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To all our faithful subscribers, here's a really interesting target which Dick and Daz did on the evolving cryptocurrency market. Dick mentioned in his Youtube video that he started to "view" things during a deep meditative state during a massage. Dick and Daz expanded their look into the secret world of how the new digital system is shaping up. There are many tidbits and clues as to how this is all developing, so enjoy the July CryptoViewing WooWoo target and let us k now what you think! 

There are more targets in the que for this month, the next will most definitely be when the current change in crypto sentiment will be. I will be taking that out and have more details as soon as we get back the session data. 

We are also in communication with Uncle Clif and working on a few interesting things. Dick and Clif will have a nice long chat for our Founders and Visionary subscribers probably in a week or so. Stay tuned for more details! 

And as always, thank you for your continued support of this project. We are bringing information you can't get anywhere else. 

So stay tuned! More to come...


(No title)



Can't help but think this exchange union is another tool to be used by the market manipulators. Can't decentralized exchanges eliminate the "need" for this EU?


Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin Blasts Centralized Crypto Exchanges: ‘I Hope They Burn in Hell’


The seal .... possibly Skull and Bones (Secret Society)? Members : John Kerry, Bush Family, Etc... One of the four horses has weighing scales... finances. The old system of currency cannot be taken down without a new system to take it's place without total anarchy.


Skull-crossbones symbol ???


very good job guys.....


Interesting. I've heard theories about the bitcoin mining network being used for a super AI computer in or from the future. That strange bitcoin hash that recently occurred - 00000000000000000021e800c1e8df51b22c1588e5a624bea17e9faa34b2dc4a kind of goes along with that theory. Is it a message from the future for example?


Dick, do you think that was the Vatican Seal you saw for the embossed emlem on the secret whitepaper leather-bound book? The papal hat on the top could be construed as a "beehive" if given only a glimpse of it. Just a thought.


The seal looks very like the 'poste vaticane' one shown at 46:23mins. Amazing viewing from Dick and Daz!


Wow, E.T. is creator of 'open' blockchain' and controlling our world. Somehow it does not sound that cryptocurrency will bring us the freedom of humanity. Maybe because we are still early in to crypto, we have the change to create wealth and freedom that way. It's somehow planned and controlled from the high levels, as it has always been.


Why wasn't the target done blind?


Yes! This is what you guys excel in and what makes this channel special and different. The last two woo-woo videos have made my subscription so far totally worth it. Please do give more details about the ETs and the Illuminati and any corroborators and their plans!


Wow!! This session is so fascinating! Quantum entanglement, E.T, blockchain!! Amazing.


Can someone summarize key points, I’m getting buffering & couldn’t ever play end. My internet connection is poor


scrinium appears to be a real thing: <a href="https://www.scrinium.ai/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.scrinium.ai/</a>


The description of the horses and old building reminds me of Venice, St Marks basilica.


Look at this www.scrinium.ai


This will blow you away... check out scrinium.org . The first image that popped up for me was the book Dick drew and opulence Dick was describing.... thumbs up if you agree. Please also feel free to reply below! This book is the Secret of Marco Polo's Will.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVvx4IjWaWQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVvx4IjWaWQ</a><br><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbHW7nX46nA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbHW7nX46nA</a> <br> ... note the symbol


Venger comes from old French and can be considered either avenge or Avenger.


If someone invented a quantum entanglement phone! Thats most definitly wo wo shit. Oh my lord. The experiment on the Canary islands is only getting one or two entangled particles to converse. It's shocking what the black world has when the best particle physicists on earth cannot even come close.


Its like the secret movie, i guess the plot thickens. Is this related to clifs Jump out into space “financially “? If humanity jumps off planet in the 2020s is that equivalent to the 4 horseman? If the fallen angels are simply advanced beings who came to earth?


Remote view the "ETs" carefully. Yes, they have tremendous technology, way beyond ours. Seek to remote view Who and What they are. It is what it is.


