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The sun had begun to set as Kai stood outside Shen Yu's pavilion, the evening breeze rustling his black robes. He had just returned to the Legacy Disciple quarters after dismissing Chen Wei, who was now cultivating in the servant's quarters.

"Shen Yu?" Kai called out, his voice carrying across the quiet courtyard. "Are you there?"

Silence greeted him. Kai waited a moment, then took a step forward. Instantly, a shimmer of energy rippled across the air in front of him as glowing lines of blue light appeared around the pavilion's perimeter.

Protection formations, Kai thought, stepping back quickly. Of course. Every Legacy Disciple's pavilion would have basic defenses against intruders.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Looks like Shen Yu doesn't want to talk. Or he's not here. Either way, I'm not getting in.

Kai turned away from the pavilion. Next time I see him alone, I'll have to confront him. But not somewhere too isolated. If he really is what I suspect...

A chill ran down Kai's spine as he considered the possibilities. Reincarnator or regressor... both are dangerous. But a regressor? That's on a whole other level.

He had played enough games and read enough stories to know the terrifying implications of someone who had lived through these events before. If Shen Yu is a regressor, how much does he know about me? Was I even in the previous timeline? And what's his deal with the Sect Master? There's clearly some history there.

Kai's eyes narrowed as he walked. Whatever was going on between Shen Yu and the Sect Master, he wanted no part of it. He had enough on his plate just trying to survive and advance in this world without getting caught up in ancient grudges or time-traveling schemes.

Best to focus on my own cultivation for now. I can worry about Shen Yu's secrets later.

As Kai approached his own pavilion, he forced his mind to clear. He had important work to do tonight, and he couldn't afford to be distracted by speculation about his fellow disciple's true nature.

Entering his private quarters, Kai made his way to the cultivation room. He settled onto a cushion in the center of the floor, crossing his legs and straightening his back.

Alright, time to get to work. First step: closing the Third Eye meridian.

Kai took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he closed his eyes. He focused his attention on the space between his eyebrows, searching for the telltale tingle of energy that would indicate the meridian's location.

At first, he felt nothing. Kai frowned, concentrating harder.

Come on, I know you're there. I've done this before.

Minutes ticked by as Kai struggled to sense the elusive meridian. Just as frustration began to set in, he felt it – a faint buzz of energy.

There you are.

Now that he'd found it, Kai focused on the sensation. He visualized the flow of qi through the meridian as a stream of light. Slowly, carefully, he began to narrow that stream.

The process was much easier this time. The meridian seemed to respond readily to his will, the flow of energy slowing to a trickle.

Practice really does make perfect.

With a final push of concentration, Kai felt the meridian close completely. A subtle 'click' resonated through his body.

Meridian Closed: Third Eye

Cultivation reduced to Qi Refining Stage 7

Kai allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction. One down, one to go. Now for the tricky part.

He reached into his inventory, withdrawing the container of Thundergrass he'd purchased earlier. The crystalline box glowed faintly.

Alright, let's see what this 'Lightning Insight' technique can do.

Kai carefully opened the container, the scent of ozone filling the air. He plucked a single blade of Thundergrass and placed the herb on his forehead, right between his eyebrows.

A jolt of energy surged through him the moment the Thundergrass made contact with his skin. Kai gasped, his back straightening involuntarily.

Whoa. That's... intense.

Kai closed his eyes once more, focusing on the space between his eyebrows. Following the manual's instructions, he began to visualize a storm cloud gathering in that spot.

At first, nothing happened. The mental image kept slipping away, replaced by random thoughts and distractions. Kai took a deep breath, refocusing his efforts.

Come on, picture the storm. Dark clouds, swirling winds, flashes of lightning...

Slowly, the image began to solidify in Kai's mind. He could almost hear the rumble of thunder, feel the electric charge in the air. The Thundergrass on his forehead began to tingle, a faint warmth spreading from the herb.

That's it, build the storm...

In his mind's eye, Kai saw lightning flashing within the cloud. Each bolt sent a jolt through his body, making his fingers twitch. The warmth on his forehead intensified, spreading outward.

Almost there...

Kai pushed harder, imagining the storm growing stronger and stronger. The mental lightning increased in frequency, each flash brighter than the last. The tingling sensation spread from his forehead down his spine, making his whole body feel charged.

Just when Kai thought he couldn't take any more, something... shifted. It felt like a door bursting open in his mind, releasing a flood of energy. Kai gasped as lightning seemed to course through his entire being.

His eyes flew open and for a moment, the world looked... different. Sharper, somehow.

The sensation faded quickly, but Kai knew something fundamental had changed. He reached up, touching the spot where he'd placed the Thundergrass. The herb had disintegrated, leaving only a faint residue on his skin.

A series of system notifications appeared:

Meridian Opened: Third Eye

Cultivation returned to Qi Refining Stage 8

Congratulations! You have successfully converted your Third Eye Meridian to Storm Eye!

Lightning Affinity increased to 25%

Skill Leveled Up: Crown of Lightning (Level 2)

Effect: A temporary, visible aura of lightning can form around the cultivator's head during meditation, boosting the cultivator's qi regeneration by 10%.

Skill Leveled Up: Sky's Favor (Level 2)

Effect: The cultivator's qi absorption rate increases by 10% whenever they are under an open sky, especially during stormy weather.

Skill Leveled Up: Electric Immunity (Level 2)

Effect: The cultivator gains 10% resistance to lightning-based attacks, reducing the damage taken from electric or lightning-based techniques.

New Skill Unlocked: Storm Eye (Level 1)

Description: The cultivator can create a small eye made of lightning energy. This eye can be detached and sent to scout nearby areas, allowing the user to see through it.

Range: 100 meters.

You have gained 400 XP

Kai's eyebrows rose as he read through the notifications. Now we're talking. This is more like it.

He focused on the new skill, Storm Eye. Following his instincts, Kai channeled a small amount of lightning qi to his forehead, causing a tiny blue orb of energy to form and hover just in front of him.

Whoa. It's like a magical drone.

Kai concentrated, willing the lightning construct to move. The orb drifted across the room, stopping near a bookshelf. Suddenly, Kai's vision split. He could still see normally through his own eyes, but he also had a second perspective - a view of himself from the bookshelf.

"That's... incredibly weird," Kai said aloud, watching his own mouth move from two angles simultaneously.

He experimented for a few minutes, guiding the lightning eye around the room. The dual vision was disorienting at first, but Kai could see the potential usefulness of such an ability.

Remote scouting, seeing around corners, maybe even spying if I can make it small enough... yeah, this could be really handy.

As the novelty wore off, Kai allowed the construct to dissipate. He sat back down on his cultivation cushion.

No wonder this is the Azure Sky Sect's prized technique. The enhanced perception alone is a huge advantage, never mind the other benefits.

Kai closed his eyes, focusing on his newly opened Storm's Eye meridian.

Two down, seven to go. I wonder what other surprises this method has in store.

Kai glanced out the window, surprised to see the first hints of dawn peeking over the horizon.

Wow, I really lost track of time there. I should probably get some rest.

As he prepared to turn in, a thought struck him. Maybe I could use the Storm Eye to check on Shen Yu, see what he's up to...

But almost immediately, Kai shook his head, dismissing the idea. No, that's too risky. The Storm Eye is an Azure Sky Sect technique. It would be shocking if the barrier formations didn't have precautions against it, especially a level 1 skill like mine.

With a sigh, Kai settled onto his bed. Better to play it safe for now. I'll find another way to get information.


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