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Kai made his way to an empty desk near the back of the arena. As he sat down, he could feel the eyes of nearby disciples on him, curiosity and suspicion mingling in their gazes. He ignored them, focusing instead on the materials before him.

A stack of blank scrolls sat neatly at one corner of the desk. Beside them were several brushes of varying sizes and a pot of ink. At the center of the desk lay a sealed scroll - the exam questions.

Kai took a deep breath, centering himself. Alright, system, he thought. Let's see if the Basic Alchemy Guide was enough.

He broke the seal on the scroll and unrolled it, revealing the first question:

1. Describe the process of Essence Extraction and explain its importance in pill creation.

Kai allowed himself a small smile. Starting off with the basics, I see. He dipped his brush in ink and began to write and answer question after question.

30. List five common mistakes in herb preparation and their potential consequences.

Kai's brush moved swiftly across the paper. Improper drying leading to loss of potency... Incorrect cutting techniques causing uneven distribution of active compounds...

Around him, he could hear the scratching of brushes and the occasional frustrated sigh from his fellow examinees. But Kai remained focused, barely aware of the passage of time as he focused on his own exam.

56. Explain the difference between Yin and Yang herbs, and provide three examples of each.

Yin herbs are those that cool and calm the body's energies, while Yang herbs warm and invigorate. Examples of Yin herbs include Moon Lotus, Frost Grass, and Tranquil Root. Yang herbs include Fire Ginseng, Sun Pepper, and Dragon Scale Leaf.

Satisfied with his answer, Kai moved on.

89. Describe the proper method for harvesting Spirit Grass to maximize its potency.

Ah, this was what those guys were arguing about earlier, Kai thought with a smile. He put brush to paper once more.

Spirit Grass should be harvested at dawn on the day following a full moon. The harvester must use a silver sickle and cut the grass at a 45-degree angle, being careful not to damage the roots. The grass should be immediately placed in a jade container to preserve its spiritual essence.

98. Explain the principle of Elemental Harmony and its application in creating balanced elixirs.

This question gave Kai pause. He remembered struggling with this concept during his practice sessions. He wrote carefully, explaining how different elemental energies could be balanced within a pill to create more stable and effective results.

As he neared the end of the exam, Kai found himself facing a particularly challenging question:

118. Describe a scenario where a typically stable alchemical reaction might become volatile, and explain how you would prevent or mitigate such an occurrence.

Kai tapped his brush against his chin, considering. This is where real-world experience would come in handy, he thought. But I can work with what I know.

He began to write, describing a scenario where impurities in the ingredients could lead to an unexpected reaction. He detailed the warning signs an alchemist should watch for and the steps they could take to stabilize the mixture.

As he wrote, a memory surfaced of one of his failed attempts at pill creation. The mixture had become unstable, nearly exploding in his face.

That's it. I can use that experience here.

Kai added to his answer, describing the techniques he had used to prevent a full-blown explosion. He explained how careful application of Qi and quick thinking could save not just the concoction, but potentially the alchemist's life as well.

As he finished his answer, Kai heard Elder Bin's voice ring out across the arena. "You have thirty minutes remaining."

A ripple of panic seemed to pass through the room. Kai could hear the increased scratching of brushes and muffled exclamations of surprise. He glanced around, noting the furrowed brows and tense postures of his fellow examinees.

Thirty minutes, Kai thought. Plenty of time to review my answers.

As Kai was reviewing his answers, he became aware of a faint whispering nearby. At first, he tried to ignore it, focusing on his own exam. But the whispers grew more insistent, impossible to tune out completely.

"Psst, Li, what did you put for question seven?" a hushed voice asked.

"I think it was about the Yin-Yang balance in pill cores," came the barely audible reply. "I wrote that—"

Suddenly, a sharp voice cut through the whispers. "Disciples Li and Fei!"

Kai looked up to see Elder Bin standing over two pale-faced young men a few desks away. The elder's face was a mask of disappointment and anger.

"You were explicitly told that there was to be no communication during the exam," Elder Bin said. "Your actions show a blatant disregard for the rules and a lack of integrity befitting an alchemist of the Azure Sky Sect."

The two disciples looked terrified, their faces drained of color. "Elder Bin, please," one of them started to say, but the elder held up a hand, silencing him.

"There will be no excuses," Elder Bin said firmly. "You have violated the trust placed in you and the sanctity of this examination. You are both hereby expelled from this exam. Leave the arena immediately."

A gasp went through the room as the two disciples, heads bowed in shame, gathered their things and shuffled towards the exit. The other examinees watched in stunned silence, the reality of the situation sinking in.

As the door closed behind the expelled disciples, Elder Bin addressed the room. "Let this serve as a reminder to you all. Alchemy is a discipline that requires not just knowledge and skill, but also integrity and respect for the craft. Any further attempts at cheating will be met with the same consequence. Return to your exams."

Kai watched as Elder Bin returned to his position at the front of the room. The arena was now eerily quiet, the scratching of brushes on scrolls the only sound to be heard.

Even in the world of cultivation, some things never change. Exams are exams, but no matter where you are, you can expect cheaters…

"Time's up! Please put down your brushes and remain seated. We will collect your exam papers shortly,” Elder Bin announced.

Kai set down his brush and leaned back in his chair, letting out a long, slow breath.

As the exam scrolls were collected, he could hear the buzz of conversation growing around him. Disciples were comparing answers, lamenting over questions they had struggled with, and speculating about what the practical exam might entail.

"I completely blanked on the question about rare herb substitutions," one disciple groaned.

"Really? I thought that was one of the easier ones," another replied. "It was the theoretical question on advanced purification techniques that got me."

"I just hope I wrote enough," a third voice chimed in. "I felt like I was running out of things to say for some of those questions."

Kai remained silent, listening to the chatter around him. He was curious to hear how others had found the exam, but he was also aware that his presence seemed to make many of the other disciples uneasy so he remained silent.

As the last of the scrolls were collected, Elder Bin stepped forward once again. "Well done, all of you," he said, his voice carrying a hint of warmth that hadn't been there before. "Completing this exam is an achievement in itself. Take a moment to breathe and center yourselves."

He paused, allowing the disciples to do just that. Kai closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. He could feel the tension in the room starting to dissipate, replaced by a sense of nervous anticipation.

"When you are ready," Elder Bin continued, "please make your way to the preparation area for the practical portion of the exam. You will be called in one by one to demonstrate your pill-making skills. While you wait, you may review your notes or meditate, but please do not discuss the exam or attempt any last-minute practice."

As the disciples began to stand and move towards the designated area, Kai remained seated for a moment longer. He took another deep breath, centering himself.

One down, two to go, he thought. The real test is yet to come.



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