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Three hours later…


Kai held the small pill between his thumb and forefinger, a sense of accomplishment washing over him.

Item Created: Grade Qi Gathering Pill

Quality: Low

Effects: Increases Qi absorption rate by 20% for 3 hours

A smile spread across Kai's face. It had taken two more attempts after his initial success, but he'd finally managed to create a Low-Grade Qi Gathering Pill. The improvement from his earlier efforts was significant - better potency, longer duration, and most importantly, no toxicity warning.

Not bad, Kai thought, turning the pill over in his hand. It's not perfect, but it's a solid start.

He knew he couldn't consistently produce pills of this quality yet. Sometimes he'd still fail entirely, ending up with a useless lump of ingredients. Other times, he'd produce a poor-quality pill, potentially toxic if used improperly. But this... this was progress.

This should be enough to pass the exams, Kai mused, carefully placing the pill in a small jade box he'd brought for storage then storing it within his inventory. If I can replicate this during the practical test, I should be in good shape.

The thought of the upcoming alchemy exam sent a mix of excitement and nervousness through him. He'd come a long way in a short time, but he knew he'd be competing against disciples who'd been studying alchemy for years.

Still, I've got a few advantages they don't. My system, for one.

Shaking his head, he glanced around the practice room, noting the scattered tools and the lingering scent of herbs in the air. It had been a long, intense session, but Kai felt it was time well spent. Not only had he improved his pill-making skills, but he'd also gained a deeper understanding of the alchemical process.

Now, Kai thought, stretching his arms above his head, I just need to get some rest, and I should be ready for tomorrow's exam.


The sun had barely risen over the Azure Sky Sect when a steady stream of disciples began making their way toward a large, circular building near the center of the compound. This wasn't the usual combat arena where disciples tested their martial prowess. Instead, it had been transformed into a venue for a different kind of challenge: the Alchemy Exam.

The building's exterior remained unchanged - a grand structure of white stone with blue markings etched into its surface. But inside, the usual training equipment and weapon racks had been cleared away. In their place stood rows of desks, each equipped with writing materials and basic alchemical tools.

As the participants approached, their nervous chatter filled the air.

"I barely slept last night," a young woman with long black hair confessed to her friend. "I kept dreaming about mixing the wrong ingredients and blowing up the exam room."

Her companion, a young man, laughed. "At least in your dreams you made it to the practical part. I'm worried I'll fail the written test again before I even get to touch a cauldron."

"Come on, Fu, you've been studying for months," the woman reassured him. "You won’t fail again, you know this stuff better than anyone."

Fu shook his head. "Maybe, but Hui, have you seen the competition? I heard even some of the Core Disciples are taking the exam this year."

The young woman’s eyes widened. "Really? Why would they bother? They're already..."

Her words trailed off as a hush fell over the crowd. Heads turned to watch a figure approaching in black robes that set him apart from the sea of white-clad Outer Disciples.

Kai walked toward the arena, his face had a blank expression as he felt the weight of dozens of stares on him, he could almost hear the thoughts behind them.

Who does he think he is?

Just because he is a Legacy Disciple, does he think he can pass the exam in three days?

He must be so confident. Or maybe just arrogant.

Kai didn't blame them for their assumptions. If he were in their shoes, he'd probably think the same. But they didn't know about the system, about how he'd managed to cram months of learning into just three intense days of study and practice.

As he passed by a group of whispering disciples, he caught fragments of their conversation which confirmed his thoughts.

"...heard he's only been practising for a few days..."

"...probably thinks he's too good for us..."

"...bet he fails spectacularly..."

Kai kept his expression neutral as he made his way to the entrance of the arena, joining the line of nervous disciples waiting to be let in.

As he walked past, he noticed a group of young men huddled together, furiously comparing notes.

"Quick, quiz me on the properties of Spirit Grass!" one of them demanded.

His friend obliged, rapid-firing questions. "What's the optimal harvesting time for Spirit Grass?"

"Uh... during the full moon?"

"Wrong! It's at dawn on the day after the full moon. Come on, you need to know this!"

Looks like I'm not the only one feeling the pressure, Kai thought.

As they waited, he overheard more snippets of conversation around him.

"I heard the written test is brutal," a thin, pale-faced boy was saying. "My senior brother took it last year and said there were questions about herbs he'd never even heard of."

"That's nothing," replied a girl with short, spiky hair. "I'm more worried about the practical. What if they ask us to make something we've never practiced before?"

"They wouldn't do that," a third voice chimed in, though he sounded far from certain. "Would they?"

They're so focused on what might go wrong, Kai thought. They're forgetting that this is just the first step. Pass or fail, it's all part of the journey.

The doors to the arena swung open, and the crowd of disciples began to file in. Kai followed, taking in the transformed interior. The usual sand-covered floor had been replaced with smooth stone tiles. Rows of desks filled most of the space, each equipped with brushes, ink, and blank scrolls.

At the far end of the arena, Kai could see a raised platform where several older disciples in green robes stood watching the incoming examinees. Their faces were stoic, betraying no emotion as they observed the nervous crowd.

As the last of the participants entered, a hush fell over the arena. A middle-aged man in green robes with gold embroidery stepped forward on the platform, raising his hands for silence.

"Welcome, disciples of the Azure Sky Sect," he said, his voice carrying easily across the arena. "I am Elder Bin, and I will be overseeing your Alchemy Exam today."

He paused, his gaze sweeping across the assembled disciples. For a moment, his eyes seemed to linger on Kai, a flicker of curiosity passing across his face before he continued.

"This exam will test not just your knowledge, but your practical skills and your ability to think on your feet. It is divided into three parts: a written test, a practical demonstration, and an oral examination."

A murmur ran through the crowd at this, and Elder Bin waited for it to subside before continuing.

"The written test will cover basic alchemical theory, herb identification, and safety procedures. You will need to demonstrate a solid understanding of fundamental alchemy principles."

Kai nodded to himself. Thanks to the system, I should be able to handle that.

"The practical test will require you to create a basic pill under observation. You may be asked to make a minor healing pill or a low-grade Qi replenishment pill, among other possibilities."

This elicited another round of whispers from the crowd. Kai could see several disciples looking nervous, while others seemed excited at the prospect.

"Finally," Elder Bin continued, "the oral examination will be conducted by a senior alchemist like myself. You will be asked questions about the creation process, tested on your understanding of alchemical principles, and presented with scenarios that might arise during alchemy. You will need to explain how you would handle these situations."

He paused, letting the information sink in. "Remember, this exam is not just about memorization. We are looking for disciples who can think critically and apply their knowledge in practical situations. Alchemy is as much an art as it is a science."

Elder Bin's stern expression softened slightly. "I know many of you are nervous. But remember, every master alchemist started exactly where you are now. Trust in your training, stay calm, and do your best. That is all we ask. You are not competing against anyone but yourself. No sect can ever have enough alchemists."

He gestured to the rows of desks. "We will begin with the written portion of the exam. Please take your seats. You will find everything you need at your desk. You have two hours to complete this portion. Begin when you are ready."

As the disciples began to move toward the desks, Kai could hear the nervous chatter starting up again.

"Two hours? Is that enough time?"

"I hope I can remember everything..."

"Good luck, everyone!"



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