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Something was off! Why was he fighting himself, uttering harsh words like "I'll finish you off"? By all appearances, there was no one else here but him. Was he indirectly implying something to himself? Was this the Wandering Soul Lane?! Such simple and naive customs here, unbelievable!

The sheepfolk glanced nervously towards the entrance, then at the two clashing, sparking knives in Lynne's hands. Weighing the pros and cons, he decided to stay put and assess the situation. With his legs tightly together, he sat on the stool, placing his trembling hands on his knees.

"Um... Sir..." the sheepfolk began hesitantly, "Why are you clashing those knives against each other? Are you practicing some powerful combat technique?"

Lynne looked surprised. "No, I simply wish to sever my left hand, hehehe."

The creature shuddered, "Why... Why?!"

Lynne, with an intense look (〝▼皿▼), resumed his fight with his left hand. "I shouldn't go into details, but know this: this isn't a good hand; it desires flesh! Just now, it wanted to devour me. If I don't restrain it, who's to say it wouldn't want to eat you?" He instantly switched back to his friendly demeanor, "Of course, rest assured. With me here, it won't harm you."


[Ding! Sheepfolk's fear level +10]

[Ding! Sheepfolk's fear level +10]

The sheepfolk sat, shivering on the stool, legs pressed together.

Really?! Why did he get the sense that there was an underlying threat to harm him? You can't bully an outsider like this! Even if I'm not the brightest, this is no way to insult someone! This place seems dodgy! If he didn't leave soon, he feared he might never get out.

Moreover, how could a human possibly run a shop in the Dark World?! Just a bit of thought and one would realize this wasn't normal! No ordinary human could be so comfortable here!


Finally, that thought resurfaced in his mind.

"Um... Boss," he said with trepidation (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))) "when do you plan to cure me? Perhaps you should get ready?"

Lynne paused, then his face brightened instantly, kindly responding, "So you've finally chosen to seek treatment at our establishment? Wonderful! Dear customer, you've made a truly wise decision! You won't have to wait long. I'll diagnose you right away."

With that, Lynne, with a fierce expression (艹皿艹), clashed knives with his left hand again and quickly turned, rummaging through the counter for his stethoscope.



(((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))) Diagnose my what?! It's clear as day you want to kill me! If I stay any longer, I must be mad! This is a trap! I'm out!

While Lynne's back was turned, he swiftly stood up, attempting to sneak out quietly and tiptoed towards the exit. But at that very moment, a loud clang echoed from behind, followed by a booming shout.

"Trying to flee?! Let's see you try! Thought you could escape?!"



Sounds of blades cutting through the air.

"Every neighbor on Wandering Soul Lane is an ally of mine. If I can't chop you down, I'll have my neighbors do it for me!"

The sheepfolk instantly froze (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))), not daring to move.

[Sheepfolk Sanity -10]

Uh… What…

"You think you can face me just because you have a knife? Let me tell you, I've severed hands long enough to encircle the entire Wandering Soul Lane over a dozen times!"

The sheepfolk swiftly withdrew his hand from the hilt of his blade at his waist.

No… I was just instinctively reaching for it…

[Sheepfolk's Sanity -10]

"You better watch yourself," Lynne said darkly, "There's always tomorrow. If you behave, I might spare you for now. But if not, don't blame me for showing no mercy!"

Lynne, knife across his chest, teeth gritted, stood in a dangerous standoff with his equally fierce (艹皿艹) knife-wielding left hand.

[Sheepfolk's Sanity -30!!]

Seizing a moment's respite, he turned his head, smilingly pointing to the stethoscope with his blade, kindly suggesting, "Dear guest, we can begin now."

And the sheepfolk, who had somehow returned without being noticed, sat tightly pressed on the stool, nodding rapidly with a (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))) expression, trembling as he spoke, "Alright! I'll do as you say... w-wuh."


A few minutes later.

The sheepfolk sat trembling at the counter. Following Lynne's instruction, he hesitantly pressed one end of the stethoscope to his chest.

Across the counter, the human youth had his eyes closed. Both hands still clanged against the knives, apparently in a struggle, though it seemed less intense than before.

After listening for a while, Lynne's brow furrowed. Instantly, the sheepfolk's heart raced. He queried with apprehension (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))), "Doctor, did you detect something unfavorable?"

Right now, he wasn't worried about anything else. He just feared this doctor might suddenly rise and go for him! He really wanted to say lamb isn't tasty at all! Really!

Lynne spoke gravely, "Your heartbeat is irregular. It seems you've recently experienced extreme shock, causing a surge in your adrenaline. If it were just that, it wouldn't be too concerning..."

The sheepfolk (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))) thought, 'Aren't you aware of the shock you've given me?! Are you seriously bringing this up now?!'

Lifting his head, he gazed calmly into Lynne's face and responded, "But your forehead is darkened, your eyes lackluster, and your lips are slightly purple, which are typical signs of poisoning... If you've been poisoned and then subjected to a substantial shock, causing rapid blood circulation, it could be life-threatening!"

