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Kai and Chen Wei made their way through the Azure Sky Sect as they headed towards the Celestial Herb Pavilion.

"So," Kai said, breaking the silence. "What can you tell me about this Celestial Herb Pavilion?"

Chen Wei's face lit up at the question. "Oh, it's a marvelous place, Senior Brother! It's where the sect keeps all its rare and valuable herbs. They say some of the plants there are over a thousand years old!"

Kai raised an eyebrow. "A thousand years? That's impressive."

Wonder if they have any Earth plants that have gone extinct. Could be valuable if I ever decide to head back, well, that’s if there even is a way to head back…

As they walked, Kai noticed other disciples hurrying about their daily routines. Some carried scrolls or practice weapons, while others seemed lost in meditation even as they moved.

"Is it open to all disciples?"

Chen Wei shook his head. "Not exactly, Senior Brother. Outer Disciples like me need special permission to enter. But as a Legacy Disciple, you should have unrestricted access."

They rounded a corner, and Kai's eyes widened slightly. Before them stood a massive structure that looked more like a greenhouse than a traditional building. Its walls were made of what appeared to be crystal, allowing sunlight to stream through freely.

"Wow," Kai muttered, impressed despite himself. "That's... not what I expected."

Chen Wei nodded enthusiastically. "It's beautiful, isn't it? The crystal walls are specially designed to filter and enhance spiritual energy. They say it helps the herbs grow stronger and faster."

As they approached the entrance, they found a pair of disciples in white robes standing guard. The disciples bowed deeply as Kai approached.

"Welcome, Senior Brother," one of them said. "How may we assist you today?"

Kai nodded in acknowledgment. "I'm here to acquire some Thundergrass for my cultivation."

The guards exchanged a quick glance before the second one spoke. "Of course, Senior Brother. Please, enter. One of our herbalists will assist you shortly."

As Kai and Chen Wei stepped inside, they were hit by a wave of fragrant air. The interior was even more impressive than the outside. Rows upon rows of plants stretched as far as the eye could see, each section carefully labeled and maintained.

It's like a magical Costco for plants.

A figure approached them. The man wore robes of deep purple, embroidered with golden symbols that seemed to shift and change as he moved.

"Greetings, young Legacy Disciple," the man said, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "I am Alchemist Zhang, overseer of the Celestial Herb Pavilion. I didn’t expect our humble abode of botanical wonders to be so popular today."

So popular? What does he mean by that?

Kai bowed slightly. "I’m Kai, I'm looking for Thundergrass herb."

Zhang's eyebrows rose. "Ah, another one looking into lightning techniques? One of our herbalists will assist you." He turned and called out, "Li Jing! Come here, please."

Another one? Kai’s eyes narrowed.

A young woman in green robes hurried over, her long black hair tied back in a braid. She bowed to Zhang and Kai. "Yes, Alchemist Zhang?"

"Please show young Kai to the Thundergrass section," Zhang instructed. "And answer any questions he might have."

"Of course," Li Jing replied, turning to Kai with a bright smile. "Please, follow me."

As they walked through the pavilion, Kai couldn't help but notice the other disciples browsing the shelves. Some wore the white robes of outer disciples, but most sported the red of inner disciples. They all gave Kai a wide berth, eyeing his black robes with a mixture of awe and wariness.

It's like being a high-level player in a starting zone, Kai mused. Everyone's afraid I might one-shot them if they look at me wrong.

As they passed by a section of particularly colorful flowers, Kai noticed a familiar figure examining the plants. Shen Yu stood with his back to them, seemingly absorbed in his study of a bright blue flower.

What's he doing here? And what's he looking at?

Kai slowed his pace, trying to get a better look without being obvious. Shen Yu's hand hovered over the flower, a faint glow emanating from his palm.

As if sensing Kai's gaze, Shen Yu suddenly looked up. Their eyes met, and for a moment, Kai saw a flash of... something in the other boy's expression. Surprise? Wariness? It was gone too quickly to tell.

