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Good evening to all of our patrons. So I've seen the messages coming fast and furious on the boards. I'm going to address as many comments here in this post as possible. So we've had a crazy June in both market cap and results. We are discussing the data and looking for ways to improve results for our subscribers. 

Current Targets:

We did several targets and had to go back to the drawing board with more than a few of the sessions. I spent the weekend with Rock and we went over the targets and tasks for further clarification and how we can improve. 

Daz is cued up for JULY with his own team and targeter for a new set of results and perspective. We are testing multiple avenues to ensure we have covered several approaches to produce the most accurate results.  

  • WooWoo TARGET - Kim Jong Un   - TARGET COMPLETED 
  • Zilliqua - ZIL - TBD
  • TheKEY - TKY  - TBD 
  • Hydrogen - HYDRO  - TBD 
  • Storm - STORM - TBD 

Dick's sessions were off. That's the only way to explain it. He had crossed the target with other data and was not on target. As a matter of fact he was viewing my travels over the last few weeks. His sessions depicted me in North Carolina and Pittsburgh. I'm not sure why this happened but that's what he came out of the sessions with when he did them. I had issues the targets prior to traveling but when he did them, he got me in my travels and NOT any of the target data. 

In part, this has set us back on our deliverables for June. 

So we're back to Daz's data which was on point and passionately discussed in the forum.  

While Dick is in San Jose, he is trying to meet with the THETA team which should be a very interesting update. We will see if his session clarity is increased if he has the opportunity to get in front of them. Stay tuned for more details on that. 

The list of coins is for HODLers. Please keep in mind long term. This is not a churn n burn. The market has retracted somewhat, we all know this. Based on this, our absolute next target is the time when the sentiment will change. When the market will rally. I spoke at length with Dick, Daz and Rock and we all feel that same as you all, this is most important right now. All other crypto targets will be put on back burner after the JULY top events is done within the next few days. Then we will get back to a normally scheduled crypto targets. 

I'm shooting to have the next CV live stream on either JULY 12 or 19th. Depending on everyone's schedules. Stay tuned. 

I  know this hasn't been the ideal month with the retraction of the crypto market but after my visit with Rock and talking with the team, the next set of events are going to be world changing. We are on the cusp of great transformation of our world and we are going to visit more interesting targets like QANON for the month of JULY. 

Again, I would sincerely thank all of you for your continued support to our project. We are making great gains with Daz's new team in the UK and with our new crypto contact we will also have token give aways coming in the next few months for all our loyal subscribers. 

I will post the VERI results as soon as the session are back in. Hopefully before the weekend is over. 







Thanks and I KNOW shit happens :) I really look forward to all of your posts!!


Thanks for the updates :) I understood from the beginning that this was entirely experimental and that you guys were winging it and trying to figure out the best way to do this kind of stuff. No worries from here. Even the failed experiments are interesting. It will be interesting to see where this project ends up being about this time next year.


Okay listen I might have an idea here to make this simpler as in Sharon Michels way with her husband the captain try something along those lines where she gives a yes or no answer to this hidden question question


on on one of Sharon's and captains videos they gave the public a chance to fill the gut reaction to whether it was a yes or no and it seems to work pretty good


For instance your Michael writes down on a piece of paper the word digitbyte, then writes the question underneath it , Will digibyte reach $10.00 on dec.21,2018 .? . Then Michael asks dick if the answer is yes or no without dick knowing the question


I am hoping you complete the deliverables b the end of the month




If I want 2 no if the market is going up or down tomorrow I give an intent before I go 2 sleep and in the morning the last dream if I am reaching up then the market is going up and if I reach down in my dream then the market is going down .


No John that is not what everyone wants to know. i prefer to know about RDD and digi in July.


Hello guys. You are good and we know this. DGB will be good too ,I agree. Also Michelle spoke about Dubai coin in last update. Can this coin have some bigger future especially in Middle East region ? It is not on many exchanges yet. Just not pressure,do it with fun -:))) You are good,you are and thaks for your work


Thanks for the great work guys. Can’t wait for your next posts!!!


Thanks guys...I’m definitely interested in the Qanon results! Digi is also my top.


Qanon work sounds really interesting 👍


thanks!! ALL info is relevant!


Hi team, your workloads must be tons more than our imagination, appreciate a lot!


Fair enough. Don't take this as being negative but a HODL strategy is to buy low and sell high. We didn't get any low-marker postings by any of the Remote Viewers for the Low days so RV as a strategy to support HODL completely wasn't possible. Knowing the Low Points are vital to HODL, they were published by Farsight Institute according to jsnip4. As a whole, all the Remote Viewers have tried hard. The Kim Jong-Un story was worth the subscription price but it cost me heavily on my crypto portfolio which really went down. My comments may be a bit analytical sometimes but I'm trying to keep them real. I think the June lows were cycle lows and we missed them entirely. With a paying Subscriber base, I think you need to focus on taking more care to get accurate results for the coming month and not just trying to drag people into buying all the time. That's what the Elites do - just drag people in to lose money. It would have been great to have have the low buying days and not having them cost me quite a lot this month. As a totally constructive suggestion, surely you guys should have a good claim to be able to Purchase Farsight Institutes High Level Data Price Prediction data from Courtney Brown as a Wholesaler would and then resell it to your Subscribers here to add to the value that you guys provide. It could be massaged and enhanced in a way that Subscribers might like. That would be a really easy way to improve credibility and improve Customer Satisfaction. Thanks Ed for the update.


