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"Miss me, hunk? You ain't gotten uglier, that's for sure..."

Little bit of history... Most crocodiles, are originally from the tropics down south, much like apes and monkeys. They have a centuries-old feud going on, so they don't get along very well. Just look at Krunch and Diddy! Even as kids, they knew they were supposed to hate each other.

Some time ago, waves of immigration saw the arrival of Kongs and Krems in northern societies. At first, they were not well-received because the locals were conceited and defensive, and they were confined to poorer boroughs.

Over time, the prejudice against Kongs subsided, and they're now an integral part of society. TV stars, politicians, artists, researchers, activists... The Kong Family has many proud members within it. Of course, you know Donkey Kong, the famous brilliant entrepreneur and regional jack-of-all-trades with the unfortunate name~

Krems, on the other hand, are not so lucky. Reptiles are still victims of prejudice and racial stereotypes. Even though morals have recently changed to favour them, some warm-blooded denizens still think their cold-blooded cousins are ill-suited to live alongside them.




I like Krunch's athletic physique and the backstory of the Kongs and Kremlings. I always imagined he had a difficult upbringing, which gave him a cynical worldview. It also made him aggressive and a bully, thinking that life was about competition and putting others down to rise to the top. However, he eventually grew up, somewhat softened, and now tries to live his life without bothering anyone.


I wouldn't say he's a cynic... Though he does despise the government, that's for sure. Sometimes, someone will lash out at him, to pay him back for all the bullying and beating up he did as a kid. When they do, he puts on tough airs and just takes it until they settle down, but in reality he really does feel hurt. Of course, there's no way he'll actually let that show through...