The advanced beings Are the fallen angels. They want man to believe that they are ETs from outer space. It's a deception. Oh they're very real, and they have great technology, much of which they share with us. But who and what they are is the deception. Don't be fooled.


If these ARE the same people Dick saw planning 911 I doubt if they have anything good planned for us.


Let's all hope that Q anon can taken these people out before they take all of us out.


If regulators require this exchange union in the near future, then we will know what they remote viewed. Can we petition this abomination somehow?


And this www.scrinium.org better see this www.instagram.com/scrinivm


I guess you gotta trust your peceptions as they say in RV. I was getting Rutherford or something starting with RU when Dick was saying can i get a name. Then micheal says it could be Rothchild. I wasn't even in meditation. It just came to me when dick said can i get a name.


should we be buying "Exchange Union (XUC)" token , and does this look to provide a good return in short-to medium term for CV subscribers?


Definitely this has a dark energy, especially the secret white paper.Over all, the Family (described in the book ,The Robes by Penny Kelly), would like to control the money movement, as they have done for decades. Looks like this might be it, but they are being controlled or collaborated with E.T'S. There must be a counter part to this, and probable that is why monero and others will be good from next year on words


I feel "they" are directing their efforts to the control of all important systems by AI. This would make for an interesting RV topic. They would justify this end by believing the world population and systems are/have reaching a point of size and complexity that necessitates such control automatically and globally. Thus so many of their efforts to homogenize cultures and boundaries. Also, as Michael has identified, the need to prepare these global control systems for any global or regional future catastrophies. This seems apparent. What I do wonder about is what are their beliefs about global catastrophy probablilities and whether they are deluded about their own internal motivations.


In the words of the BIS (link below), this is how crypto's will be attempted to be controlled. With "Gateway" and the Exchange Union (as per latest RV woowoo session), these will provide the foundation capabilities to allow this to be achieved. Watch for approx 4 mins (1:08:00 to 1:12:00): <a href="https://youtu.be/Uyt0-QXLXtA?t=4085" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/Uyt0-QXLXtA?t=4085</a>


thats a great analysis george, thanks for sharing


I believe the team HAVE remote viewed Q-anon, not sure when it will be released though ...


Check this out.. <a href="http://www.scrinium.org/it-it/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.scrinium.org/it-it/</a> as they are using an image on top spelt scrinivm just as dick wrote on board. "Unlocking historical truths" is under the word. If you let the images scroll you will see the most beautiful leather contract as Dick was explaining. There is also an ICO called scrinium. <a href="https://www.scrinium.ai/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.scrinium.ai/</a> ... The word scrinivm needs further research as it pops up in some fairly weird context, ancient, occult perhaps, vatican... SCRINIVM is a cultural organization dedicated to the promotion and diffusion of the huge cultural and historical heritage conserved by the foremost cultural institutions of the Holy See. The production of most accurate facsimile reproductions of extraordinary works of art and rarest dicuments safely kept in outstanding Vatican repositories helps protect many invaluable treasures from the wear of time and from any risk to their intefrity.


Excellent presentation Dick Rings true with power elites and crypto enslaving man instead of freeing them.


For some reason my previous comment disappeared. Anyways what I said was that it's unclear whether those 'elites' planned crypto/blockchain from the beginning in order to enslave us, or they are responding to this phenomenon and attempt to usurp people's power by setting up yet another 'union' and manipulation mechanism. My gut feeling is it's the latter but I could well be wrong. If they've planned this all along why in the world would they badmouth it by using all of their puppets and propaganda power.


Daz is describing child chains just like the Ardor network.


Whois registry says their website domain (<a href="https://www.exchangeunion.com/)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.exchangeunion.com/)</a> is registered to: HiChina Zhicheng Technology Ltd. A quick search on google shows that this name is a "cover" and connected to a lot of scam sites. Which means these guys don't want to be known and hired a shady team to register that domain. To me, it validates your RV session and tells me to steer clear (completely) of this XUC coin. This article was an interesting read because it mentions the same company name: <a href="https://www.totaldefense.com/security-blog/ransomware-exploits-microsoft-windows-update-center-service" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.totaldefense.com/security-blog/ransomware-exploits-microsoft-windows-update-center-service</a>


scrinium means "case or chest for books or papers"


also a cylindrical container used in ancient Rome to hold papyrus rolls


At 52:20 Michael states that Dick does not read the comments. Dick has often referred to something he read in the comments. I'm confused.


