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Immediately, Anne's innocent smile shifted into a ruthless smirk. Her hands flashed in an incantation gesture.

"Dancing Lights of Deception!"

A dozen glowing orbs materialized around Hughie, surrounding him in a circle. The orbs began to spin faster and faster, trails of light blurring together until all Hughie could see was a hypnotic kaleidoscope of colours.

He blinked hard, trying to shake off the disorientation. But the moment he opened his eyes, a crushing vertigo slammed into him. The world seemed to flip upside down as the ground vanished from under his feet.

Hughie stumbled, barely catching himself before faceplanting.

"Ugh, not this again!" he groaned. Why did all his opponents insist on using illusions against him? Hughie hated having to play mind games during a fight. All he wanted was a good old-fashioned brawl, fist against fist! Was that too much to ask?

Squinting against the nausea, Hughie looked around, trying to spot his opponent amidst the swirling lights. But he could barely even tell which way was up anymore.

Anne's giggles echoed around him as glowing light blades materialized in the air. The blades shot towards Hughie with blinding speed. He tried to dodge, but the world kept spinning crazily, throwing off his coordination.

Several slashes carved across Hughie's body, making him howl in pain. Blood dripped down his arms and chest.

Inside the ring on his finger, Li Fenghao shook his head sadly. It was a repeat of the last match. The lad was trying to brute force his way through the disorienting illusion when he needed patience and calm focus. But the stubborn oaf probably wouldn't listen even if Li tried advising him now. Perhaps he should let the boy learn his lesson the hard way this time.

Hughie growled, features distorting in rage. That was it! He was done playing nice.

"Let's see your pretty lights stop me now!"

With a roar, Hughie transformed into a giant three-eyed toad. His long tongue lashed out, smashing craters into the arena floor as he thrashed around trying to hit Anne. But between the chaotic lights still spinning around him and his muddled sense of direction, he couldn't land a single strike.

Watching from the spectator stands, Oliviare bit her lip anxiously. That devious hussy might look sweet and innocent on the outside, but here she was mercilessly tormenting her poor Hughie! Oliviare's hands clenched into white-knuckled fists. She wished she could jump down there and rip Anne's pretty little face off for hurting her man.

Anne arched an eyebrow, looking mildly impressed that Hughie had broken through the first layer of her illusion. But he was still trapped within the larger web she had woven. Time to get serious.

Drawing in a deep breath, Anne began chanting under her breath. A glowing spear of light appeared in her palms.

"Piercing Lance of the Heavens!"

She flung her arm forward, launching the spear straight at the toad's chest. It punched clean through Hughie's thick hide and erupted out his back in a spray of blood.

Hughie let out an agonized croak, body convulsing.

Anne prepared another Piercing Lance, taking aim at Hughie's head this time. She smirked, savouring his pained noises. The big lug was finally learning just how outmatched he was.

But then, Hughie's croaks shifted into roars as his rage peaked. The severe injuries triggered his signature technique, Bloodforge Ascension.

Red lines spiderwebbed across Hughie's grey skin as all his veins bulged, muscle mass doubling, then tripling in size.

Though the disorienting lights still surrounded him, Hughie began flailing his limbs with even more reckless abandon, his enhanced strength smashing craters into the arena floor with each miss. Anne backed away warily, forced on the defensive.

Then, with one lucky strike, Hughie's giant fist clipped Anne's shoulder, sending the girl flying halfway across the arena. She slammed into the ground with a pained shriek, her concentration shattering.

The hypnotic lights finally vanished.

Hughie's vision cleared, sights and sounds snapping back into focus. Letting loose a roar of victory, he lumbered over to where Anne lay sprawled on the ground, one arm hanging limply. She looked up at the giant toad looming over her, eyes wide with fear.

Immediately, Anne's expression shifted back into an innocent, tearful look.

"P-please, you’ve won! Just don't hurt me anymore!" Her voice quivered. Anne even managed to make tears well up in her big blue eyes for added effect.

Buying time, she slowly slid her uninjured hand behind her back, preparing another illusion technique. Just one opening and she could trap this brainless brute again.