The sheepfolk exclaimed, "(ΩДΩ)!!" This has to be a joke! This doctor must be joking!

"Were you in any places with dense miasma recently?"

The sheepfolk, in a daze, replied, "I visited a marsh."

"Were you attacked by anything?!"

He rolled up his sleeves to reveal several scratches, "I wasn't attacked. Just got scratched by some vines in the marsh. I bandaged it and didn't think much of it."

[Ding! Diagnostic Assistance: Unique toxin "Man-Faced Vine" added to the database.]


Lynne swiftly clashed knives with his betraying left hand, then swiftly scanned the information provided by the system. With a calm demeanor, he elaborated, "Man-Faced Vine, a highly toxic plant that thrives in damp, cold environments. It usually lies in ambush underground, attacking unsuspecting creatures passing by. However, the toxin from the Man-Faced Vine has a long incubation period. Under normal circumstances, it's not lethal."

The sheepfolk asked blankly, "And under abnormal circumstances?"

Lynne, with a fierce expression (〝▼皿▼), glanced at his knife and swiftly scanned through the information, declaring: "First and foremost, one must avoid being startled, preventing the heart from racing. It's essential to maintain a calm and tranquil heart, inhibiting the surge of blood pressure."

However, in the fleeting moment that Lynne was distracted,


Right under the watchful eyes of the sheepfolk, his left hand suddenly swelled several times in size, revealing its sharp, toothy maw. In a flash, it enclosed Lynne's head within.

The sheepfolk gasped in horror, "(ΩДΩ) Oh, my God!"

[Sheepfolk's Sanity -10]

[Sheepfolk's Sanity -10]

"Secondly," Employing his 'Flesh Catastrophe' ability, Lynne rapidly solidified his neck, preventing it from being bitten off. He then thrust out his foot, forcefully wedging it against the gaping maw of the monstrous hand, prying it open with all his might.

Lynne, with a challenging glare (〃>皿<), warned, "Should the poison begin to spread, the body will gradually emit a peculiar scent. At this juncture, it becomes highly likely to attract the consumption desire of malevolent beings. But fear not! Our apothecary remains a safe haven, devoid of any malevolent creatures."



The sheepfolk, whose body now emitted a strange aroma, sat there in complete bewilderment (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))). From the monstrous hand's mouth, a gooey tongue, several meters long, dangled, absentmindedly licking his face.

[Horror Level of sheepfolk +50]

[Horror Level of sheepfolk +50]

"Thirdly," With determination, Lynne (〃>皿<) promptly held up three fingers, swiftly perusing the information provided by the system. "If the peculiar scent becomes overwhelmingly present, drawing malevolent creatures, an immediate bloodletting treatment is imperative. Even a minute's delay could be life-threatening!"

The sheepfolk, overwhelmed with panic (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))), hastily drew a small knife.


He plunged it into a major artery in his leg. Blood spurted out with force.

"Hold on!" Lynne, with an assertive expression (〃>皿<), swiftly interjected, "I made an error! You should've consumed ample water and recuperative elixirs to counteract the poison's spread. Bloodletting is an extreme solution and isn't recommended!"

The sheepfolk exclaimed in shock, "!!!" He gazed at Lynne in disbelief (ΩДΩ), then back at the knife embedded in his leg and the spurting blood.

Why didn't you say so sooner?! Damn you! Why not earlier?! I've already done it!

At last, Lynne exerted great force, managing to extricate his head from the gaping maw of his left hand. With his right hand firmly restraining the monstrous mouth of his left, he turned to see the sheepfolk's bleeding leg and urgently exclaimed, "Dear guest, even though I mentioned that bloodletting is a quick relief, you didn't need to be so hasty in slashing yourself! You came here for treatment, didn't you? Why the rush to such drastic measures?"

The sheepfolk, in utter shock (ΩДΩ), was rendered speechless.

Damn it... I didn't intend for this kind of relief! If you'd completed your sentence in one go, I wouldn't have stabbed myself!

He pointed frantically at his gushing wound, gesturing wildly (ΩДΩ),

Stop it! Staunch the flow!! It's gushing out!

[Sheepfolk's Sanity -10]

[Sheepfolk's Sanity -10]

"Have you had a change of heart? Decided that life is worth living? Seeing you reconsider is truly a relief to me," Lynne remarked gravely, swiftly positioning his foot and applying precise pressure to the creature's bleeding artery.

The flow of blood was abruptly halted. The sheepfolk slumped, his face drenched in sweat, dripping profusely.

"Can I opt for treatment elsewhere? Could you spare me just this once...? I swear, if I ever see you again, I'll take a detour... really..."

Tears of grievance spilled from his wide-open eyes.

[Desperation Level of the sheepfolk +10]

[Desperation Level of the sheepfolk +10]

With a hint of melancholy, Lynne replied, "I apologize for my shortcomings; I'm still a novice. I regret the unpleasant experiences you've endured. However, once you step out of this shop, you won't find another apothecary for hundreds of miles."