When dick says that he means YouTube comments not from here.


Scrinium website registration in on this site: <a href="http://whois.nic.ai/whois.jsp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://whois.nic.ai/whois.jsp</a>


I think Dick did read the patreon comments until Michael said he does not, If you look at Dick's body languidge he looks like he was reading the comments.


3,005 days old Created on 2010-04-18IP Location Slovakia - Bratislavsky Kraj - Bratislava - Vnet A.s. Registry Registrant ID: Registrant Name: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY Registrant Organization: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY Registrant Street: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY Registrant City: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY Registrant State/Province: BZ Registrant Postal Code: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY Registrant Country: IT Registrant Phone: REDACTED.FORPRIVACY Registrant Phone Ext: Registrant Fax: REDACTED.FORPRIVACY Registrant Fax Ext: Registrant Email: redacted for privacy


I posted somewhat lengthy post early on in this thread. It's gone.


HH, discussed the group of high powered people in the first analysis. Compared them to the 911 group. The group in this session is meeting in a different, much older location and Dick and Daz had the feeling of very old families, clans, inherited traditions .


So, what are the probable implications of this information? If they control the price of crypto's, they might as well discuise the investments by keeping the prices low. Are the prices of all crypto's manipulated by this?


This is just a proposed solution and we'd hope the big exchanges dont fall for the trap. However yes , crypto prices could like anything else be manipulated by large traders. The implementation of future contracts based on cryptos basically ran cryptos up to their high and then the massive fall after in my opinion. If you look at the dates of the lead into future contracts and the point at which they went live , there is a considerable correlation.


1. If the high power people control the go-betweens (structures) between fiat and crypto, they in reality control crypto. If you cant redeem your crypto for real money, then your crypto becomes monopoly money and nobody wants it.


The expression "Four Horsemen of Crypocalypse" and variants of this was used a good bit around dec 17, Jan 18 taking about the immenient collapse of bitcoin... High fees was one for example.. However the four could be the 4 major players who if they came together in some agreement could be enough to cause a mechanism of ultimate control and destruction of the rest..


2. They are also in control of what we will use for money in the future, they control the gates


Hello EVERYONE... if you post and it disappears, it is likely because Patreon, for some reason has deemed your post as spam. If it disappears you have to contact them to have it removed from spam and then you will be good to go. I went through the same thing and hope this helps. This issue somehow is in the email and not the post itself.


I don't believe it's possible that my post could have been construed as spam. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong when I post but after I posted it, it was visible because I was able to re-read it at that time. So, not a glitch in the software, I would rule that out. Hmmmm.... I will try to post things that are more mindless.


All of my posts are disappearing, regardless of what I say. I will not post here again until the administrators can reinstate my posts. I hope someone can read this. I will make it clear on other locations what has happened here.


One solution would be if you can buy lots of things / everything with crypto. You won’t need fiat very often then.


Hello,can you try to do DGB RV ? Lately is very interesting,some saying will be better for usage like LTC.Michelle said will be great.Thanks


the knowledge has been around since at least the 1930's. unfortunately one needs to know where to look. <br><a href="http://www.rexresearch.com/smith/caduceus3.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.rexresearch.com/smith/caduceus3.htm</a>


That is what I wondered. I didn't see a target ID. Crypto Viewing, what say you?


This July WooWoo means those of us in cryptos have something seriously to worry about.


