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Hello Adventurers! I wanted to put out a quick update on where I’m at with map releases and some of the drama related to DnD and the Open Gaming License.

Map Update

First off, I’ve been ill for the last three weeks, which really sucks and has completely messed up my work schedule for January. I was hoping to catch up in the last week or so, but although I’m close to releasing my Mummy Lord’s Lair map, I can’t see how I’ll manage to finish the Ancient King’s Burial Mound before the end of the month. I can only apologize and promise to work on getting you both maps as soon as humanly possible.

If you have map theme suggestions for the new year, I’d love to hear them. I’ve got some ideas already, but I’m always open to suggestions from you lovely people. Again, apologies for the delay and thank you for your support <3

DnD and the Open Gaming License

The last month or so has been rough for TableTop RPG creators. If you have yet to hear about what's been going on I would recommend searching “OGL explained” on YouTube. There are dozens of explainer videos from talented creators like Dungeon Dudes, The DM Lair and Ginny Di.

It's been mentally draining and honestly a little scary. The chaos triggered by Wizards of the Coast announcing they want to ‘deauthorize’ and update their Open Gaming License has been rather epic. The leaked ‘drafts’ were extremely bad for creators and although there have now been updated drafts released for review, they are still far from ideal.

I still love DnD the game, however, I’ve lost any trust I had in WotC. Going forward I’ll not be signal-boosting DnD as a brand or mentioning it directly in future posts. I’m fairly lucky, my maps are (for the most part) not DnD specific. You’ll see very little difference from my content. You’ll still get the maps, the alternatives and the notes, I’ll just be careful to be more system neutral in the future.

I’ve signed the #OpenDnD letter along with thousands of other creators and players. I will support the Open RPG Creative License or ORC from Paizo. And I’ll support my fellow creators when and where I can. That's really all I can do and I hope you will do the same. I want to thank you all for your support and hopefully, all this drama will die down soon. Have a wonderful rest of the week and as always happy adventuring!


Greg Morrow

Get well. We can wait for maps, especially ones which are as good as yours. As for themes, five-room dungeons are always immediately useful. But I'd love to see something like the old Maps of Mystery by Christopher West from Dungeon magazine, especially "Dungeon's Delve". You could do a reduced scale overview, and then drill into to specific areas for battlemaps.


Hope you get well soon! No worries about the maps, you keep to a pace that works for you. Whatever you put out we all know it will be another banger. One thing that I would really like to see in the future is asset packs. Buildings, wilderness, clutter, you name it. I would subscribe to a higher tier if it meant that it would happen.


Thanks Greg :) Oh and that's a cool idea. I may think about doing a reduced-scale map that links a few of my dungeon maps together :)


I can't promise asset packs Bradley, but I will try to add more useful assets to my releases.


None of your work is system-specific. The rot-grubs can't touch you. I'll just use your excellent work with other game systems.


Hope you feel better soon.


Suggestions: an open-tiered mine. A flooded vineyard. An open lava tube w/wo lava.


Mmm, the open mine is a good one, a vineyard with flooded variant would suit my style for sure and the lava tube would be super useful and look cool! Thanks bud! All great ideas :D


They've gone mad with greed, hopefully, they'll see the light ...


We run a DND stream on Twitch and are in the process of porting our whole thing to Pathfinder because of it. We often use your maps (and credit you!) on it, so very glad you'll still be making them! &lt;3


Really hoping you feel better soon, coming across your patreon was amazing for my tabletop sessions. The OGL has my group looking into other systems, namely Pathfinder and Pendragon, and your maps work well for both. As for potential maps, something like two cliffs connected by a rope bridge or some stone pillars would be neat and not something I think you've done here yet.


That's awesome Sparabel, Pathfinder looks interesting :) And thanks for the Shout out, always appreciated (but not required) :D


Thanks and glad you find them useful Basilisk :) I do have a rope bridge over a chasm, take a look at my Map list post. However travel encounters are always useful, so I'm sure I'll be creating more mountainous maps soon :D


The standard answer would be "2e Pathfinder", but while I think 2e character generation is excellent, the combat is much, much too crunchy for my table of 7 (pity me!). I'm looking into 5e-derivatives like those being worked upon by Enworld and others. However, with recent developments, that may or may not be necessary. We shall see!


With Hasbro laying so many off and pressuring WotC to break promises they made before Hasbro bought them (the 9 most powerful Magic cards on the "never to be reprinted" reserve list were reprinted a few months ago), I think Hasbro is looking to sell to a larger entertainment corp like Disney and is trying to appear more profitable in preparation. Don't you want a Harry Potter TTRPG? :P

Luís (Vellum)

I'm a little late to the party, but excited to see where things are going! Personally my theme suggestions are more slice of life stuff, such as farmhouses, restaurants, homesteads, guilds, etc. Stuff that, sure, can be used for an impromptu combat, but is also great for just that fun, laid back roleplaying aspect.


I really love creating slice-of-life style maps, as you may have noticed. A restaurant is a great idea and another Patron just suggested the same, so I think that's likely going on the list soon!