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will be interesting to see but in my opinion salla goes off the deep end quite often (even for this woo type of topic) and goes into junk conspiracy... the subjects that are put out that are so ridiculous that it drags the whole subject down. but, i love to watch the viewers work and especially on woo targets. just my .02 cents.


Cool, hopefully you guys get to talk about the giants underground that Michael Salla has been talking about recently, enki/enlil stuff. In either case, I'm love whatever it's about! I'm here for the woo


Very good. All these stories by the disclosure community need to be checked. There are too many claims circling around without any real data. Just stories. Even Farsight's claim of earth prison is not being thoroughly checked despite the RV data from a couple of projects. I think a lot more work should be done on investigating the afterlife. What happens to people when they die, when they're having NDEs, in-between incarnations, etc.


I’ve watched several Dr. Sally’s video related to this ark, it’s very interesting!


Exciting stuff!


What??? Seriously??? Wow, just when it seems like, you have heard everything, more comes out!!!! Soooo interesting 😊


I can barely wait! This is going to be awesome. Dick, could this be related to the remote viewing you did some years ago (before Crypto Viewing), where if I recall correctly you saw an undersea subterranean facility of some sort apparently in the Atlantic Ocean? It was accessible by some type of submersible vehicle. That was a fascinating RV topic.


Where do we watch it