undoubtedly kill me without a second thought."

He looked up, his expression stern, "Be it tonight or tomorrow, we will undoubtedly face a second wave of crisis."

Lynne's analysis was deep and insightful.

The left hand retorted angrily, "What's that got to do with me?"

Lynne glanced at it, adjusting his monocle, "Don't pretend you're not involved. We are in this together, sharing the good and the bad. If I'm killed, you'll go down with me."

The left hand (▼ヘ▼#) snorted, "Hmph!"

Lynne's face softened as he gently patted its back, "Calm down. Even though I don't know how you mutated, you're still a part of me. Moreover, being my left hand, which I use the most, you should, by all means... Feel a deep bond with me."

[Soothing Experience +1]

[Soothing Experience +1]

The left hand (▼ヘ▼#) huffed, "Fine, but let's get this straight. Whoever comes next, I eat. No share for you. And no more pesticides! We cooperate only for these two days!"

Lynne adjusted his monocle, its lens sparkling, "Deal!"


The evening had fallen.

In the attic, Lynne donned a new combat attire. Squinting, he found a knife to his liking in the surgery room. His left hand was soundly sleeping, bubbles forming and popping from the mouth in its palm.

"This won't do. I still lack proper equipment."

Lynne meticulously searched within the shell of that flesh puppet but failed to find the revolver and the boning knife he had lost the day before. And based on the description of his left hand, his trump card, the heart of the Faceless Demon, might have become a part of this creature. Which meant his revolver and knife could very well have been swallowed by it.

Lynne furrowed his brows.

He glanced at his slumbering left hand, which emitted a continuous "zzz~".

"Should I search inside?"

Lynne pondered. Then, with a bold decision, he put on a mask and gloves. The light refracted from Lynne's glasses, and he carefully extended his right hand, gently prying open a small gap in the mouth of his left hand. He paused, contemplating.


A slender tentacle sprouted instantaneously from his shoulder. Under Lynne's cautious control, he maneuvered this tentacle, birthed from his own mutation, delicately inserting it into the mouth of his left hand.

Hmm! It's deep! How peculiar!

This mutant part wasn't as simple as it seemed. Though it appeared to be an extension of himself, it might have its own unique internal structure.

Guiding the tentacle by touch and feeling, with his eyes closed, Lynne navigated deeper. At last...H e reached the very depths without obstruction.

Immediately, Lynne's tentacle felt various indescribable, undigested chunks of flesh and mechanical components.

"It seems the remains of the creature it swallowed are right here," Lynne mused. Subsequently, he began to carefully extract them, moving in and out.

[Ding! You have obtained a Fragmented Core x1]

[Ding! You have obtained Decaying Flesh Tissue x1]

[Ding! You have obtained Demon Hunter Revolver x1]

[Ding! You have obtained Bloodsaw's Boning Knife x1]

Lynne's eyes brightened.

Found them!

Indeed, as he had suspected, both of his items had been ingested by this mutant.


Lynne retracted his tentacle, smirking at the slimy revolver and razor.


Safety off. Not a scratch on them! After all, they were legendary items. How could they possibly wear out so easily? He was whole again!

His gaze shifted to his still-slumbering left hand, its mouth agape from his earlier probing.

"Perhaps I should take this opportunity to retrieve some more? There might still be intact items from that creature."

After all, opportunities like this don't come often.

With that thought, Lynne once again delicately extended his tentacle into the mouth of his left hand.

[Ding! You have obtained Cursed Pupil x1]

[Ding! You have obtained Arm of Dragon's Breath (Damaged) x1]

[Ding! You have obtained Resentful Spirit Hair Strand x1]

As he delved deeper, Lynne's excitement grew.

Indeed, such a bounty! If all these treasures had been digested, it would've been a colossal loss.

With mounting enthusiasm, Lynne extracted item after item, his tentacle's movement growing faster.


Drowsily, the left hand felt something long and thick repeatedly entering and exiting its mouth. And with every entry, it felt an uncomfortable poke inside.


The bubble at its mouth's corner burst. It awoke. And immediately, it saw Lynne (*≧▽≦) in front of it, controlling a tentacle that was inside its mouth.

Left Hand (ΩДΩ): "Waaahhhhh!!"

Damn it! How dare he! This host actually took advantage of its slumber to intrude upon its mouth! Despicable! Pervert! Lowly! (╯‵皿′)╯︵┻━┻ This was absolutely intolerable!


