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The sun rose over the Azure Sky Sect, casting a warm glow on the trial quarters. This secluded area, separated from the main sect, housed the participants as they prepared for their final challenge.

Kai stood at the window of his small room, gazing out at the misty mountains surrounding them.

It's like being stuck in the tutorial area, unable to access the main game until I clear these trials.

He turned back to his room, eyeing the meditation mat in the corner. The elders had stressed the importance of mental preparation for the upcoming Trial of the Heart. Most participants were spending their time in deep reflection or meditation.

But sitting still was never my strong suit, Kai mused with a smirk. Time to see what the others are up to.

As he stepped into the hallway, Kai nearly collided with Liu Wei, who was pacing back and forth, muttering to himself.

"Whoa there," Kai said, steadying his follower. "What's got you so worked up?"

"Master Kai!” Liu Wei said with wide eye. “I... I can't stop thinking about what Elder Feng said. About the Trial of the Heart. What if they look into my past and see... you know..." He lowered his voice. "My time as a bandit?"

Poor guy's really spiraling, Kai thought. Time for some tough love.

"Liu Wei," Kai said firmly, "look at me."

Liu Wei raised his eyes, meeting Kai's steady gaze.

"You are not defined by your past," Kai said. "You're defined by your choices now. You chose to leave that life behind. You chose to follow a better path. That's what matters."


"No buts," Kai interrupted. "The Azure Sky Sect doesn't want perfect people. They want people who can recognize their mistakes and strive to be better. That's you, Liu Wei."

Liu Wei's eyes widened. "You really think so, Master?"

Kai nodded. "I know so. Or else I wouldn’t keep telling you this. Now, take a deep breath and remember why you're here."

He's come so far. I can’t let him falter now.

"Thank you, Master," Liu Wei said softly. "I... I think I feel better now."

"That's the spirit," Kai said with a grin. "Now, how about we grab some breakfast? Can't face a trial on an empty stomach."

As they made their way to the common area, Kai's mind was already working on strategies. The Trial of the Heart. It's not just about power or skill. They want to know our character. But how do you measure something like that? There has to be a system, a set of criteria they're using...

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Behold, my loyal disciples! Your master has achieved perfect enlightenment through rigorous meditation!"

Zhi-Zhi waddled towards them, his tiny chest puffed out with pride. The spirit tortoise had somehow acquired a miniature set of monk's robes, complete with a small wooden prayer bead necklace.

Kai raised an eyebrow. "Enlightenment, huh? That was fast."

"Of course it was!" Zhi-Zhi declared. "For one of my immense spiritual fortitude, such trivial matters as moral quandaries are child's play!"

"That's, uh, very impressive, great Zhi-Zhi,” Liu Wei chuckled. “Any tips for the rest of us?"

Zhi-Zhi's eyes gleamed. "Ah, you wish to learn from my boundless wisdom! Very well, I shall impart upon you the secret to passing this trial." He paused dramatically. "Simply be as magnificent as me!"

Kai rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the advice, oh wise one. I'm sure we'll all keep that in mind."

As they entered the common area, Kai noticed several other participants already gathered there. Some sat in quiet contemplation over their meals, while others engaged in hushed conversations.

Sun Jun and his group occupied a table near the center, their voices carrying across the room.

"...and then I told the elder, 'With all due respect, sir, but I believe my interpretation of the Righteous Fist technique is far superior,'" Sun Jun boasted, earning nods of approval from his cronies.

Kai shook his head as he grabbed a tray. Typical. Even now, he can't help showing off. But maybe that confidence will serve him well in the trial...

They found a quiet table near the edge of the room. As Kai began to eat, he noticed Shen Yu sitting alone in the corner, his eyes closed in meditation even as he mechanically lifted food to his mouth.

Liu Wei followed Kai's gaze. "Master, do you think Shen Yu will have trouble with the Trial of the Heart? He seems so... cold."