Shen Yu's face settled into its usual calm mask as he abandoned the herb and began walking towards Kai. As he passed by, he leaned in close, his voice barely a whisper.

"You should have listened to my advice.”

Before Kai could react, Shen Yu had disappeared into the crowd of disciples and herbalists.

"Senior Brother?" Chen Wei's voice snapped Kai out of his thoughts. "Is everything alright?"

Kai blinked, realizing he had stopped walking. "Yes, everything's fine. Let's keep going."

As they continued following Li Jing, Kai's mind raced with possibilities. Was Shen Yu trying to help him? Or was this some kind of trap?

Why can’t he be straightforward? No need to be so cryptic…

I need more information. But how to get it without revealing what I know... or don't know?

They finally reached a section near the back of the pavilion.

Li Jing gestured to a row of plants that looked like miniature lightning bolts frozen in time. "Here we are, Legacy Disciple. The finest Thundergrass in the Azure Sky Sect."

Kai leaned in for a closer look, careful not to touch the volatile-looking plants.

A translucent window appeared in Kai's vision:

Thundergrass (High Quality)

Description: A rare herb that grows in areas frequently struck by lightning. Contains concentrated lightning essence.

Uses: Cultivation aid for lightning-based techniques, ingredient in high-level lightning pills and elixirs.

Warning: Highly volatile. Handle with care.

"Impressive," Kai murmured. "How much for a portion suitable for one cultivation session?"

Li Jing hesitated for a moment. "For a portion of this quality, it would be 80 low-grade spirit stones, Legacy Disciple."

Kai managed to keep his expression neutral, but internally he winced. 80 spirit stones? Even though I have over a thousand spirit stones, I have a lot of other things I want to look into buying…

He glanced at Chen Wei, who was trying not to look shocked at the price. An idea formed in Kai's mind.

"Chen Wei," he said casually. "You come from a merchant family, don't you? Perhaps you could handle this transaction for me."

Chen Wei's eyes widened in surprise. "M-me, Senior Brother? But... I'm just an Outer Disciple. Surely you don't want me to..."

Kai placed a hand on Chen Wei's shoulder, giving him an encouraging smile. "I trust your judgment, Chen Wei. Show me what you can do."

Li Jing looked between them, clearly confused by this turn of events. "Legacy Disciple, I... I'm not sure if..."

Kai held up a hand, silencing her protest. "It's alright. Chen Wei speaks with my authority in this matter."

Let's see how he handles this. It'll be a good test of his skills.

Chen Wei took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders. When he spoke, his voice was steadier than Kai had ever heard it.

"Miss Jing," he began, "while we certainly appreciate the quality of your Thundergrass, 80 spirit stones seems a bit steep. Perhaps we could discuss a more... reasonable price?"

Li Jing blinked, clearly thrown off balance by this turn of events. "I... well, our prices are set by the head alchemist. I'm not sure if I have the authority to negotiate."

Chen Wei nodded sympathetically. "Of course, I understand. But surely as a representative of the Celestial Herb Pavilion, you have some discretion? After all, we're not just talking about any customer here, but a Legacy Disciple of the Azure Sky Sect."

Kai watched as Chen Wei continued to negotiate. The young disciple's demeanor had completely changed. Gone was the nervous, eager-to-please servant. In his place stood a confident, articulate negotiator.

He's got talent. With the right training, he could be incredibly useful.

After several minutes of back-and-forth, Li Jing finally relented. "Very well. For the Legacy Disciple, we can offer the Thundergrass for 50 spirit stones. But please understand, this is a one-time courtesy."

Chen Wei bowed deeply. "Thank you for your generosity, Miss Jing. The Azure Sky Sect appreciates your flexibility in this matter."

As Li Jing went to prepare the Thundergrass for transport, Kai turned to Chen Wei with a smile. "Well done. You've got quite a talent for negotiation."