I like the idea of focussing on when sentiment will change. These past 6 months have been hell for many people...especially the new HODLrs who probably bought quite high, and it doesn't help that a few YouTubers irresponsibly and incessantly, rally everyone to buy buy buy everyday as the knife is falling and pockets are being emptied. The charts show a bottoming, Far Sight says $47 or so could be the low (worst case) for LTC and TA says $50. We are all very close to being correct....I think. We won't know until its over and we've begun a new uptrend. The point is, that until you have determined an accurate RV formula/strategy to see the highs and lows within a timeframe, the change in sentiment analysis would be invaluable information! And, I think Michael's information is priceless!


Regarding Farsight ... Courtney and his team uses 3x RV'ers, each doing 6x sessions per month, focusing on only 1x crypto per month. They limit the time-frame to the "next 90days". Courtney argues looking further ahead impacts the probabilities ie. the alignment of RV data obtained vs actuals. This is all under-pinned by the multiple universe / timeline theory. Personally I think he is 100% correct. So far they have looked at Bitcoin and Litecoin. All 3x RV'ers focus on the low price initially, then all 3x RV'ers focus on the high price. Courtney then averages the results for the low & high prices. Courtney does not use ARV when targeting, but std blind RV methods are employed when viewing ie. CRV / SRV etc. I regard Courtney's novel targeting method as a major step forward in overcoming the issues associated with ARV ie. removing the need for entanglement / logical cognition, it is based on pure perception, exactly how RV should be done. At a high level, he employs: view time->task time->target time. A proven technique.


Dick you called it with the arrest!! <a href="http://www.globalcryptopress.com/2018/06/homeland-security-arrests-35-people.html?m=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.globalcryptopress.com/2018/06/homeland-security-arrests-35-people.html?m=1</a>


Thank you Om, when you love what you do it's not work :) We are working very dilligently to improve on our results every day. Thank you for your generous support.


We are working very diligently to improve on our results every day. Thank you for your generous support.


Dick, please add KMD coin to your list. I just bought some based on the subtle energy work that I do. This reddit post confirms my findings: <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/komodoplatform/comments/7q8bcd/kmd_komodo_is_a_1500_usd_coin/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/komodoplatform/comments/7q8bcd/kmd_komodo_is_a_1500_usd_coin/</a>


BTC analysis for the next 3 months ? Is it asking for much


May I ask that you set your price target dates to the last Friday of each quarter? Like some of your subscribers reading this, I trade futures contracts and these contracts expire on the last Fridays of the quarter (next one is 28 Sept, then 28 Dec). If you could set your price targets for these days rather than the middle of Sept and Christmas Eve like you have for some of your predictions, I would be very appreciative. The price estimates you're offering add further firepower to the cryptos futures market since there is leverage factored into the returns. It's something for you to consider. Thank you for listening! Keep up the great work.


Hi David, Have you looked at the Tron charts? have a look what happens to that on the last day of the month and the first day of the next. :-) Everything in Finance works on cycles. Randomly picking days from shared Conciousness isn't how the big Finance make money. They know what is upcoming.


Whether I do or don't believe Michael is not really relevant in my opinion, even if he turns out to be a complete charlatan. The combination of his and many other perspectives help to form an overall picture of what is going on in the world. Michael's perspective which does 'sound' somewhat informed matches much of what I already know and adds a few new little tidbits. Michael (and team) I appreciate your insight, perhaps you can drop a few extra bread crumbs here and there to further research?


Perhaps you could RV the mood at the big crypto conference in Vegas in October. The CEO of Civic (CVC) and the famous and infamous Brock Pierce, who has been behind so much of the crypto world, will be speakers. Or take some well-known "Bitcoin maximalist" who holds almost all his net worth in BTC and find his mood a few months from now.


I am very excited about the QANON Target :D and thank you so much for all your great work.


Thanks all for your great comments. I will set the next targets as David has suggested. The 28th of the months. We've pushed the viewers really hard over the month and as you can see sometimes it is not perfect. We are honing the process to get the most important stats for all our subscribers. As you can see there are MANY data points to view so we can't get everything in. As always, we thank you for your continued support of the team and our project! More great sessions to come so stay tuned!


RV on Bitcoin or Ethereum, is it to ask to much ?


Could you have a look at Metaverse ETP please? Very solid and severely undervalued. On the move, more than 50% increase last few days!


I posted a comment in the Community section but wanted To post here to stimulate more discussion. I was wondering if there was any interest in targeting stocks in block chain technology companies or even ETF’s like KOINor BLOK