Shaking and teary-eyed, the sheepfolk responded, "There must be... there has to be..."

Lynne, seeming a bit apologetic, said, "Truly, there aren't any. There used to be some, but now they're all preserved... in the specimen room in the backyard."

He gestured toward the preserved specimens behind him.


At that moment, the sheepfolk's composure completely shattered, and he, a once-stoic being, broke down into inconsolable tears. He thought of his parents. Of the three years he'd roamed aimlessly. He thought of the two-year-old child mentioned in the letters he'd received, still awaiting nourishment. Now, he was about to meet his end in this sinister shop...

His cries became even more heart-wrenching.

"Don't cry," Lynne tried to console, "trust in me. I'm a doctor. I promise you'll walk out of here hale and hearty. Moreover, the poison from the 'Man-faced Vine' isn't particularly virulent. In a sense, it's a chronic poison that, when met with the correct antidote, can easily be counteracted."

Lynne, using his unique abilities, produced tentacles that rapidly sorted through an array of vials on the counter. Before the creature's eyes, he skillfully mixed several potions in precise proportions.

Once the preliminary concoction was ready, Lynne squinted, splitting one of his tentacles into multiple appendages, each holding a syringe. He observed the sharp needle and the liquid oozing from it with a hissing sound.

"I'll give you an injection now," he assured. "A few jabs, and while it might not be an instant cure, it'll definitely rejuvenate you. I'm going in."

The sheepfolk swiftly raised his hand, tremblingly saying, "Wait a moment!"

But it was too late.


[Ding! The sheepfolk's terror level towards you +10]

[Ding! The sheepfolk's terror level towards you +10]


Several minutes later.

The sheepfolk sat listlessly in the chair, his body pierced with a dozen syringes of varying sizes. His injured leg was bandaged.

Lynne, with a playful tone, tied a neat bow on the creature's leg with his tentacles, "How do you feel? Isn't the effect remarkable? The remedy I provided was developed by my master specifically for the poison of the Man-faced Vine. Coming to the Bloodsaw Potion Shop was undoubtedly the right choice. Believe me, other places might not offer the effectiveness we have here."

The sheepfolk leaned back, feeling the waning weakness in his body. Indeed, it was strange. Despite the emotional distress of the numerous injections, the abnormal weakness and haziness in his body had significantly diminished. Even the peculiar scent emanating from him began to fade.

Could it be... that this wasn't a malevolent shop with ulterior motives, but rather a legitimate apothecary? Had he misunderstood all along?

The sheepfolk gazed blankly, uttering, "You're not planning to cure me just to slice me up later, are you?"

While restraining his predatory left hand, Lynne retorted with a hint of frustration, "Of course not! At Bloodsaw Potion Shop, we believe the customer is king. If you can pay, not only won't we harm you, but you could even slice me up if you wanted!"

[Ding! Your Soothing Experience +1]

[Ding! The sheepfolk feel considerably consoled. You're steadily becoming a trustworthy physician.]

Relief momentarily washed over the creature's face as he hesitated, "Uh... what if I can't pay?"

An eerie silence pervaded the apothecary. Even the insistent gnashing of Lynne's left hand ceased.

Lynne blinked in astonishment, raising his blade, "No money?"

The sheepfolk's fur bristled in sheer panic.

[Sheepfolk's Sanity -1]

[Sheepfolk's Sanity -1]

"Yes! I have! Lots of it!" In a frantic flurry, he produced bag after bag of skull coins from within his robes. His actions were so swift that they almost left an afterimage.

Lynne's face immediately warmed into a congenial smile, "You really gave me a scare! You shouldn't jest like that. I thought you intended to dine and dash. I even contemplated which part of you to claim as payment. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest! Hahaha!"

The sheepfolk responded with uncertainty, "Is... is that so?... Ha... Hahaha..."

[Ding! Sheepfolk's blood pressure +1]

[Ding! Sheepfolk's blood pressure +1]

Swiftly changing the topic and wiping sweat from his brow, he remarked, "Anyway, I must admit, the effects of your remedy are quite impressive. In just a few minutes, I've felt significantly better!"

Lynne, engrossed in counting his money, grinned smugly, "Of course. My master once cultivated this poison on a massive scale. Naturally, he acquired invaluable knowledge regarding its antidote. It's safe to say that only our shop possesses the antidote for the Man-faced Vine's poison."

"Oh... I see..." the sheepfolk mumbled, wiping more sweat away, "It sounds troublesome for any creature from other regions if they were poisoned by this."

Lynne assured with a sly grin, "Rest assured, apart from here, this poison doesn't exist anywhere else."

The sheepfolk remained frozen in place, a perplexing thought nagging at him. Somehow, he sensed an underlying connection between the two statements.


If your hands were mutated like this, what gender would you want it to be?


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