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I have to watch this today.


this is scary stuff. my reaction was on a par with Edward's.


Question: can there be more than 1 time line? If so, I want to be on a time line that avoids this prediction. Can we put thoughts/actions out there to avert this draconian agenda? Per Dick's recent YT vid, can remote viewers EMBED something into the past and / or future to throw a monkey-wrench into the evil planners' plans?


What level of membership is required to view this?? It will not pull up. Thanks


When I weigh Dick's results regarding the seemingly failed AI/brain implant experiments against Edward's data on the mystical "visionary" character, I get the impression that their efforts to implement their agenda are being frustrated and therefore they fell back and re-focused on what has been used in the past. This time period seems like a time of confusion and uncertainty - like something in the scheduling is having a wrench thrown in.


One of Dick’s first sketches looks an awful lot like the Tower of London!


Historically, the European's fought to remove the Muslims from Europe for over 100 year's, yet in the last 10 they have been foisted upon there shore's by enemies within...see Joan of Ark... All the 'immigration' in the Western world of late is forced immigration of warrior age men without families, militants...all over Europe...Ur-rope... Western diet, Western love and let live, it's like the snake Trump talks about...dead, frozen...saved by the 'good' hearted woman of the west only to be killed by the same ... because snake's are true to their nature...they size up and kill. The West media (controlled by same parties) has purposely downplayed the barbarian nature of these 'immigrants' because it's part of their plan, to destabilize the non-shiria West...rape is rampant, organized crime, corruption...absent intervention by the all mighty, Europe's fate is sealed...like in the US, the population is fat, damaged, uninspired, wounded, lazy, and disabled (US older population is like the walking wounded) and unlike the US, European society is UNARMED...Well over 500k Islamic foreigners (500!k Army) are of fighting age , I am sure have access to arms ( black market stashing) against an aging population hamstrung by poison food, water, information (media), chem trails, etc...the English have been conditioned to obey, like Asian society... deeply creeping into American society...the trap has been set...the question is : will the word get out, will the West make the necessary changes, top to bottom... momentum is a force of nature and we are behind the curve...that one dude in the group of 4 is a glass half full guy... darkness..he is always the darkness...not good...is he depressed? London has fallen...years ago... their road home will be much darker than the US...that are behind the curve...as is most of Europe...a political invasion of orchestration by enemies within ... unarmed.. their only hope is prayer and fasting and black market weapons...no moral fortitude...as has been revealed in the US... dangerous times ..great viewing...keep in mind Community...the Creator controls the blind spot 🐎...it doesn't have to be this way...the course and contact can be avoided and redirected but it will require unity... blessings... Edward is consistently amazing... objectively...


...also...look at the number 4. Numerology and in gematria... revealing


The infatuation of the US with the funding of scores of biolabs in Ukraine and many other countries cannot, I think , be solely ascribed to a desire to perfect biological war weapons--I think "Jurassic Park" type recreation of living animals extinct for millions of years (e.g., the wooly mammoths research in the Wuhan labs) , then to be "improved" with neural AI interfaces, and the cloning of sentient animals combining the genetic traits of both humans and animals ( simply a progression from inputting salmon genes into tomatoes) is taking place in these biolabs. This nasty stuff brought down Atlantis.


Yes - the bigfoot creatures; and I would imagine some of the other cryptids that have been sighted, are remnants of the Atlantean genetic modifications.


The AI stuff is spot on: https://twitter.com/RishiSunak/status/1668170536055189504


lets no forgot the US Biolab in the country of Georgia, I heard Atlantis was destroyed cause ppl where tampering with DNA and today we see Mrna... Believe it or not I talk to 2 ppl that are clones, is easier for them to create a crystalline silicate hybrid robot then a clone. the real live Jurassic Park is in the Republic of the Congo in Africa go luck don't there is protected and patrol by rebels.. I saw a book online that dinosaurs still existed in the country of Boliivia and Brazil till the early 1900s I think human killed him off the last Relament of them.