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So here's part one of Dick's conversation with our friend. I'm listening to the whole thing as I go and as always, so much to learn! So much to know. A great start to where we are at when it will happen and where we are ultimately going. 

  • Litecoin Summit - When will adoption occur?
  • Cryptos & Freedumb? REALLY? AML & KYC Kybosh all of that!
  • Jekyll Island Nation States and the Eternal Trust 
  • The Long Haul
  • YouTube “Influencers”
  • The Crash 


(No title)



Daz as a surrogate is not needed.


Thank u dick and Michael looking forward to part 2.


Very informative. It does fit in with my narrative of how things will go of when and if the crash happens. I am looking forward to the next part. I would like to access all of the parts in this interview. So...what level do I need to be to access all of it? Can anyone answer this? Very much appreciated. Thank you again for putting out amazing content!!!


Very interesting. Thank you Michael and Dick for the interview. 👍👍


Archon of Archons.


Kenny this is a three part series as far as I was told. This was for Viewers the next will be for Visionaries and Founders. The third I believe will be for Founders but I'll have more information in the next few days. Edd@HQ.


Thank you sharing your thoughts


Loved it Dick! Thanks for talking about what’s REALLY going on. Ready for part 2.


If this is not an appropriate question to ask please don’t answer. I’m curious if Michael had to get permission from his “supervisors” in order to work with Crypto Viewing or is it a self interest or both? Was he tasked to grow adoption with the more critical thinking/higher IQ crowd?I’ve always been curious.


Was the a reason why part of the chat was without sound?


Dan, the dude just digs us. Plain and simple. I don't know more than that but we are very thankful for the education and knowledge he brings. When you don't know, YOU DON'T KNOW. So without some really special bread crumbs we'd all be thinking everything is fine and dandy. I personally don't ask. Whatever the intention, I know it is genuine and true to heart. Edd@HQ.


Thank you for the reply. I am so damn thankful for everything you guys do and the truth about what’s happening. The bread crumbs will make a HUGE difference in my life and those around me. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤜🏻.


The USA exporting human meat, called "longbacks"(?) in the 1700s? I do not remember that from my history lessons. Where can you read about that, please? Maybe I should find a new cooking book for my book shelves, and load up some more on ammunition...


Nice job Dick


Either you can be self-sustained or need to live in an area were everybody grows food or it happens naturally. We welcome you in Costa Rica.


If you wanted the GA Guidestones to come true. Medicate the populace and then pull their meds. #firstpurge


Dick, maybe I got the wrong impression but our friend didn't seem so upbeat on litecoin. Is there something we are missing? Does he have a favorable view on the outlook of LTC?


An island without trade boats is a cannibal island. As long as you have wifi you can work.


some sobering truth speak,he's right about LTC their means of exchange will become meaning less with out constant development.if it wasnt for the fact they where the first and the store of wealth BTC would be in the same boat.they aint doing much either as the lightning network is looking like a nothing burger.DGB on the other hand looks like they just might shock their haters.i found part 1 to be of some value but am curious as to why he hides his face from us?some one that smart damn well knows he cant hide his identity from "THEM"


Yes was thinking the same myself .. he said all he needed to say with his statement about innovation., i wonder if those were his own thought or the masters have gone cold on LTC???


Well, I always saw the opening of borders and endless 'printing' of fiat money as bringing the developed nations into a lower status - second world nations - hard to survive on the way of living we have and soon had. We lived on credit, now comes the bill.


Thanks so much for taking the time for the interview, Michael. OK guys... I hope this is constructive criticism because I love what all of you are doing. That is the bottom line. Now for the 'but'... in the interviews with Michael, I think he knows so much more than we do about what's going on but somehow, we are not getting that from him. Sometimes the answers he gives are really 'non answers' and evasive or just being politically correct or polite. Maybe it's the questions we're asking of him. I don't know. The past 2 interviews left me feeling like there are huge gaps in what he knows and what he's willing to say. And OF COURSE that is totally his choice and is to be respected. BUT (again!) if there is a way to get the meat out of interview time with him and also respect him, totally, then is it possible? More open ended interview style where he just talks and isn't confined to questions that are not quite on target? I don't have the answers but keep feeling like his time isn't utilized fully. Please forgive if I sound too critical. I'm very happy with what we have here.


Hello dear Sky, thank you for your nice lines AND your critical feedback. This is totally ok, nothing to forgive. I will forward this to headquaters and let the guys speak with Michael whether he would be available for this. Warm greetings, Rose


We have evolved to self-administer our own enslavement? Or devolved would be more accurate. So those who bought big when the cryptos were not on the exchanges will be very wealthy, yet not under IMF International Laws, and the remainder of humanity will buy off the exchanges and in doing so loose all rights they currently have and be subject to (hidden) international law! Clearly, we were not informed, is that legal? It seems to me, if they have snared us with the hidden International Law, there has to be more fine print. They're printing 10's of billions in notes a night (Repo) and no-one has stopped them, so money is not the prize here. What is then?


Heay Dick, weren't you going to ask if the elite on earth is human/upgraded humans/hybrids/ET?


Well that escalated quickly, went from moonshot to cannibalism in mere minutes. I keep wondering why they set the number of total BTC to such a small number, in fact fewer than the population of a big city in Japan or China. Maybe they don't see many people left to use it in the not too distant future?


My apologies to those that are triggered, but I couldn't help but think witness protection program when I watched this.


You got the point dear Dale. Thank you for your understanding and your support of our work. Warm greetings, Rose


Where did the video go? I am play catch up and it says the video is no longer available??


No video??


Ups, thank you Neo for letting us know. I will check with the tech people instantly. All the best, Rose


Hello dear Bravo, this is an tech issue. We are working on it to have it going asap. Sorry for this. Thank you for your support and warm greetings, Rose


Video Worked fine for me, Thanks as always.


Hi team. I’m quite new here so missed out older history on this site. Who is The mystery man Michael? I don’t mean his name but what started his involvement with you and why are you promoting his ideas? He is being portrayed much like the ‘cancer man’ in the x-files! Why does he claim to have inside knowledge? Is he of a ruling elite family or even an off-world character? I am enjoying listening to these interviews, just curious really as to how it all started. Keep up the great work. Best wishes to all. JP


Why the re-run of part one that was shown eight days ago? Also when can we expect part two?


Hello dear Ryck, we had a technical glich with part I. It was down and we reloaded it. Part II is already published on Tuesday, here's the link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31680798. Cheers, Rose


Hello Crypto Viewing, am I in the wrong tier to watch part 1, when I click to play it says SORRY Because of it's privacy settings, this video can not be played here.


Do you use Brave? If so, you have to disable Shields to get videos to play.


Thank you every one, I am sorted now.


@ 24:50 ya micheal knew corona virus was "on our doorstep" man I'd love to pick his brain for a day atleast.dont think ya all have any Idea how smart n connected he is.his interviews are by far my favourite videos.I wonder if he picked cryptoviewing or if it was asigned to him?