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Hello to all our loyal Patrons! We here at CryptoViewing want to thank all the Veterans who have proudly served on behalf of all Americans. This not going to get political or a history lesson. Just saying thank you to the folks whom have served. 

Our Friend's Convo
We're going to publish the Q&A Dick did over the next three weeks.  Portions of the conversation will be available to various levels of our group. I will detail what is outlined once I listen to all three of the videos. The first one will be published tomorrow 11/12/19.

New Weekly Format
You'll see a new format coming. The calendar is attached. I will start each week addressing what we have on the plate each week and the schedule will go as follows:

MONDAY: HQ Update with the upcoming week's content

TUESDAY: Featured Content, this will be Interviews, AMA's, WooWoo Targets, Special Targets whatever we have been cooking in the background. 

WEDNESDAY:  Weekly News on cryptos and noteworthy events

THURSDAY: Weekly HITS so we're going to consolidate the hits weekly so we don't inundate  all of your inboxes with the incredible amount of HITS the team has been getting lately. 

FRIDAY: World Events, Crypto Targets, GEO Targets. We will post every Friday a target based on your subscription level. So Please refer to the tiers on our Patreon homepage for CryptoViewing for information on what is available for each tier. 

SATURDAY & SUNDAY:  Special thoughts, commentary, anything that might be relevant will come by from any of the team over the weekend. 

ALERTS:  Since our team is across the globe, we will send out any emergency alerts as we receive them. This can take place 24/7 so stay tuned as always. 

We'll probably have a group Q&A happen and I am still trying to schedule the AMA with Dick for all of you. I received word that our corp credit card isn't working over in Asia as we had hoped so Dick is in a bit of a pickle. We'll get him straightened out and back on his assignment. Once he does, we'll schedule that AMA and I'll let you all know. 

Thanks again folks for being an absolutely AWESOME group of people, We appreciate each and every one of you! 

Stay safe and give someone you love a little extra while we're still in Mercury Retrograde. It's wearing on many folks and they don't even know it. 





I am a Veteran, served 3+ years in Iraq (2003,2005, 2007), glad I served, I see things a bit differently now. I love your content, I definitely feel that you guys are on to some serious happenings in the world. Have a wonderful day! :)


We thank you very much not only today but everyday. We are very fortunate to associate with such a great group. We all make the difference in our own way Str8. Thanks to you and have an awesome week! Edd@HQ.


I am a 74 year old Vietnam Veteran who enjoys your viewing. I hope to find a cryptocurrency that will allow me to provide a financial future for my three Grandsons, two of which are in the Marine Corps and one who shall be inducted this forthcoming February. This economy may be great but not for everyone.


Thank you for the schedule. Looking forward to the weekly agenda.


I’ve just seen Dick talking about the ‘xxxxing painful but good!’ Thai massage he received - I assume in Bangkok. In my opinion the southern style is great but brutal, which is great if you are young but taxing as you get older. Tell him to go up north eg to Chiangmai and get the northern Thai yoga massage. It’s even better. You are basically pampered like a baby and gently placed indifferent positions for 1-2hrs whilst massaged and opening the different chi channels in your body. Lovely stuff and you won’t feel bruised the next day! Sitting here in gloomy UK is making me jealous! Enjoy Dick :)


Hello dear Erich, thank you for being here with us and sharing your lines. Warm greetings, Rose


Thanks for the schedule. I like this format. 👍


I like to ask a question, but first the background; so, Dames said that the Chinese had great remote Reviewers and they were on the verge or possibly had the power to alter future. In my opinion it feels like Dick is on the next step with him saying with recent viewing that he feels like he is there at that Time he is viewing. Now, Does Dick feel he can put his will on the viewing he is in and help manifest his thoughts on a new future? Also Weird question: Has Dick ever met a council of beings meeting and voting and did the Human Race have any Representatives?


Good question. Author Peter Levenda wrote about the nine who channeled information in the 1950s. Is this maybe the council you are referring to?


Thank you, HQ. That is very interesting about Dick. I never knew that . Does he and/or the rest of the remote reviewers have guidance from being blocked as Dr. Brown has mention ? Plus, with the patron being created is it to help change or guide us through this matrix?


Dan, that's quite a plate full of questions! Blocks, distractions and cloaks are possible and can be recognized by seasoned RV. Edwards specialty is cutting through these kind of obstacles like a hot knife through butter. Dick ended up on the bridge of a space ship once and was kicked back out of session by the alien captain. CV's goal is to help you navigate thhrough possible reefs and away from the pirates... Greetings HQ


Thank you, sorry for being pain just always been excited by remote viewing from Swann... but thank you


Dan, I would recommend reading some of Courtney Brown's books - Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorer, etc. (last I had checked he was offering them free for reading online). He was also 'blocked' by Reptilians while trying to view them on their ship. Older material, but interesting nonetheless


Thank You.