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The golden dragon, a manifestation of Heaven's Wrath, swallowed Slifer whole as it crashed into the ground, exploding into a shower of lightning sparks. The explosion was catastrophic, decimating the surrounding areas.

Caelum and Fenlock, who had been watching from a distance in the air, were caught off guard by the sheer magnitude of the blast, the shockwave almost knocked them out of the sky!

"M-master!" Fenlock cried, not knowing how their master fared against the attack due to the thick heavenly qi-laden dust obscuring their vision.

He had witnessed Slifer's nonchalance in the face of danger before, but this was unlike any other threat they had faced. This is Heaven's Wrath, not just some Early Ascendant attack like that Grand Elder,Fenlock thought, fear gripping his heart.

Caelum, seeing the regret and worry on his Senior Brother’s face, placed a hand on Fenlock's shoulder. "Trust in Master."

Fenlock nodded, trying to calm his racing heart. Moments later, he let out a sigh of relief. There, amidst the rubble and within a newly formed crater, stood their master. His robes were slightly singed, but he was otherwise unharmed.

Either Master has an indestructible body or he's a master of space techniques. Either way, it's incredible, Fenlock thought in awe.

Seeing his master risk his immortal life to intervene in a heavenly tribulation changed his perspective; the regret he had felt earlier, about being a disciple in a demonic sect, began to fade.

"Not many masters would do what he just did," Fenlock mumbled in disbelief, his previous complaints seeming trivial now. He realized that while the righteous sects often preached about self-sacrifice and duty, very few actually lived up to those ideals.


You Saved Your Disciple’s Life

Reward: 2000 Karmic Credit, Fenlock Card (3x)


Your Disciple Fenlock's Loyalty Has Reached 90%


What Hinders Complete Trust In Young Fenlock?

Task: Discover the key to gaining Fenlock’s utmost trust

Reward: Unlock ‘Convert’ Option


You Have Survived Heaven’s Wrath

Reward: 2000 Karmic Credits

Slifer ignored the System’s notification as he stood frozen, the fabric of his robes clinging to his skin. The dragon's mouth had closed around him just as he activated his phase ability, he could still feel its hot breath breathing down on him.

That was too close. If it renewed even a fraction of a second later, I would've been toast, he thought, the realization of his narrow escape sending a shiver down his spine.

Suddenly, the residual golden lightning coursed towards him, it entered his body and merged seamlessly with his cultivation, expanding his qi capacity and increasing its potency.


Congratulation On Your Breakthrough

Reward: 250

Peak Foundation Establishment realm, Slifer sighed, he hadn’t expected a breakthrough so soon.

Turning to his disciples, he watched as the lightning poured into Fenlock like a torrential stream, elevating him into the air, his body surrounded by a luminous golden glow.

A tiny Nascent Soul, resembling a miniature version of Fenlock himself, appeared above his head. It had its eyes closed and seemed to be in a deep, peaceful slumber.

Slowly, the tiny soul began to merge into Fenlock's body causing Fenlock's eyes to snap open as the aura of the Nascent Soul realm pulsed around him in waves.

"I... I did it," Fenlock whispered as he landed on the ground.



Your Disciple Fenlock Has Broken Through To The Nascent Soul Realm

Reward: 500 Karmic Credits

"Thank you, Ma—" Fenlock's words were cut short as his eyes took on a glazed, distant look.

Fenlock? Just as Slifer was about to inquire about the sudden change in his disciple, an overwhelming wave of dizziness hit him.

Clutching his head, Slifer struggled to maintain his balance. A few seconds later, his vision cleared and he found himself in an endless expanse of white. He recognized the place – he was in the state of Enlightenment!

Noticing his master and senior brother's blank stares, Caelum immediately realised what was going on. He quickly sent a spiritual transmission to Morvran, requesting the death warriors to surround the remnants of Fenlock's quarters.

It was rare for a cultivator to enter Enlightenment even once in their immortal life, Caelum had never met someone like his master, for whom Enlightenment seemed like a daily routine. Gripping the hilt of Bloodthorn, Caelum whispered, "Stay vigilant, my friend." The sword growled in response.

