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Kai settled into a chair in a quiet corner of the library, the ancient scroll cradled in his hands. As he unfurled it, a blue box appeared in his vision:

Item: The Era of the Gods Scroll

Rarity: Rare

Description: An ancient text detailing the mythical era before cultivation. Contains valuable historical information.

Kai's eyebrows rose. Rare, huh? Looks like I stumbled onto something good.

He began to read, the elegant script transforming into familiar English words before his eyes:

In the time before cultivation, when the world was young and raw, the gods ruled supreme. These beings of immense power shaped the very fabric of reality, creating all that exists - including mortal life. But the gods were not content with their dominion. Each sought to be the supreme ruler, leading to endless conflicts that shook the heavens and earth.

Among these warring deities was Anion, a god of wisdom and cunning. Seeing the potential in the mortal races, Anion chose a different path. He descended to the mortal realm and taught humans the first steps of cultivation, granting them the ability to harness the energy of the world – qi.

At first, Anion used these cultivators as soldiers in his divine army, bolstering his strength against rival gods. But as millennia passed, the cultivators grew in power and knowledge. They pushed the boundaries of what was thought possible, eventually breaking through to the Immortal Realm itself.

These new immortals looked upon their divine creators and no longer saw beings worthy of worship. They saw rivals.

Having tasted divinity and found it within their grasp, the cultivators turned against their former masters.

A great war erupted, shaking the very foundations of existence. The gods, immortal and eternal, could not be truly killed. But the cultivators found a way to seal them away. One by one, the gods were bound and banished, their power locked away from the world they once ruled.

Thus ended the Era of the Gods, and the Age of Cultivation began...

Kai leaned back, processing what he'd read. Classic origin story. Feels like the setup for a major plot twist down the line.

He couldn't help but chuckle softly. If this were a game, I'd bet my last coin that some 'sealed god' is going to break free and cause havoc. Probably manipulating some power-hungry cultivator to release them.

Kai rolled up the scroll. Note to self: Stay far, far away from any ancient-looking sealed artifacts. I'm not getting roped into a war against immortal beings, thank you very much.

He turned to Chen Wei, who was engrossed in his own book nearby. "Hey, Chen Wei. Have you ever heard stories about the Era of the Gods?"

The young disciple looked up, eyes wide. "Oh yes, Senior Brother! Every child knows the tales. They say the Heavenly Pagoda of our sect was built on the ruins of a god's palace!"

"Interesting. And has anyone ever found... artifacts from that time?"

Chen Wei shrugged. "I've heard rumors of cultivators finding strange objects in ruins, but the Sect Master always confiscate them. Why do you ask, Senior Brother?"

"Just curious," Kai said casually. "History is fascinating, isn't it? Now, could you help me find a good map of the world? I'd like to study the geography a bit."

"Of course!" Chen Wei jumped up eagerly. "I know just the one. Follow me, Senior Brother!"

Chen Wei led him to a large table where a beautifully detailed map was spread out. Kai's eyes widened as he took in the vast expanse of the world before him.

"This is incredible," he murmured.

Chen Wei beamed. "Isn't it? This is the most up-to-date map of the known world. See how it's divided into four great regions?"

Kai nodded, studying the layout. The world was indeed split into four distinct areas: North, South, East, and West. Each region had its own unique geography and climate.

"We're here," Chen Wei said, pointing to a spot in the Eastern Region. "The Azure Sky Sect is located in the Misty Peaks, this mountainous area."

Kai leaned in, examining the Eastern Region more closely. It was a land of towering mountains, dense forests, and winding rivers. The Azure Sky Sect's location was marked by a small lightning bolt symbol.

"I see other sect symbols scattered around," Kai observed. "Are these all the cultivations sects in the East?"

Chen Wei nodded. "Yes, Senior Brother. But notice how some symbols are larger than others? Those represent the power and influence of each sect."

Kai's eyes narrowed as he spotted a massive symbol dominating the center of the Eastern Region. "And that one?"