The sharp teeth of the left hand (*〝▼皿▼) clamped down in an instant.


The tentacle Lynne controlled was immediately severed in two.


[Ding! Host's HP Decreased!]

[Ding! Host's HP Decreased!]


The left hand swallowed the tentacle in one go and raged (*〝▼皿▼): "What are you doing?! What are you doing?! Why are you sticking that weird thing in my mouth?! Want to fight?!"

Then, it saw the sticky limbs and flesh tissue beside Lynne.

For a moment, the left hand was stunned.

Lynne raised a hand and coughed, "Let me explain. I was just trying to retrieve some items you swallowed yesterday. I didn't intend to start a fight, really!"

A brief silence.



The next moment,

Clang clang clang clang—

The left hand, fuming (*〝▼皿▼), picked up a blade and furiously hacked at Lynne. In response, Lynne, frustrated (〃>皿<), raised his blade to block.

"Let me explain! Give me a chance to explain!"

"Die! Die! (`皿′)? How dare you take back what I've eaten! And with that weird tentacle! You're done for!"

Clang clang clang—

As evening approached, after a brief truce, the two once again engaged in a battle to the death.

At that moment, a system prompt rang in Lynne's ear.

[Ding! Task Triggered: An Uneasy Night.]

[Task Objective: Survive against the hunt of three Hunters. Rewards: Skull Coin x1000, Experience x1000, Special Item x1.]

[Special Task Objective: Eliminate all Hunters. Rewards: Legendary Special Item x1, Legendary Skill Diagram x1.]

[Task Introduction: On Wandering Soul Lane's night, undercurrents stir. After last night's deadly battle, a new threat emerges. Mysterious hunters, akin to hounds, are tracing the sounds. Stay hidden...]


Lynne's grip tightened on his blade, his expression instantly turning grave. "Quiet! As I suspected, they're here!"


The soul lamps outside flickered, then slowly dimmed.

This signified—

Night had fallen.

Wandering Soul Lane was shrouded in a swirling black mist.

"Target detected... Trace of Type 3 Blood-Flesh Puppet found... Collecting sample... Sample matching completed... Initiating scene recreation..."

Within the dark mist, a humanoid creature with a spider's body lifted its head. Its eyes instantly bloodshot, projecting a crimson scene onto the ground. The projection revealed the gruesome scene from the night before, the final moments of the Blood-Flesh Puppet. Clearly, it had used a unique method to recreate the previous night's events.

"Scene analysis... Flesh Puppet died due to internal consumption and collapse... Information transmission complete... Danger level assessment... Level A... Further investigation recommended..."

Click, click, click—

The massive spider-like creature slowly moved its enormous abdomen out from the mist. Following the creature were two identical beings, their sharp, knife-like legs leaving a chilling trail with every step.


Meanwhile, Lynne, revolver in his right hand and a tentacle wielding a knife sprouting from his shoulder was perched atop a beam, his face stern, resembling a cat on a high perch. Drawing from his previous experience, he stayed away from the walls, wary of ambushes.

"Hidari," Lynne, with stern determination, readied his revolver, saying, "You're agile. Take position above the doorframe. We'll cooperate. The moment someone enters, we strike together. I'll use my tentacles to bind them, and you consume them directly. Rest assured, the prey is all yours this time."

Left Hand (*〝▼皿▼) retorted, "Don't call me Hidari! You think we're buddies?!"

Nevertheless, it elongated silently, its fingers spread out, hovering above the doorframe.

All around, Lynne's four tentacles were ready to strike. This was his limit, but he was confident. After all, compared to yesterday, he now had a voracious helper that would eat anything. Given the current hint, he wasn't facing the flesh puppets. Thus, he had a fighting chance.

Lynne narrowed his eyes, Like a panther in the night, he waited for the right moment.

Time ticked slowly.

After an uncertain period, in the very next moment, Lynne's pupils constricted, spotting a shadow slowly approaching the entrance of the apothecary.


With a shout from Lynne, without hesitation, tentacles shot forth, instantly ensnaring the shadow on the spot. The Left Hand, concealed above the doorframe, swelled instantly, its gaping mouth voraciously consuming the entangled figure.



Suddenly, two terrified voices echoed from within the gaping mouth.

Lynne paused, why did those voices sound so familiar?


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