Back in the endless expanse, a flood of information poured in Slifer’s mind, but it was less overwhelming than his previous experience. He quickly assumed a meditative position, focusing intently.

I know exactly what to do with this enlightenment, he thought determinedly. A space technique!

The essence of space was notoriously difficult to comprehend but that didn’t put Slifer off, in the state of Enlightenment, it was very much possible. If I can increase my understanding of space and integrate it into my techniques, it will give me a significant edge.

He knew this was his chance to be like those protagonist that could defeat enemies across multiple realms.

I need an offensive sword technique that incorporates the concept of space, Slifer thought, closing his eyes to better concentrate.

He sifted through the influx of information, searching for anything related to space. As he delved deeper, he began to grasp the essence of space – its vastness, its fluidity, and its potential to alter the very fabric of reality.

Even in the state of Enlightenment, the essence of space was too profound for him to comprehend fully but he was able to derive one concept.

Space is not just an empty void; it's a canvas where distances can be manipulated, and reality can be bent.


Space Mastery: 20%

Now I get why those xianxia protagonists have those 'Aha!' moments over simple things like fire. Here I am, geeking out over space and it’s actually working!

With this newfound understanding, Slifer started to craft a unique sword technique. He envisioned a sword strike that could transcend the limitations of physical space.

If the sword attack could vanish from one point and reappear within an opponent's body, no one would expect that, it would be unstoppable!

He imagined the attack’s trajectory, not as a straight line, but as a path that could fold space itself. The sword attack would slip into a spatial rift at one end and emerge from another, directly inside the target.

It's like threading a needle with the sword, except the needle's eye is a momentary gap in the fabric of space.

This technique would require precise control and a deep understanding of spatial dynamics. Slifer visualized the flow of qi in his body, redirecting it to align with his sword. He saw the qi wrapping around the blade, forming a cocoon that could pierce through the spatial layers.

The strike wouldn't just be fast; it would be instantaneous. From the perspective of the opponent, it would appear as if the sword materialized within them out of thin air.

Excitement coursed through Slifer as the technique took shape in his mind. He named it the "Void Piercer" – a sword technique that utilized the essence of space to deliver a strike that defied conventional defences.


Congratulations On Creating A New Technique

Reward: 1000 Karmic Credits

Technique Name: Void Piercer

Rank: High Heaven

Description: Manipulates space to allow sword strikes to phase and hit targets from inside

Feeling a tugging sensation at the back of his mind, Slifer realised that the Enlightenment period was ending, he sighed as he returned to reality.

He found himself surrounded by his disciples and numerous masked figures. The sight of the masked figures made him tense before he realised who they were. Death warriors.

"Congrat—" Slifer started to speak, but he was abruptly interrupted as Fenlock dropped to his knees and clung onto Slifer's leg.

"Thank you, Master, for saving me!" Fenlock cried out, tears streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me."

Slifer looked down at Fenlock, who was gripping his leg tightly. He tried to gently shake his leg free, but the newly-minted Nascent Soul cultivator’s hold only tightened as he continued to weep.

Slifer let out a resigned sigh. "Fine, I forgive you. But don't think you're off the hook," he said, shaking his head.

I haven't thought of a suitable punishment yet... I'll decide on that later, Slifer mused.

Fenlock, still clinging to Slifer's leg, nodded as he wiped his eyes. "I understand, Master. I deserve punishment."

"Exactly how long have I been in Enlightenment?" Slifer asked, trying to change the subject and regain some normalcy.

"It's been six hours, Master," Fenlock replied, finally releasing Slifer's leg and stepping back, his eyes still red from crying.

"Six hours?" Slifer echoed, genuinely surprised. It had felt like mere minutes to him.

Suddenly, a wave of fatigue washed over him. I need a snack... no, a feast... maybe those spicy noodles, or that grilled fish I love so much. Oh, and dumplings. Definitely dumplings.

