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Hello fiends,

I hope everyone is able to take some time today to enjoy the spooky season in whatever manner suits you best. At my house we have opted for a Halloween scavenger hunt in the yard instead of trick or treating. Growing up in rural New England I experienced far more Halloween parties than door-to-door candy raids, so I am happy to bring a little of that magic back into the family tradition.

I hope everyone enjoyed the Elder Sign sticker in the last mailing. I can't express how much your support means to me and I hope to have chances to show my gratitude with some extra goodies here and there.

We are racing toward the end of Book One of the Necronomicon, but what does that mean exactly? On the title page I wrote that the Necronomicon was comprised of Four Books, and then in the introduction I defined the Four Paths. Each book will describe a path through which the Elect may move beyond the human form in service to the Mystery (Great Old Ones, etc.). We have now spent more than 200 pages with the things that lurk and slither 'neath the crust of the Earth, but it is time move on. New wonders and revelations await Abdel and Houda in the watery depths off the coast of Yemen.

As a side note, HPL describes the Necronomicon (in Charles Dexter Ward)  as having at least 7 books, but I addressed that discrepancy in a recent mailing in the form of a margin note. There are many contradictions and redundancies between the various editions of the Necronomicon, as Wilbur Whateley discovered!




Enjoy your Samhain, and make sure you carve some turnips to scare off the Shee!


A number of the symbols and other illustrations so far would be great as stickers, prints, shirts, and other stuff. Have you ever considered a Propping Up the Mythos Redbubble store?