But before Anne could cast her illusion, an unexpected voice rang out.

"Don't fall for it, Hughie! She's trying to trick you again. Finish her off now!" Oliviare yelled.

Hughie blinked in surprise, not expecting his girlfriend's encouragement towards violence. But her voice was enough to snap him out of his brief hesitation. Letting out a rumbling growl, he reached down and wrapped one gigantic webbed hand around Anne's throat, cutting off her chanting with a choked gurgle.

Hoisting her up, legs dangling helplessly, Hughie brought Anne close to his massive toad face. His three blood-red eyes bored into her terrified blue ones.

"S-submit!" he growled out.

Face purpling, Anne frantically tapped his arm in surrender.

Satisfied, Hughie released his grip. Anne dropped to the ground like a rag doll, coughing violently.

After making sure she wasn't getting back up, Hughie finally allowed his Bloodforge Ascension and toad form to recede. Muscles deflated and skin smoothed back to normal as he shrank down to his regular size.

Elder Fred descended to the arena floor, prodding the groaning Anne with his foot before nodding.

"Victory goes to Hughie of the Black Rose Sect!"

Li Fenghao let out a long-suffering sigh. As expected, the thick-headed oaf had ignored strategy and only won through luck. If not for that fortunate hit triggering his brute strength technique, the boy would certainly have lost. How many times would it take for him to learn proper focus and control?

Back down in the waiting area, Hughie plopped down on a chair with a tired groan.

"Phew, that took a lot outta me! Man, I hate having to bust out the big guns just to beat some sneaky illusionist."

"If you possessed a calmer mind, you could have broken her illusion,” Li Fenghao scolded. “But instead, you got slapped around like a helpless whelp, just like in the first match! If not for that lucky hit, you would have lost badly. Do not always rely on brawn over brain, boy."

Hughie waved a hand dismissively. "Yeah, yeah, I get it Gramps. We can't all be genius strategists like you." Then he paused, looking thoughtful. "But you know, maybe you've got a point for once. I really need to work on fighting illusions better."

The admission took Li Fenghao aback. Perhaps the lad was finally maturing a little.

"Hmph. Of course I'm right, I am a Greater Immortal!" Li quickly covered his surprise with boastful bluster. Though frankly, it pleased him to see a glimmer of wisdom in the young fool.

Up in the elder's box, the others were discussing the match with interest.

"What a pity for young Anne, she had the right approach but couldn't finish it," Zofia clicked her tongue. "That Black Rose brute has no finesse at all. Just a messy brawler."

Leontius sighed. "Yes, Hughie relies far too much on transformations and brute force. He lacks...refinement. Still, both disciples fought with admirable passion."

"I’m more surprised he didn’t adapt quicker, given that he faced an illusionist in his first match," Astrid said. "Carelessness like this could get him killed."

Vowron said nothing, merely staring down at Hughie with an unreadable expression.

As for Slifer, he kept his face blank. But internally, he was chuckling. Hughie was such a stereotypical protagonist - bull-headed and oblivious, but gifted with incredible luck and tenacity. Brute forcing his way through things was just part of his charm! Not the cleverest approach perhaps, but if the Heavens are on your side, then it works.


Your Disciple Hughie Won!

600 Karmic Credits Gained!

"Ahem. Let us proceed with the next match," Elder Fred spoke up. "Dentos of the Black Rose Sect versus Avery of the Black Death Sect!"

Dentos walked into the arena, his eyes fixed solely on Slifer seated in the spectator stands above. This was his chance to prove himself. If he could secure one of the slots to the Sealed Realm for the Black Rose Sect, and perhaps even return with some treasure or resource that would aid Slifer, then maybe, just maybe, the Ascendant cultivator would finally accept him as a disciple.

It was a slim hope, but one Dentos clung to with almost desperate fervour. Ever since he had joined the sect, he had been consumed by the desire to gain a master, someone who would teach him, someone who would take care of him.

The Supreme Elder was the only person Dentos felt understood his uniqueness. Where others saw madness or instability, Slifer saw potential.

