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Hello Adventurers! I’ve finally finished off the Mummy Lord’s Tomb, I’ve kept the mummy themes fairly light so it can be used in most settings and cultures. The different chambers very roughly fit with the rooms of a pharaoh's tomb, but with some twists. There is a burial chamber and a treasury, but I also added a place to bathe the bodies and a preparation room with a table to ‘dress’ the body for mummification.

Next Map

As I mentioned in my last post, January was mainly me being ill, I’m mostly recovered now so hopefully, February will be all steam ahead on the next map projects! I got lots of fun ideas from you all in the comments of my last post, so I’ll be adding many of those to the list of maps I’ll be making over the coming weeks. I’ve already started on the Ancient King’s Burial Mound (with interior), once that's done I’ll move on to the Lava Tubes.

  • Ancient King’s Burial Mound (with interior)
    Some of you may remember I did a group of Burial Mounds a couple of years ago. I always wanted to make one that has an interior as well.
  • Lava Tubes with Chamber (with some fun elements)
    I imagine it will have smoking vents, glowing walls and probably a chamber with some fun elements to complicate any combat encounter :)
  • Castle Dungeon
    Sometimes you just need to lock up your party in a dark dank dungeon. This should have lots of utility, and as with many of my maps, I’ll do a bit of research to add some historical elements into the mix.

Thanks for your patience this month, with the U-turn WotC made last week I’m feeling much more hopeful about the hobby, which means I’m in a better mental place for creating cool stuff! Roll on February! Thank you for your support, please continue suggesting map ideas, have a great week and as always happy adventuring!

You can find the downloads on the Map List page. If you are a Patron you can use the links to download the map zip files. If you are not a Patron you'll need to sign up to get access!

Map Descriptions


The weathered stone steps lead up to a dark crumbling entrance, on either side are two huge stone pillars carved with glyphs, their bases decorated with leaves. Flecks of paint cling to the stonework, faded by time and scoured by wind-blown sand. Beyond the pillars are sandstone walls, in places whole sections have collapsed, sand/earth flowing into the shadowy interior.

Guard Burial Chamber

On either side of the chamber are alcoves set into the walls. Six stone coffins, in varying states of ruin, stand in each alcove. The floor is inlaid with a golden leaf motif, covered by sand and stone dust. At the end of the chamber are wooden shelves filled with ceramic pots, many of which are cracked or completely smashed.

Bathing Chamber

You begin to hear the sound of running water as you make your way along the corridor. As you turn into the room you see steps leading up to a large pool with crystal-clear water. Water flows from three basins attached to the far wall. The shelves along the walls hold cloth wrappings, along with jars of what appear to be incense and oils.

Preparation Chamber

This room's main feature is a long stone table, simply carved with a central groove. Brass boxes, urns, scrolls and what look like surgical instruments fill the room's cupboards and shelves.

Main Burial Chamber

Steps lead down into a columned chamber, along each wall are more alcoves filled with coffins. The air is stale and musty, and the room amplifies any sound you make, echoing off its high ceiling. At the chamber's far end are steps leading up to a platform. A huge stone sarcophagus sits on the platform, its sides adorned with ornate metalwork. On its lid are runes etched into a thick brass plate.

Notes and Tips

  • 30x45 Grid Map
  • Each room can have its own encounter, not all have to be combat, but the potential for danger should always be on the mind of your players in a place like this. Making them feel uneasy will add to the fun! Describe:
    • Skittering beetles running from the light of their touches
    • The wind gusts through the tomb, creating a moaning sound that seems to go on for just a little too long.
    • Shifting walls, ready to collapse.
    • The sound of echoing footsteps, is it just an echo?
    • Desiccated bones with gnaw marks on them.
    • A smell of decay that comes and goes.
  • The undead creature that resides in this tomb protects itself by creating lesser undead and using them as guards. Some are ancient servants, others are newer victims. It prepares the bodies in the bathing and preparation chambers, wraps them in ceremonial bandages and performs a ritual to transform them into undead.
  • In the lower chambers is a room with a single lamp sitting on a table. It should be obvious this is a Djinn Lamp to the party. The Djinni could have been imprisoned by the Mummy and freeing him will result in a reward. However, this very much depends on how the party treats the Djinni, as they are very prideful beings and do not take kindly to being disrespected.
  • The lamp is a trap for unwary adventurers. There is a water elemental trapped in the lamp, it uses the water in the jars around the room to heal itself as it attacks the party. Smashing the jars removes this ability.
  • A group of zealots reside within the tomb, they sleep in the coffins and tend the sarcophagus, waiting for their lord to rise once again. They are performing some kind of ritual to bring him back to ‘unlife’ and the party must stop them.
  • Have snakes or flesh-eating beetles drop from holes in the ceiling and walls onto the players. Or have them live within the coffins. That bit in The Mummy movies always creeped me out!


Day/Night/Lit versions of all the maps

A forest version for a more general Crypt encounter.

And a snowy version for when your party is fighting knockoff white walkers!


Replace the Lamp or the Sarcophagus with a chest/ark!




Hi, are the chest/ark assets available to download.


Glad you are on the mend.

Evan TM

Glad to see you're back and very excited for the new map! You released it on my birthday! What a gift!


Great Map and great professionalism in providing us the monthly map regardless you have been poorly recently. Amazing. Also super glad you will be working on more castle rooms. Love it ❤️

Evan TM

Just ran an awesome one-shot totally inspired by this map. I really, really enjoy your maps of about this size than can contain an entire adventure, especially when they are non-linear. Keep up the good work, I'm really looking forward to that castle dungeon for some classic stuff!