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I thought I'd make a "rock hard" joke, but I'll spare you this time.
Only this time...

Honestly, as of today I think this is the best Goron I've ever drawn. He looks so friendly and handsome, and... okay, fine, it's the belly. You've got me.

This one also has a little bonus portrait - one with more body hair! I admit I'm not entirely sold on body hair for Gorons, but this looks decent enough... What do you think?
Also, I should mention: Those "Hero Tunic" pictures are just me messing around and trying stuff! But who knows...

Extra lore~

It's not well understood where exactly Gorons come from, even to them! They're a rather oblivious kind - new Gorons just seem to turn up from nowhere, completely lost as though they had amnesia.
There's several theories that try to explain their origins... Some point to them being magical creatures - spirits that inhabit rocks. Other theories point to Gorons somehow impregnating the earth itself when they... relieve themselves in the most intimate confines of Death Mountain. Then, the mountain itself releases an almost fully-formed Goron, who knows how long after.
What do you think?

What IS known is that Gorons eat special rocks to enlarge their bodies. Being a species with rather few needs and desires, most Gorons will just loaf around and wander in the mountains alone, humming to themselves. They do enjoy talking and relaxing - sometimes even cuddling - usually while lounging in hot spring water (which helps keep their rocky skin smooth).

Some Gorons are more sporting, however... They're known to be fierce fighters due to their powerful bodies, and they've made formidable gladiators over the ages.



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