Great session guys. The information seems mostly bad news for hodlers?! Be great to get crypto sentiment, currently just bots trading sideways. Can we do more RV on these families, bilderbergs ...etc. the 1% vs the "resistance" the 99%. Also just found out that quantum video conferencing is already a thing <a href="https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/quantum-encryption-technology-intercontinental-video-conference-worlds-first-scientists-china-a7973696.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/quantum-encryption-technology-intercontinental-video-conference-worlds-first-scientists-china-a7973696.html</a>


I am most definitely not surprised- at all, by Dick’s sense that there is an ET influence here. And all of the people who have been saying “decentralization blah blah blah...” have made no sense to me. And that’s because they believe in text book history and everything they see on TV. Non sense all.


KC- not bad news as far as your Crypto’s going up in value is concerned.


There is a scrinium crypto. I googled it. I'm still very confused since there so much information here to digest. I'm spending most of my time meditating and practicing a few rv targets. If anyone finds out were to buy it let us know please.


The Exchange Union according to their white paper and website is a Open source, Decentralized, Trustless second layer exchange on top of existing exchanges that will employ atomic swaps and payment channels (what Daz saw). Basically, they are trying to increase liquidity and trading pairs. It will find you the best price for what coin you want from exchanges that are connected to it so you need just 1 account with their Decentralized Open Source exchange that connects Centralized exchanges instead of all the exchanges. They wont set prices and are not market makers. Michael guy does not know what he is talking about. Did he even read the white paper? Kyber Network is working on similar. Arbitrade does same thing so you need account with just them instead of all the exchanges but Arbitrades goal is not liquidity, it is to make you money with Arbitrage. Michael needs to read more. He is consistently wrong. The BAT guy from Mozilla , Java Script and Brave browser etc. is advisor with Exchange Union. Anyways, EX Union does not claim to be market makers and set prices and are not the only ones working in liquidity issue.


Decentralized means no choke point of control. Trustless means you dont have to trust anyone or a central control. Open source means anyone can look at the code and see what is going on and create it themselves. Like Linux.


The participating exchanges have to utilize the Ex U nodes? In regards to nodes DA saw?


Ok, sorry, but RV'ers saw meeting as highest tech secure and high powered and protected in terms of security but that does not mean secret. Adding secret, old families, and all YOUR old school perceptions and fears to what could be a new disruption thing is something to be aware of and we all have dark sides that could be picked up were we to be RV'd unawares lol. Unless they say something like "omg I see something like this guy doing a 12 Monkeys virus release!" then I'm not putting too much on ruthless or dark aspects picked up. He could be using his capability for ruthlessness, which we all have, to channel into his projects. If I buy BTC with cash from ATM and store offline then it is decentralized in my control. If I join a centralized exchange and connect my bank and transfer my fiat and keep my btc in that exchange then its centralized. It IS in your control.


Just to let folks know, I was able to get my posts reinstated by the Patreon support after emailing them. They said the post was marked as spam by their third party provider. So... no conspiracy here! I still wonder if it's an automated spam filter or human but no worries.


Dick, Absolutely amazing work! Interesting how ET keeps coming up.


A crest with somethings crossed (not swords) and something like a beehive above. Hmmm. What about this? <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders,_decorations,_and_medals_of_the_Holy_See" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders,_decorations,_and_medals_of_the_Holy_See</a>#/media/File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_Vatican_City.svg


Very interesting. Just goes to show you that evil is intelligent - more than we can imagine.


Yes, the Holy See definitely fits. So is the Vatican at the top of the pyramid, since their seal is on the cover?


Quantum Skype: <a href="http://science.sciencemag.org/content/356/6343/1140" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://science.sciencemag.org/content/356/6343/1140</a> Scrinium / scrinivm is Latin for 'archived'. Something about ‘International Conference about the new maritime silk route (documents connected to the Vatican): <a href="http://www.scrinium.org/it-it/Eventi/il-testamento-di-marco-polo-alla-conferenza-internazionale-sulla-nuova-via-della-seta-marittima." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.scrinium.org/it-it/Eventi/il-testamento-di-marco-polo-alla-conferenza-internazionale-sulla-nuova-via-della-seta-marittima.</a> Operation Fortitude (not ‘Able’ Fortitude), was the code name for a World War II military deception employed by the Allied nations as part of an overall deception strategy during the build-up to the 1944 Normandy landings. Fortitude was divided into two sub-plans, North and South, with the aim of misleading the German high command as to the location of the invasion. Could this mean a deception concerning the new silk road and the true intentions (Four Horseman, also containing crop failure like the white horse etc.)?


