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"The break is now over! Let the fourth round of the Core Formation battles begin!"

Finally, a real challenge! None of those squishy robed weaklings. It’s time to see who the real dual cultivator is around here!

Zack was bouncing on his feet as he waited in the arena for his next opponent. This was it - the battle he had been waiting for.

But Zack looked almost scrawny in comparison when he stood across from the giant of a man that Ashton was.

Despite this, he eyed Ashton hungrily as the White Tiger disciple landed in the arena with a thud that seemed to shake the very earth itself. Zack had to crane his neck back just to meet Ashton's eyes!

"I've had an eye on you even before the tournament started, big guy," Zack declared. "You're the only one here who seems like they can give me a real workout."

Ashton's stoic expression morphed into one of faint surprise.

"You...were watching me?" He blinked slowly. "My apologies, but I do not remember you."

It was true - the White Tiger disciple hadn't paid attention to any of the other battles besides his own. In his mind, none of the other competitors seemed worth his time or effort.

Zack threw his head back and laughed.

"Well, after we're done here today, I guarantee you won't forget me ever again!"

He slammed a fist against his chest.

"So, get those Tiger claws ready, 'cause I'm gonna give you the fight of your life!"

Ashton considered Zack for a moment before dipping his head in acknowledgement.

"You have spirit. I look forward to exchanging techniques."

Elder Fred raised a hand. "Fighters ready? Then...begin!"

In perfect sync, both cultivators shot towards each other like loosed arrows. Zack reared back a crackling fist, Ashton mirroring his motions in reverse. Thunderclap met Earthquake as their knuckles collided.

A visible shockwave of rippling air erupted outwards from the point of impact.

For a brief instant, surprise flashed through Ashton's normally stoic gaze. Though smaller in frame, Zack matched his strength and then some. He had not anticipated the Black Rose disciple possessing such a powerful physique beneath his robes.


"You are...a fellow dual cultivator?"

A wide grin split Zack's face, knowing he had shaken the immovable giant. "Not bad, huh? Bet you weren't expecting another freak like me!" Zack laughed. "While everyone else wastes time on pretty light shows, you and I put in real work!"

He flexed an arm, veins bulging. "Cultivating the body takes serious dedication. No shortcuts, only blood, sweat, and pain!"

Ashton gave a solemn nod. This junior's physical cultivation was clearly exceptional. Strength recognized strength. "Your body refinement exceeds my expectations. However..."

Seamlessly, Ashton flowed into another attack, this time adding an open palm elemental strike alongside his fist.

"...there is more to dual cultivation than simply possessing two arts," he continued. "True mastery lies in synergizing their power as one."

But Zack merely cackled, unfazed. "Is that all you've got? Then let me show you how it's done!"

With a burst of qi, massive wings crackling with electricity unfurled from his back. Flapping the Thunder Wings once, Zack propelled himself backwards right as Ashton's deadly combination neared. The White Tiger disciple's attacks sliced through empty air.

Before Ashton could react, Zack's palm thrust out, a vortex of lightning spiralling within.

"Thunderclap Palm!"

The lightning vortex erupted forward, crashing squarely into Ashton's side. The giant's bulky frame flew through the air, crashing down heavily near the arena's edge. The spectators winced.

But Zack didn't let up for a second, pressing his momentary advantage. Sucking in a deep breath, he let out a roar.

"Dragon Roar of the Thunderous Sky!"

As the cry left Zack's lips, a visible shockwave of sound and electricity surged outwards, tearing across the arena straight at Ashton.

Still struggling to rise, Ashton quickly crossed his arms. But the Thunder Roar smashed into him like a raging tsunami. A groan slipped past Ashton's clenched teeth as the thunder energy wracked his body.

Up in the stands, Astrid frowned, her eyes narrowing. This Black Rose upstart was proving unexpectedly troublesome for her student. His mastery over lightning techniques combined with dual body and spirit cultivation made him a difficult match-up.

Perhaps it was time to change tactics...

"You alive in there, big guy? I'm just getting warmed up!" Zack cocked his head, squinting through the cloud of dust.

In response, an earth-shaking roar echoed from the debris. A massive shape erupted forth, scattering rubble in all directions.

Towering over 15 feet high, a White Tiger now stood in Ashton's place. Muscles rippled beneath its skin as the beast lowered its head, baring its razor-sharp fangs.

"Guess that's a yes!" Zack laughed. Even transformed, the guy was a man of few words. He always respected someone who let their actions speak for themselves.

With a ground-trembling bound, the White Tiger pounced, swiping both paws down towards Zack in a hammer blow. Zack barely leaped aside in time, the crushing force pulverizing the arena floor where he'd stood moments before.

Not letting up, Ashton spun, lashing out with a flick of his powerful tail. Caught off guard, Zack took a direct hit to the chest, the heavy blow launching him halfway across the ring. He tumbled roughly before skidding to a stop in the dirt.

"Ugh, cheap shot," Zack grunted. He really needed to watch that tail. It was already difficult enough to keep track of four deadly limbs!

The tiger reared back its head and unleashed an earth-shaking roar, laced with sonic vibrations.

The arena trembled under the sound assault. Zack clutched his ears in pain, coordination thrown off. Seizing the opening, Ashton pounced forward, claws swiping towards Zack's torso.

Zack barely managed to ignite his lightning wings again and lurch out of the way. But the very tip of one claw still grazed his side, drawing a red line across his robes.

