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Author's Note

I decided to write a chapter for what Slifer got up to in the Void Realm, I have changed the chapter numbers and links, this will be the new Chapter 40.

You will be getting an extra chapter tomorrow where we continue with the Nascent Soul Tribulation!



Exhausted, Slifer found a cave that seemed safe enough to catch his breath. It was a simple cave, adorned with a few vines clinging to its walls, but nothing else of note.

Unlike the other caves that looked like they spelled trouble, this one felt warm, almost… inviting.

But Slifer knew you could never trust a cave, even an innocent-looking one.

After a thorough check to ensure no monsters were lurking inside, he allowed himself to slump down against the cold wall.

Slifer realized that no matter how far he ran, the dementor-like beings remained in view, never seeming to diminish in size. His earlier comparison of being an ant was disturbingly accurate.

Trying to steady his racing heart, he couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense of dread. It was an intrinsic fear, the kind one feels when facing a superior predator. He had watched in horror as one of the dementor-like beings devoured the other. To his astonishment, the victor seemed to grow larger.

Just how much bigger can these things get!

Slifer gulped, consoling himself with the thought that he was too insignificant to even be considered a snack for such monstrous entities. I’d be lucky to even get stuck between their teeth, he thought grimly.

“What to do now…”

After some contemplation, Slifer realized he had three potential ways to escape the Void Realm. The first was to keep trying the Dimensional Slide technique, hoping a portal would form. The second option was to use credits to upgrade the technique and then attempt to open a portal. The last was to gamble and pray the system granted him a teleportation card or something similar.

Using the Dimensional Slide technique repeatedly could draw unwanted attention, Slifer thought. Upgrading it seems sensible, but what if it’s only marginally more effective? That would be a waste of 1000 Karmic Credits that could have been used to potentially get a useful card.

A part of him was tempted to stay, lured by the possibility of acquiring something powerful in this bizarre realm. This is where protagonists in the stories find their cheats, he mused.

Even though he already had the System, he would prefer something more…reliable.

In the end, Slifer decided the best course of action would be to find a cave to hide in and gamble with the System.

That's enough excitement for this trip. I'd rather play it safe and maybe win something useful, than risk wandering around this unpredictable realm, that’s practically suicide!

“Let’s see how many credits I have, status.”

Name: Slifer

Race: Human

Alignment: Demonic

Cultivation: Late Foundation Establishment

Lifespan Remaining: 10 Years

Credits: 3060

Skills: Insight (Basic), Nascent Soul Armor: Level 1

Items: Reversal Card, Peak Slifer Card, Whimsical Wind Card

Affinities: Light (20%), Fire (5%), Space (2%)

Abilities: Mirror Mastery: Level 2

Techniques: Sunrise Slash: Level 2, Stellar Nova Strike: Level 1, Dimensional Slide: Level 1

Weapon Mastery: Sword: 5%

"I have enough Karmic Credits to gamble first. If that doesn't work, I'll just upgrade the technique."


Random Card Acquired

Activate Now?





Better Luck Next Time!

After over a dozen unsuccessful attempts, Slifer finally acquired a useful card – the staple Critical Block Card. It then only took him several more tries before the familiar ding of success echoed again and this time it was a good one!



Name: Soul Fire

Description: Conjure ethereal flames that burn not the flesh, but the very essence of the soul.

Warning: Can only affect those below the Immortal Realm

Burning the soul? Sounds like something straight out of a demonic cultivator's handbook, Slifer mused, surprised by the nature of the technique. Didn’t the System have some sort of agenda against the demonic path?

After checking its price in the shop, Slifer found it was worth a staggering 15,000 Karmic Credits. This single card alone made his gambling efforts worthwhile.

Yet, Slifer wasn't comfortable with the idea of using such a technique. Torturing the soul seems too cruel. If I have to kill, I prefer it to be swift and clean, not drawn out like… a certain someone’s methods.

Shaking his head, Slifer decided to continue his gambling spree, it was only after another few dozen attempts when he finally won a decent card.



Name: Reflection Card

Description: Creates an energy barrier that reflects attacks back at the attacker for 20 seconds

While Slifer could see its usefulness in battles with other cultivators, he doubted its efficacy against the gargantuan Void Beasts. Reflecting their attack is pointless if they just swallow me whole, he thought. Nevertheless, he welcomed the addition of the Reflection Card to his arsenal.

Just as Slifer was about to purchase another Random Card, he felt a chilling sensation creeping over him. Something was wrapping around his body.

This…this can't be. I checked this cave thoroughly, there were no creatures here!

Slowly looking down, Slifer's eyes widened in shock as he saw the seemingly innocent vines that had been clinging to the cave walls now crawling over his body.

Vines... attacking me? His mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation.

The vines, which had appeared so harmless at first glance, were now tightening around his body, slowly squeezing the life out of him.

I was just thinking I would prefer ‘not’ to use this on anyone, but you left me with no choice!

Soul Fire Card…activate!

Instantly, the vines fell to the ground and began to thrash violently. Although there was no visible fire, their reaction was akin to being scorched by intense flames as they let out a strange sizzing sound before falling still.

It must be one enormous vine, Slifer realized when he saw that not a single vine in the cave was left alive. A regular fire technique would have harmed only a part of it, but a soul attack like this affects the entire being.


You Have Gained 1000 Karmic Credits

1000 Karmic Credits? Just what was its cultivation level?



You Have Discovered An Otherworldly Being

You Have Gained 100 Karmic Credits

Name: N/A

Species: Void Plant

Realm: Early Ascendant Realm

Known Techniques: N/A

Known Affiliations: N/A

Disposition: N/A

Early Ascendant Realm? Slifer was astounded. Even a simple-looking vine here is ridiculously powerful. If it wasn't for its... overly affectionate nature, Slifer joked to himself, I would have been dead without even realizing what killed me. Sure, the Critical Block Card would have kicked in, and then I'd have used the Soul Fire Card, but any normal cultivator would've ended up as vine food!

Remembering that this cave seemed the safest, Slifer shuddered as he wondered what beings were lurking in the others.

Shaking off the unsettling thoughts, Slifer made sure to use insight on every nook and cranny in the cave, even the pebbles weren’t let off the hook.

After completing his thorough examination, Slifer let out a long sigh of relief. "Finally," he muttered, a hint of fatigue in his voice. As he stretched his arms high above his head, his exhaustion seemed to vanish, replaced by a gleam of anticipation in his eyes.

"Now, onto the truly crucial and, coincidentally, vastly more entertaining task at hand, gambling!"


Random Card Acquired

Activate Now?



Again, the cards Slifer was getting were all duds but after a while, a smirk appeared on his face.



Name: Avatar

Description: Creates a complete clone of the user that can independently cultivate

Warning: The avatar cannot access the System or its cards

"My own Kage Bunshin!"

« Chapter 39 | Table of Contents | Chapter 41 »


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