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One thing that isn't showcased in these drawings is his tattoos - he's got a lot of them, all over his body. Krakens, chains, crowns... Wonder what they mean!

"Do you have tattoos on your butt too? Haha~"
"If yer nice, I'll let'cha find out..."

He's the youngest in a family of six kids. His dad went missing when he was young, leaving his mother to take care of the whole litter, with only occasional help from her sisters. They were basically raised on the streets by strangers - Krunch only ever got to enlist in a summer camp through a series of fortunate incidents.

Although he spent his trip venting his anger at the other kids, he has fond memories of those summers... Even if it felt jarring to be in a more colourful and natural world than the gray, urban world he grew up in, he eventually warmed up to it.

He was always the last one to go home for the weekend. His family was never on time... and they even thought he was supposed to stay there all summer, at first. Drumstick was cool enough to give him a ride home when they took too long. It's a two-hour drive, and he didn't even have his full licence yet! But he wanted to cheer him up, and show him that there's people looking out for him in the world.




You make these characters too attractive. I'm far from a scalie guy but the way you draw Krunch makes it tough to say no. I presume this is a universe that has all species of anthropomorphic animals. Scalies are probably one of the few that could have tattoos, unless their furry counterparts wanted to shave 24/7.


Yeah, mammals, birds and reptiles are anthropomorphic. Reptiles are indeed the main interested parties when it comes to tattoos, and they are the ones who invented it originally! But, there are some mammals and some birds who get tattoos too. Mammals and birds usually just dye their fur and feathers if they want something similar. There are some dyes that alter the root's colour, so it usually persists even after the hair falls out! Most people just use dyes to accentuate their body's natural patterns, like Timber and his stripes.


Ah man, Drumstick is such a good guy... glad Krunch was able to be at the camp at all! Also I'm very interested in seeing every one of his tattoos! I bet a lot of them have really interesting stories with them, and, as with everyone who has tons of tattoos, I bet a bunch are just there for the heck of it!