Chen Wei's face flushed with pride, but Kai noticed a hint of discomfort in his eyes. "Thank you, Senior Brother. I... I hope I didn't overstep my bounds."

Kai shook his head. "Not at all. You did exactly what I asked. Now, let's get that Thundergrass and head back. I've got some cultivation to do."

As they left the Celestial Herb Pavilion, Thundergrass safely stored in a special container and in his inventory, Kai noticed Chen Wei fidgeting nervously.

"Something on your mind?" Kai asked casually.

Chen Wei hesitated before speaking. "Senior Brother, I... I hope you don't think less of me for haggling like that. I know as cultivators we're supposed to be above such worldly concerns, but..."

Kai held up a hand, stopping Chen Wei mid-sentence. "Chen Wei, let me ask you something. In a battle between two equally skilled cultivators, what do you think gives one the edge?"

Chen Wei furrowed his brow in thought. "Well... better techniques? Or maybe stronger spiritual energy?"

Kai nodded. "Those are certainly factors. But often, it comes down to who has better resources. More spirit stones for cultivation, rarer herbs for breakthroughs, higher quality weapons and artifacts. And how do you get those things?"

"By... by having more spirit stones?"

"Exactly," Kai said with a smile. "In this world, spirit stones aren't just currency. They're power. Every stone you save through skillful negotiation is a stone that can be used for cultivation, for acquiring knowledge, for gaining an edge over your competitors."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "Never be ashamed of your merchant background, Chen Wei. Those skills you learned? They're just as valuable as any cultivation technique. And in the right hands, maybe even more so."

Chen Wei's eyes widened as he processed Kai's words. "I... I never thought of it that way, Senior Brother. Thank you for your wisdom."

Kai chuckled. "Don't thank me yet. Now that I know what you can do, I think I'll put you in charge of all my resource acquisitions from now on. If you're willing, of course."

Chen Wei's eyes widened in shock. "M-me? But Senior Brother, I'm just an Outer Disciple. Surely someone of your status should have a more... qualified assistant."

Kai placed a hand on Chen Wei's shoulder, his voice firm but kind. "Chen Wei, in the short time I've known you, you've shown intelligence, loyalty, and now, impressive negotiation skills. Those qualities are far more valuable to me than status or cultivation level."

Though I have to admit, nothing can beat a loyal high levelled cultivator…

He continued. "But I understand if you're not comfortable with the responsibility. It's your choice."

Chen Wei stood silent for a moment, his expression a mix of emotions. Finally, he took a deep breath and bowed deeply.

"Senior Brother, I would be honored to serve you in this capacity. I promise I won't let you down."

Follower Gained: Chen Wei.

Loyalty: 50

Kai nodded, satisfied. Finally, the system recognises him as my follower, now I can work on building up his loyalty.

As they walked back towards Kai's residence, his mind turned to the encounter with Shen Yu.

What was he doing in the herb pavilion?

Kai recalled the herbs Shen Yu had been examining. He pulled up his system interface, searching his memory for details.

Azure Lightning Flower

Description: A rare herb that grows in areas with high concentrations of lightning essence. Known for its ability to enhance lightning-based cultivation techniques.

Rank: Uncommon

Wind Whisper Grass

Description: A delicate herb that thrives in areas with strong wind currents. Often used in techniques involving speed and agility.

Rank: Uncommon

Interesting combination. Lightning and wind… I know he is planning on mastering both legacy cultivation methods, could he be using some secret recipe that has yet to be discovered to help him?

And then there is the warning about the Sect Master? Is the Sect Master linked to the mysterious disappearances? It wouldn’t surprise me; he does seem a little creepy…

Regardless, I need more information. I guess I have to pay Shen Yu’s pavilion a visit…


David Ellis

I expected Kai to give him a cut of the saved stones to further incentivize strong negotiations.

Jetta Sue

Im kinda waiting for Kai to help him with his cultivation