Across from Dentos, a girl with snow-white hair entered the arena. Her features were delicate and doll-like, with skin as pale as porcelain. But it was the empty, lifeless look in her eyes that seemed unusual.

"My apologies, miss, but in order to impress my future master, I'm afraid you'll have to endure a significant amount of pain. Try not to take it personally."

As expected, Avery said nothing in response, merely staring back at him.

Elder Fred's voice rang out. "Begin!"

Immediately, Avery exploded into motion, rushing straight for Dentos. Her hands moved in a blur of precise strikes aimed at vital spots - it was the same brutal martial arts style Dentos had witnessed from that Ironius fellow earlier.

But Dentos had sparred countless times against his fellow disciples of the Disciplinary Hall. He easily flowed around Avery's attacks, parrying what he could not dodge, before countering with a casual backhanded slap that sent the girl stumbling back.

A flicker of surprise passed through Avery's empty eyes. As a demon, her physical body should have been far stronger than a human's, even whilst suppressed in a human guise. Yet this scrawny boy had so easily turned aside her assault.

Undeterred, Avery dove in again, her strikes even swifter than before. But once more, Dentos spun and weaved between her blows with practiced ease. Despite his opponent being physically faster and stronger than him, to his senses, her movements seemed sluggish, almost easy to read.

With another slap, he knocked Avery skidding across the arena floor.

Up in the Black Rose Sect's stands, the Disciplinary Hall members broke out into cheers for their boss.

"As expected of the boss! No one can match him in martial arts!"

"Did you see that backhand? So classy!"

"He's toying with that Black Death chick. This fight's already over."

"Boss! Boss! Boss!" they chanted. Their leader was putting on quite a show.

Over in the elders’ booth, Vowron watched the battle with narrowed eyes and thinned lips. Beside him, Zofia chuckled.

"My my, it seems your disciple is having some difficulty despite your sect’s recent interest in martial arts."

Vowron's jaw tightened, but he gave no other visible reaction.

Beside Vowron, Slifer allowed himself a small smirk. "Young Dentos may be unorthodox in his ways, but he is an exceptional disciple. The boy excels in all areas."

"Oh? He is one of your personal disciples then?" Leontius asked.

Slifer's smile turned awkward. "Er, well...not exactly. The truth is, Dentos does not actually have a master."

"No master?" Astrid cut in. "Why not? The child clearly possesses ample potential to be nurtured."

"Yes, that is quite true," Slifer sighed. "Unfortunately, some find Dentos' unique personality and penchant for...eccentric acts...somewhat difficult to accept. I'm afraid not many have had the patience required to look past the external to see the talent buried within."

Here he gave a helpless shrug, as if to say 'what can you do?'

Down in the arena below, Dentos decided it was time to stop playing around. With a flick of his wrist, his signature paintbrush appeared between his fingers. With a few quick strokes, he brought his art to life.

The painting peeled itself off the page and transformed into a massive spectral hand that swatted Avery aside like an insect.

The white-haired girl tumbled roughly along the ground. She started to push herself back up, eyes flashing red for a brief instant as rage crossed her face at being slapped around by a mortal. But then Avery caught herself and schooled her expression.

"I...surrender," Avery forced out as she picked herself up off the ground one last time. She would remember this humiliation.

"Victory goes to Dentos of the Black Rose Sect!"

As he left the arena, Dentos risked a glance upwards at Slifer, hoping to gauge the Ascendant’s reaction. But the Supreme Elder's face remained impassive, not a single hint of being impressed.

Dentos's shoulders slumped. It seemed he had failed to make an impression on the one person whose opinion truly mattered right now.

"The first match of the fourth round will begin in five minutes," Elder Fred announced, breaking Dentos from his gloomy thoughts. "Disciples, Zack of the Black Rose Sect and Ashton of the White Tiger Sect, be ready!"

Swallowing his disappointment, the boy shuffled back towards the Black Rose pavilion, mind churning with ideas on how to grab Slifer's attention in the next fight. He had to think bigger, flashier, really go all out...


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