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Hello folks,

Hopefully you have noticed the fluidity of language in the project. In my research into John Dee I was struck by the way a single word might shift in spelling sometimes within the space of two sentences. 

I seek out odd and interesting spellings of words from actual texts of the time, in part for authenticity, but also to subtly make the writing strange. Forcing the reader to decipher (at least a little) of the English adds a layer of complexity that is a benefit to the project.

Having said all that, there are also typos. This is a frustrating thing for me as I pride myself on the *intentionally* misspelled words. The accidental ones just muddy the water.

So when you see "corpse" spelled three different ways, know I intended that. But when you see "Back N'Kai" instead of "Black N'Kai", well... let's just blame the typesetter back in 1648, okay?

Finally, check out this amazing Tsathoggua mask available from Liv Rainey-Smith. She graciously allowed me to adapt her Tsathoggua sigil for the project. Check out her work here:





Of course, some of the original spelling variations would have come from 'typos' too, so the authenticity is, for me, not diminished. Type setters have been known to miss whole words, completely altering texts. For exhibit a, read the 'Singers' Bible.


I take it you mean the Sinners Bible - "Thou shalt commit adultery."?