Exemplaria praetiosa is also in fine leather


There's a hint vatican owns cryptos and alien documents


Thank u this session has been very interesting just enlightened my insights


This hints of the thoughts many have voiced concerning the future of cryptos. WOW, this session is turning out to be amazing.


Scrinium: Used in Laten meaning bookcase, chest, or a container used in ancient Rome to hold papyrus rolls.


That Looked like the XRP Token to me.


Fantastically interesting for me. I have seen the Electrically Protected Buildings of Rome in Video's or NewsClips. The description of NHE's and Rome just sent me mental images of a Contract/Treaty made by the Leaders of our Planet with the ruling Government in our Solar System, Saturn. Dick mentioned a Coin with X, I believe that to be XRP. Lot's of people might think the Rothschilds are Evil but I got the sense from this that they are just doing their day jobs just like the rest of us. The Contracts being talked about are old, very old. It's quite possible that the Scrinium contents has Treaty Documents going back Millions of Years. The Descriptions of the Computers are along the lines of describing a type of Plant. They are alive and have DNA, but not really a consciousness. Daz is describing an Optical-Fibre Computing Network. The NHE's are there to supervise the process. The Four Horseman are White: Western, Red:China/Russia, Black:Africa, and Pale:South-America.


I think that the Archived Documents related to the Treaty of Capture for the Souls of Earth. This would be a very old Document, perhaps over 1-Billion years old.


The blocks daz described could be the blocks used to generate energy i just read sth somewhere like stonhenges <a href="https://medium.com/@mattcondon/bitcoin-was-given-to-us-by-aliens-and-were-a-node-in-a-universal-proof-of-stake-blockchain-e0f5b3ab0cc5" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://medium.com/@mattcondon/bitcoin-was-given-to-us-by-aliens-and-were-a-node-in-a-universal-proof-of-stake-blockchain-e0f5b3ab0cc5</a>


The definitions of StoneHenge given to us by Authorities aren't really logical. In Malta there are remains of similar structures to StoneHenge but in better condition : <a href="http://humanpast.net/shelter/separated/europeshelter.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://humanpast.net/shelter/separated/europeshelter.htm</a> These really look like Rocket Launch platforms. That is a lot of effort to go to just to keep sheep and goats in. Lot's of Technology that we have has come from 'Space', projected in via Telepathy to help us.


I just looked up the 'Reserve Bank of Australia', Their logo has the face of an Alien : <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserve_Bank_of_Australia" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserve_Bank_of_Australia</a>


Can confirm having run into the ETs myself when followed the trail on financial speculation related to forex in an altered state.


This is a serious concern. We have the "Exchange Union", that is setting itself up to be a modern day, Federal Reserve for Bitcoin &amp; other Digital currencies. "Exchange Union", is outwardly, "Open Source", in it's intention. but underneath, is shrouded in secrecy and secret agreements. This does not bode well for transparency and Blockchain public accountability. Any organisation, like this which could potentially exert a very serious amount of control over the, Blockchain, should be transparent and publicly accountable. This is precisely the opposite and that is a worry...


Carl, thank you for your thoughts and your contribution. Today in 2020, the exchange union is multi facetted and not a single entity any more. Have a closer look on the Linux foundation and their projects. The 1000 largest corporations are involved in building the DeFi Network that soon will reflect all aspects of your life. The young folks that think they contribute to transparency and open source, in fact are building the next prison as we communicate. The exchange union will be the big data autohrity in the shadows. It is the new spider that will contol and feed off this web(the world wide web). Greetings from HQ