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It's my big boy! In the fluff! He's all geared up and ready for a good time with old friends!

Although he went to school with Kazooie and Conker, Banjo's family live in a relatively remote place. Not just his mom and dad and sister, either - his uncles, cousins, grandparents... bears, all of them! The whole extended family set up their houses around a big lake, and together they make up for half of the village's population.

Historically, mammals in these snowy parts would hibernate during a good part of the winter. They would stock up on food all throughout the fall season, and they'd have a very big feast over several days at the end of December - that feast eventually became the holiday season we know in modern days...

Nowadays, hibernation is much less popular. Better heating technology, changes in culture... Those who still hibernate usually do it for a few weeks in January only. But, Banjo's family is more old-fashioned, and they hibernate up until the end of February. It helps that they live in a very peaceful and communal place.

Of course, Banjo still had to attend school! Imagine a sleepy-eyed Banjo, dragging himself out of bed while his parents are snoring away in their room, grabbing some half-frozen lunch from the pantry and sleep-walking to school by himself. He probably even fell asleep in class!




I gotta say,one of my favorite small things to world-build you've done was calling Banjo 'Ben' sometimes, like Banjo is just his nickname. It's so intimate and makes him seem very tangible. Love seeing stuff like this <3


Yeah! In this universe, everyone's names are actually nicknames they got from summer camp. But, kids got so used to knowing each other by those names that they keep using them, even after so many years. Banjo's actual name is Benjamin. Only his mom calls him Benjamin, though! Everyone else calls him Banjo, or just Ben. And Kazooie's actual name is just Zoe. I will say it's tough figuring out their real names without making it cringy!


There he is ❤❤❤ I see he's got his comfy hibernation clothes in the second pic! The idea of a poor kid needing to go to school while his family is all snoozing the winter weeks away is too precious too. Love that detail. Also loving those tighty whiteys... >_>


They probably have a winter break to let hibernators have some time to get their beauty sleep, but Banjo's parents would take a couple extra weeks... Banjo's mom would probably get up in the morning to make him a sandwich and see him off, and he'd just go straight to bed when he got back home. He'd be discreet about his parents hibernating still since some people might think he's being neglected, but his grades would probably suffer from his sleepiness. And yes, tighty whities are practically the only underwear Banjo's ever worn. He's picky about how they feel!