Twisting in mid-air, Zack fired off several Thunderclap Palms in quick succession, forcing the White Tiger back momentarily. But his head was still spinning from the disorienting roar.

Capitalizing on his dazed state, Ashton charged forward again. This time his claws found their mark, smashing Zack out of the air and flattening him against the arena floor.

Pinning Zack under one massive paw, the White Tiger bared its sabre-like fangs, ready to crunch down on his head.

This was bad. I need to pull myself together quick or I’m about to become kitty chow.

"Celestial Lightning Tribulation!"

At the last possible second, thunder rumbled as a blinding lightning bolt crashed down from the sky directly onto Zack.

The electricity coursed through his body, using him as a conduit before blasting upwards into Ashton.

Howling in surprise and pain, the white tiger recoiled from the unexpected counter. Zack crawled to his feet, clothes smoking but otherwise unharmed. He wiped a trickle of blood from his mouth.

"You're one tough bastard, I'll give you that." Zack grinned fiercely. "But playtime's over now. Time to break out the big guns!"

Zack drew his sword and settled into a high guard stance, blade angled back parallel to his shoulder.

"You're pretty tough to put down, I'll give you that." He pointed the sword tip towards the pacing tiger. "But let's see how you handle my Void Piercer technique!"

The tiger's ears flattened back against its skull. Crouching low, it prepared to pounce yet again. But this time, Zack didn't wait for it to attack.

With a slash of his sword, he used Void Piercer to warp space and pierce through the very air itself to strike at his opponent.

Caught by surprise, the white tiger stumbled. It coughed, vomiting a mouthful of blood. The big cat swayed on its feet, not understanding why it was injured despite not seeing an attack. With a final groan, it toppled over face first, reverting fully back to human form as he lost consciousness.

Elder Fred descended, quickly examining Ashton before raising a hand. "Victory to Zack of the Black Rose Sect!"

A stunned silence gripped the crowd for several heartbeats before erupting into excited chatter. How spectacular! What a comeback! The Black Rose disciple's strength and wits were simply too much, even for one of the White Tiger's elites.

Up in the stands, Caelum's eyes had narrowed when Zack unleashed that final sword technique. He knew his junior brother had some skill, but that strike had incorporated profound spatial manipulation - the hallmark of a high-level Heaven ranked technique!

It seems I underestimated just how rapidly Zack's swordsmanship has progressed, Caelum mused. At this rate, he may indeed surpass me in that area in time. The thought gave Caelum pause, though not from jealousy. Only satisfaction that his junior brother was advancing so quickly under their Master's guidance.

Among the other elders, Zack's performance also earned nods of appreciation and murmurs of praise.

Even the Heaven's Light First Elder, Zofia, seemed grudgingly impressed despite her dislike of demonic cultivators.

Beside her, Astrid's jaw tightened, though she held back any obvious outrage at her disciple's defeat. Ashton had lost fair and square. And there was one thing that the White Tiger Sect respected, strength.

"That Black Rose boy is clearly exceptional," she muttered. "His combat instinct and adaptability are commendable. Few can withstand Ashton's onslaught once enraged."

"Such marvellous use of space-based techniques! And at his young age too. Remarkable, truly remarkable," Leontius applauded.

Zofia's lips pressed together in a thin line. That the Black Rose Sect had somehow produced such a monstrous talent was concerning. She would need to re-evaluate their threat level.

"Yes, Zack has grown substantially under my tutelage," Slifer cut in, maintaining his humble facade. "In fact, all my disciples have blossomed beautifully." He waved a hand as if brushing aside praise. "But raw talent requires careful nurturing. They all still have far to go."

Beside him, Vowron said nothing, merely staring down at Zack with an inscrutable gaze. Though his handsome features betrayed no reaction, an intense glint simmered behind his eyes.

Oblivious to the elders' comments, Zack whooped loudly down in the ring, pumping a fist in the air.

"Now that's what I'm talking about! You really made me work for it, big guy."

He stood over Ashton's unconscious body, grinning widely. "I gotta say, that was the best fight I've had in ages. You even forced me to pull out one of my trump cards!"

Zack leaned down and slapped Ashton heartily on one meaty shoulder.

"Rest up and let's have a rematch sometime. I'll show you a few more of my super-secret techniques! Can't have you thinking that sword move was my only trick."

With that, he made his way back up into the Black Rose stands, accepting back slaps and praise from his sect brothers and sisters.

After ordering the medical team to carry the unconscious Ashton away for treatment, Elder Fred raised his voice. "The next match is..."

Just then, Slifer received a spiritual transmission from Morvran.

"Supreme Elder, Kalin and I have discovered something important relating to the Sealed Realm. Please meet us at your quarters when you have a chance."

Though Slifer kept his expression neutral, inwardly his thoughts raced.

What had they found? Sigh, no use speculating. Best to go find out now.

Smoothly excusing himself from the other Elders, Slifer made his way out of the stands. However, as he departed, Slifer noticed Vowron watching him with narrowed eyes.

No matter - dealing with that old vulture could come later. For now, Slifer put the issue from his mind as he headed for his quarters...


Samuel Terrazas

In this chapter the fourth round begins at the beginning and then begins again at the end 😉. Also I forget what chapter it was, but you have "Le" instead of "Let"


Fight scenes are books weakness, but that was fun to read!