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This was very insightful. Having heard all of that, to me the following question remains: is the earth therefore a form of prison, as some claim, where we're held hostage and used as commodities by the so-called controllers ("bad ETs", some say), or is this how things work in our galaxy or even in this universe? Why is the knowledge of how things actually work kept reserved for a select privileged few, if not for a fundamentally nefarious goal? Then, in this context, what is going on with the ET disclosure movement? What's it serving? Is it a genuine attempt by the "good ETs" to end the tyranny on earth and free the souls, or is it another tool being used to manipulate people during this transition phase? Why do we reincarnate? Why do we lose all our pre-birth memories? Why do we return having to learn everything from scratch, and not live long enough to put the painfully acquired wisdom to good use? Why all the secrecy? Who's it serving? How's this system therefore not a prison of sorts?


Please leave a link to the new Patreon site.


Great questions. Couldn't have stated it better myself.


Here is the link for Cryptoviewing members only. It allows you to sign up at a discounted rate: https://www.earthtg.com/plans/294054?bundle_token=74a062fc6ae0c4ba2b92b2b9b7a4619a&utm_source=manual


This is contradictory, "don't fear the change" / "surf the wave or drown". Then we get "there is an equilibrium of good/evil". Well, the evil leaders have had a grip since the beginning. Isn't it time "good" gets to rule? I choose that future. People are easily programmed, somebody has been trained well. I think therefore I am.


Hello, i was looking for Michael patreon. Is it live already?


Hi Manny, Here's the CV discount link to Michael site: https://www.earthtg.com/plans/294054?bundle_token=74a062fc6ae0c4ba2b92b2b9b7a4619a&utm_source=manual