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Kai settled back into his chair, unrolling the first scroll. As he read, he found himself nodding along. The early stages were familiar territory:

Qi Refining: The foundation of cultivation. Cultivators learn to sense and manipulate qi, strengthening their bodies and spirits.

Foundation Establishment: Cultivators form a stable qi foundation in their dantian.

Core Formation: The qi foundation is compressed into a dense core, allowing for more advanced techniques and the beginning of true immortality.

Nascent Soul: A cultivator forms a miniature version of themselves from pure qi, giving them the ability to fly and extending their lifespan.

Standard progression, Kai thought. But what comes next?

He unrolled the next scroll, his eyes widening as he read:

Astral Formation: Cultivators learn to project their consciousness into the stars, forming connections with celestial bodies. This grants them immense power and the ability to draw on starlight to power their techniques.

Now that's interesting, Kai mused. I wonder if it's literal star connection or more metaphorical?

Enlightenment: At this stage, cultivators gain profound insights into the nature of reality. They can manipulate fundamental forces and even create small pocket dimensions.

Creating dimensions? Kai thought. That's some high-level stuff. It’s probably the Enlightenment cultivator who created the pocket dimension for the Trial of Endurance.

Finally, Kai reached the last scroll:

Immortal Ascension: The pinnacle of cultivation. Those who reach this realm truly transcend mortality, gaining eternal life and godlike powers. Cultivators at this stage are considered living embodiments of natural laws.

Kai let out a low whistle. "Well, that explains a lot."

Chen Wei, who had been hovering nearby, looked at him curiously. "What do you mean, Senior Brother?"

Kai gestured to the scrolls. "This progression. It puts everything into perspective. The gap between a medium sect and a great sect isn't just political or numbers based – it's a fundamental difference in power."

Chen Wei nodded solemnly. "That's right. They say when an Immortal Ascension cultivator fights seriously, they have to fight in the heavens to prevent the world from being reduced to rubble."

Note to self: Do NOT anger any Immortal Ascension cultivators, Kai thought wryly.

"Chen Wei," Kai said, "you've been incredibly helpful. Thank you."

The young disciple beamed. "It's my honor to serve you, Senior Brother! Is there anything else you need?"

Kai shook his head. "Not right now. I think I need some time to process all this information."

As Chen Wei bowed and retreated, Kai leaned back in his chair, his mind whirling with everything he'd learned.

So, I'm in a world with sealed gods, immortal cultivators, and sects paying tribute like feudal vassals. This is... a lot.

He glanced at his status window, focusing on his current level: Qi Refining Stage 8.

I've got a long way to go before I can even think about challenging the big players. For now, I need to focus on survival and cultivation.

Kai's eyes drifted back to the map, lingering on the symbol of the Great Kirin Sect.

Know your enemy, he thought. Or in this case, know the power players who could squash you like a bug if you're not careful.

He stood up, stretching after hours of reading. As he did, he glanced at the stack of books and scrolls they had accumulated. "Chen Wei, I think we've done enough reading for one day. How about we take a break and grab some food?"

Chen Wei looked up from  his book as his stomach growled in response, causing both of them to laugh. As they stood to leave, Kai cast one last look at the library around them.

So much knowledge, so many secrets, he thought. I'll definitely be coming back here often.

As they walked out, Kai nodded respectfully to Old Shan, who was still sweeping near the entrance. The old man gave him a slow nod in return.

Outside, the sun was starting to set, painting the sky in brilliant shades of orange and purple. Kai took a deep breath, enjoying the clean mountain air.

"So, Chen Wei," he said as they walked, "what's good to eat around here?"

Chen Wei's face lit up. "Oh, Senior Brother, you have to try the spirit fruit dumplings! They're amazing!"

As Chen Wei launched into an enthusiastic description of the sect's cuisine, they made their way to the dining hall.

Unlike the dining hall in the trial area, this was a large, open-air pavilion. Disciples of all ranks milled about, chatting and eating.

As they entered, Kai noticed several people turning to look at him, whispering amongst themselves. He caught snatches of conversation:

"Black robes…is that the new Legacy Disciple?"

"I heard he impressed the Sect Master..."

"Do you think he'll reach Nascent Soul before he's thirty?"

“How will Senior Brother Wang Lin react to this?”

Chen Wei tugged on Kai’s sleeve. "Senior Brother, over here! I'll show you where to get the best dishes."

After they loaded their trays with an assortment of colorful and fragrant foods, they found a quiet table in a corner, away from most of the curious stares. As they sat down, Chen Wei looked at Kai with admiration.

"Senior Brother, may I ask you something?"

Kai nodded, taking a bite of a dumpling. It was delicious, bursting with flavors he couldn't quite identify. "Go ahead."

"How do you stay so calm?" Chen Wei asked. "If it were me, I'd be overwhelmed by everything - being chosen as a Legacy Disciple, meeting the Sect Master, all the attention..."

Kai considered the question carefully. He couldn't exactly tell Chen Wei that he was treating this whole experience like a complex strategy game. Instead, he said, "I try to take things one step at a time. Focus on what I can control and learn as much as I can about what I can't."

Chen Wei nodded thoughtfully. "That's very wise, Senior Brother."

Kai shrugged. "It's just common sense. In cultivation, as in life, knowledge is power. The more you understand about your situation, the better equipped you are to handle it."

As they continued to eat, a commotion across the dining hall caught Kai's attention.

To his surprise, he spotted Liu Wei surrounded by three larger Inner Disciples. Two loomed over Liu Wei, while the third hung back, looking uncomfortable.

"Come on, street rat," one of the disciples sneered, shoving Liu Wei. "Hand over your spirit stones. A former bandit like you doesn't deserve them anyway."

Liu Wei raised his hands. "Please, I don't have any to give. I just got here and—"

The second disciple cut him off with a laugh. "Liar! We know all disciples get a starting allowance. Fork it over, or we'll take it by force."

Kai's eyes flicked to the bullies' status:

Name: ???

Cultivation: Qi Refining Stage 7

Qi: 200

Strength: 52

Agility: 51

Durability: 54


Name: ???

Cultivation: Qi Refining Stage 6

Qi: 150

Strength: 40

Agility: 41

Durability: 43


Name: ???

Cultivation Qi Refining Stage 5

Qi: 100

Strength: 30

Agility: 29

Durability: 32


They're stronger than Liu Wei, Kai’s eyes narrowed. But he needs to learn to stand up for himself. Let’s see how he handles this.

Chen Wei tugged at Kai's sleeve. "Senior Brother, isn't that your friend? Shouldn't we help him?"

“Wait,” Kai held up a hand. " Let's see what happens."

Liu Wei glanced around nervously, clearly looking for an escape route. "I really don't have any spirit stones. Please, just let me go."

The leader grabbed Liu Wei's collar. "Wrong answer, trash. Looks like we'll have to teach you a lesson."

As the disciple raised his fist, Kai sighed and tensed, ready to intervene. But before he could move, a high-pitched voice rang out across the dining hall.

"Hey! Don't you bully my disciple!"

Everyone froze, looking around in confusion. Suddenly, a tiny green shape zipped through the air, landing on Liu Wei's shoulder.





Zhi zhi growth, let's go. Tftc