"Ah," Chen Wei's voice took on a note of awe. "That's the Great Kirin Sect, the most powerful sect in the East. They're one of the four great sects that rule over the entire cultivation world."

Kai raised an eyebrow. "Only four? What about the Azure Sky Sect? Where do we rank?"

Chen Wei shifted uncomfortably. "Well... we're considered a medium-sized sect. The Azure Sky Sect is powerful, but not on the level of the four great sects or the Hidden Clans."

That's surprising. The Sect Master seemed incredibly strong, but the Azure Sky Sect is only 'medium-sized', how powerful are these great sects?

"Tell me more about these four great sects," Kai said. "What makes them so special?"

Chen Wei's eyes lit up at the chance to share his knowledge. "The four great sects are each led by an Immortal Ascension cultivator – a true immortal who has transcended mortal limitations. In the East, we have the Great Kirin Sect. The North is ruled by the Great Roc Sect. The South belongs to the Great Leviathan Sect. And in the West, the Great Tiger Sect reigns supreme."

Kai nodded slowly, processing the information. "And the medium-sized sects like ours? Who leads them?"

"Medium sects are typically led by Enlightenment Realm cultivators," Chen Wei explained. "They're incredibly powerful, but still a step below true immortals. Small sects are usually led by Astral Formation cultivators."

Enlightenment Realm... that must be where our Sect Master is, Kai realized. And probably that old man Shan too.

"What's the relationship between the great sects and medium sects like ours?" Kai asked.

Chen Wei's expression grew serious. "It's... complicated, Senior Brother. Medium sects like ours have to pay tribute to the great sects in our region. In exchange, we receive a measure of protection and access to some of their resources."

Kai frowned. "Tribute? What kind of tribute?"

"Spirit stones, rare materials, sometimes promising disciples," Chen Wei said quietly. "It's a heavy burden, but the alternative is... worse."

Ah, politics, Kai thought grimly. Some things never change, no matter what world you're in.

"I see," Kai tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Could you find me some information on the different cultivation realms? I'd like to understand the path ahead of me better."

"Of course!" Chen Wei hurried off, returning moments later with a stack of scrolls. "These should cover the basic information from Qi Refining to Immortal Ascension."

“Thank you, Chen Wei. And could you ask Elder Jie for a scroll that has detailed information about the Qi Refining Realm specifically? I'd like an in-depth explanation of the theory behind cultivation in this realm."

“An in-depth explanation?” Chen Wei's eyes widened slightly. “Of course, Senior Brother. I'll do my best to get that scroll for you."

A few moments later, Chen Wei hurried back to Kai's table, slightly out of breath but with a smile on his face. In his hands, he carefully cradled an jade-green scroll case. "Senior Brother, I have it!"

Why is a Qi Refining cultivator out of breath...? Kai wondered, slightly shaking his head at his servant’s enthusiasm.

"That was quick. Did you have any trouble?"

Chen Wei shook his head. "Not at all! When I mentioned your name, Elder Jie smiled and said it had already been recorded that you would be borrowing this scroll. He seemed pleased that you were taking your studies so seriously."

"Thank you, Chen Wei," Kai said, taking the scroll case.

He examine the scroll case closely, turning it over in his hands. "This looks valuable. I should keep it safe."

He made a show of reaching towards his ring finer, as if to place the scroll in a storage ring. However, what Chen Wei couldn't see was the blue box that appeared in Kai's vision:

Store item in inventory?

[Yes] [No]

Kai mentally selected 'Yes', and the scroll case vanished from his hands, safely tucked away in his inventory.

To Chen Wei, it appeared as though Kai had simply slipped the scroll into his storage ring

"I'll study this in detail later," Kai said. "For now, let's go through these other scrolls you brought. I want to get a general overview of all the cultivation realms."


David Ellis

I think not putting it in the ring was unwise. They may be tracking both the scroll locations and the ring inventories and notice that the scroll is not within the ring. Keeping his inventory secret would be wiser.