Whilst Slifer was almost salivating at the thought of the delicacies waiting for him, Caelum looked at his master in amazement.

Six hours in Enlightenment? Caelum thought in awe. Fenlock’s Enlightenment only lasted two hours, which was similar in length to his own experience, the longer the state lasted, the more taxing it was on the mind and body. But then, it's Master. I shouldn't be surprised anymore.

Slifer’s belly grumbled in hunger bringing Caelum out of his musing.

Coughing awkwardly, Slifer waved his hand, signalling everyone to disperse, they didn’t need to be traumatised by the ravenous side of their master.

This is, well used to be, my quarters, and Master is dismissing me from it. Fenlock hesitated, wondering if he should actually step away.

Slifer chuckled, realizing his mistake. "Right, I should be the one leaving," he said and then jumped onto his sword.

Fenlock watched as his master soared off, a smile tugging at his lips. Even though Master doesn’t need a sword to fly, he still uses one. Such humility is rare. He reminisced about his initial impressions of Slifer. I never expected the notorious demonic elder to be like this when I first became his disciple.


Slifer sat comfortably in his quarters, leisurely munching on a dumpling. He had already indulged in a lavish feast, but he felt a few extra dumplings wouldn’t hurt. He took a bite, savouring the juicy filling and the soft, chewy texture of the dough, nodding in satisfaction.

Nothing beats the simple pleasure of eating dumplings, he thought, relishing the moment of peace. This is the easy life I enjoy.

Slifer took a pause to address his disciple. "Now that your Senior Brother is still breathing, we can continue where we left off. So, where were we?"

"Master, you were going to teach me a righteous sword technique," Caelum replied eagerly.

"Ah, yes. Let's start with your signature move, Shadow Slash," Slifer said, wiping his hands. "After having a glance at your technique a few weeks back, I've developed an alternative. I call it Sunrise Slash. I'll bring it down to the Foundation Establishment level to make it easier for you to grasp."

Slifer had only managed to comprehend the Sunrise Slash technique to Level 2, which was equivalent to the Foundation Establishment realm. Teaching Caelum a Core Formation version would require using a Caelum Card, something he couldn't afford at the moment, given the card's renewal time was still a few hours away.

Caelum nodded, remembering the time he saw Slifer use the technique. Master saw my technique once and created an improved version. His swordsmanship is truly on another level.

"This technique harnesses the essence of light to enhance the speed and precision of the strike," Slifer explained. "The key is to channel your qi in a way that it resonates with the natural light around you, creating a burst of speed and power."

Slifer didn’t know how helpful his explanation was, he didn’t really understand the intricacies behind it, activating the technique was almost instinctive and didn’t require any mental effort.

Caelum listened intently, his eyes widening with each detail. Master's ability to simplify and explain such a complex technique... It's incredible. He truly is an exceptional teacher, Caelum thought, impressed by Slifer's profound understanding.

"Okay, now I'm going to demonstrate. Pay close attention."

Slifer closed his eyes and activated the technique. In a flash of light, he appeared behind a training dummy. With a swift, fluid motion, he sheathed his sword. As if delayed by magic, the dummy's head then fell off.

He managed to hold back a smirk. I always loved that moment in anime, where the swordsman sheathes his blade, and then the enemy falls after a slight pause. Classic.

Composing himself, Slifer turned to Caelum with a serious expression. "Was that rusty demonstration enough for you?"

Caelum nodded vigorously. "It was perfect, Master," he replied, his voice filled with awe.

Master calls that 'rusty'? His standards are incredibly high. Even perfection isn't enough for him, Caelum thought, marvelling at Slifer's skill and modesty.

Slifer nodded in response before his eyes briefly lost focus.

A few seconds later, he turned back to Caelum. "Good. Now you practice. I have some... matters to handle."

As Slifer jumped on his sword, his eyes narrowed in annoyance.

Some Bart fellow dares to stir up trouble!

« Chapter 54 | Table of Contents | Chapter 56 »


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