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You've heard all about the gang, but now it's time to ask them whatever's on your mind! Or just... say something at them, and see how they react! Most questions will get a reply, but the best ones may get a drawing alongside them, and those will be made public!

This week's quizzee is Tiptup! Come on up, little guy, and tell us who you are!

Tiptup pauses blankly for a few seconds, until he realises he's supposed to speak up. His face goes a little pale as he walks up to the microphone.

"Gee, uh... H-Hi. Um... Heh... I, I didn't think I'd be speaking..."

"Well, uhh... My name is...
... rather, people call me Tiptup."

"It's... It's a long story.
Maybe, not so long that I can't tell it here, but...
... yeah."


Tiptup looks back, hoping to get more directions. But, he's only getting eager nods of approval, which doesn't help with his nervousness.

"I'm... I'm not always this nervous, hehe...
I just wasn't expecting to talk just like that..."

"So... I guess, ask me anything.
Maybe not, like... too personal things, hheeh..."



Do you like to decorate your shell for occasions?

HolloNut (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-16 12:33:42 T: Um... I don't usually do that... Hehe. My parents and grandparents are into it, especially my grandparents. To me, it's like having to wear a suit and tie, or receiving an ugly sweater on Xmas. If we're wearing formal clothes, I'd rather just wear my regular shell on top, or just not at all, hehe. I'd say the only times I've willingly decorated my shell was... one time when we went to see a baseball game. I had the team's logo painted on it... I was a bit scared when some of the opposite team's fans were giving me looks as if I was a diehard fan that was looking for a fight! I had to take it off... And... The other time was at the pride parade, teehee. I spent all evening on it, but it looked really pretty and colourful after! That one was fun~
2024-07-04 12:30:31 T: "Um... I don't usually do that... Hehe. My parents and grandparents are into it, especially my grandparents. To me, it's like having to wear a suit and tie, or receiving an ugly sweater on Xmas. If we're wearing formal clothes, I'd rather just wear my regular shell on top, or just not at all, hehe. I'd say the only times I've willingly decorated my shell was... one time when we went to see a baseball game. I had the team's logo painted on it... I was a bit scared when some of the opposite team's fans were giving me looks as if I was a diehard fan that was looking for a fight! I had to take it off... And... The other time was at the pride parade, teehee. I spent all evening on it, but it looked really pretty and colourful after! That one was fun~"

T: "Um... I don't usually do that... Hehe. My parents and grandparents are into it, especially my grandparents. To me, it's like having to wear a suit and tie, or receiving an ugly sweater on Xmas. If we're wearing formal clothes, I'd rather just wear my regular shell on top, or just not at all, hehe. I'd say the only times I've willingly decorated my shell was... one time when we went to see a baseball game. I had the team's logo painted on it... I was a bit scared when some of the opposite team's fans were giving me looks as if I was a diehard fan that was looking for a fight! I had to take it off... And... The other time was at the pride parade, teehee. I spent all evening on it, but it looked really pretty and colourful after! That one was fun~"


What's your favorite genre of movie to watch?


T: "Ahh... (Gee, I don't watch a lot of movies.) I'm usually fine with anything, except maybe horror movies. Or, at least the ones with scares! I hate those... and I definitely can't watch them on my own! And... hehe, maybe it's a bummer to say this, but I tend to overthink movies, especially science-fiction. Action movies are too fast for me, also... Gee, I guess that doesn't leave much, huh? I guess I'm more of a book reader, hehe. Oh! But I love Iron Giant... Animated movies like it are so pretty, and they're so timeless too!"