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I hope I can still pull it up on an app using my phone. Phone browsers are not convenient.


Yes! The new platform we're moving to has an app that works with mobile devices and it's (in our opinion) way better than what we currently have!


Glad to see the changes coming. I just hope you don't do the 6 months upfront thing like the current website. That was putting me off from joining but just cause I'm trying to budget, but other than that seems good. If it's the Night Networks app the M uses for TGE that's cool. App doesn't work right for the chapters but other than that it's cool.


Will we still be able to access all previous content?


Yes, we're working on loading all of our previous sessions to the new site now. Everything will be in easy to find categories and much easier to navigate.


glad you guys fixing the issues ppl where complaining about...


I look forward to all the upgrades! I am interested in all areas you cover. My hope is that there will be an incentivized support cost for those of us who want the whole shebang (like buying in bulk is less than all the same individual items).


Are you all taking all of the older content from patreon to the new website?


Thanks Dick! You forgot to mention that the new content will be full of inclusiveness, equality and diversity. 😉 😂


Yes, we're working on loading all of our previous sessions to the new site now. Everything will be in easy to find categories and much easier to navigate.


There is hard evidence now that the US will no longer be trading Altcoins. They want to shut them down and Gensler just listed many Altcoins like Cardano and Matic securities. Robinhood just dumped them. Since this is a crypto viewing site, would love to see what you think. Everyone is sitting on pins and needles. Pretty much, everyone is FREAKING OUT!!


Hi Cynthia, we've got some targets underway that we hope will shed some light on cryptos in the US in the coming months and years.


Thank you very much for the video. It would be interesting if eventually the team did a viewing of the state of the world focused on the economical structures that are extant, in the global economy by, say, 2030, in consideration that there have been multiple viewings that have hinted at financial collapse by 2025 (the viewing of BTC in 2021, the viewing of the role of physical silver, among others.) To remote view such a question would be much helpful both for the subscribers and for the viewers themselves, since it would allow the people to handle the following years with considerably more ease. I am greatly appreciative of all the work that you do, and am sure that you are helping people in other ways other than simply economical ones.


This is nothing more than a giant shakeout. Every cycle we go thru some crazy times but we bounce back up. They have not issued a suit against these tokens. He does not have the authority. It will get crazy till congress comes with clarity. They just want to get Fidelity and other big bank wall st players in so everyone will feel safe using them so the govt can have control over your tokens. Buy dips as they come and in a year your going to be happy. Good use case projects are not going anywhere


Thank you, Mike. I understand all that. However, they have targeted several Altcoins as securities and maybe more to come. In a few days there will be no FIAT offramp for Binance. I'm waiting to see what happens with Coinbase. An Astrologer named Sama on YouTube warned us about this just 2 months ago and actually named Coinbase. I was not concerned at the time, but now I am. We will see. Even the creator of Cardano believes this is all about getting rid of a major percentage of crypto's and crypto platforms here in the US in order to usher in their CBDC's. I hope you are right!