Kai shrugged. "Hard to say. Just because someone doesn't wear their heart on their sleeve doesn't mean they lack one. He could surprise us all."

As they finished their meal, Lu Chen approached their table.

"Good morning, Kai, Liu Wei," he said with a slight bow. "I hope your preparations for the trial are going well?"

Kai nodded, studying Lu Chen's carefully neutral expression. "Well enough. And yours?"

Lu Chen smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Oh, I believe I'm adequately prepared. The Chen family has a long history with the Azure Sky Sect, after all. We know what's expected."

Ah, there it is, Kai thought. A subtle reminder of his connections.

Aloud, Kai simply said, "I'm sure you'll do fine. May the best cultivators succeed."

Lu Chen's smile tightened almost imperceptibly. "Indeed. Well, good luck to you both." He bowed again and walked away.

Liu Wei let out a breath he'd been holding. "Master, do you think he was trying to intimidate us?"

Kai chuckled. "In his own polite way, yes. But don't let it get to you. Remember, this trial isn't about family connections or past glory. It's about who we are now, in this moment."

They spent the rest of the morning in the common area, observing the other participants and discussing strategies in low voices. Kai couldn't help but analyze everyone's behavior, looking for clues about the upcoming trial.

"...but what if they ask about that time I..."

"...my father says the key is to project confidence, no matter what..."

"...I heard they use some kind of truth-revealing artifact..."

It's like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces, he mused. But every bit of information helps. Who knows what could give us an edge?

Zhi-Zhi, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, suddenly yawned . "Well, my faithful disciples, it seems the time has come for me to engage in some deep, spiritual meditation. Do not disturb me unless the heavens themselves are falling!"

With that, the spirit tortoise retreated into his shell, which began to let out soft snoring sounds moments later.

Kai chuckled, shaking his head. "At least someone's not stressed about the trial."

As Kai turned to talk with Liu Wei, he suddenly felt a strange sensation wash over him. It felt like a wave of static, briefly distorting his perception. He blinked, shaking his head to clear it.

"Master, are you alright?"

Kai held up a hand, trying to focus. "I'm fine, just felt a bit... odd for a moment there."

What was that? Kai wondered. Some kind of qi fluctuation?

Out of habit, Kai tried to pull up his status window to check if anything had changed. But to his shock and growing alarm, nothing happened. He tried again, concentrating harder this time. Still nothing.

This isn't right, Kai thought, a cold feeling settling in his stomach. The system has never failed before. It's always been there, even when I'm asleep or unconscious. But now…it’s gone.

"Master?" Liu Wei's worried voice broke through Kai's rising panic. "You look pale. Should we go see one of the medical cultivators?"

Kai forced himself to take a deep breath, his mind racing. Okay, don't panic. Think this through logically. I still have access to qi. I can still feel my cultivation base. So it's not like I've lost everything. But without the system...

"I'm okay, Liu Wei," Kai said, trying to keep his voice steady. "Just... thinking about the trial."

Liu Wei nodded sympathetically, but Kai could see the confusion in his eyes.

I can't tell him, Kai realized. He wouldn't understand, and I can't risk anyone finding out about the system... or its absence.

As they continued their conversation, Kai's mind was working overtime. Is this part of the trial? Some kind of illusion or test? Or has something gone seriously wrong?

He glanced around the room, studying the other participants more closely now. Everyone seemed normal, going about their business as usual. No one else appeared to be experiencing anything strange.

Okay, think. If this is an illusion, what's the objective? To see through it? To resist it? Or is the illusion itself just a setting for the real trial? Will they now test my heart?

Just as Kai was about to suggest they return to their rooms to regroup and think, a commotion erupted from the direction of the main entrance. The sound of splintering wood echoed through the hallways, followed by gasps and cries of alarm.

"What in the name of the Celestial Tortoise Palace is going on?" Zhi-Zhi exclaimed, popping his head out of his shell.

Kai and Liu Wei exchanged worried glances before hurrying towards the source of the disturbance, with Zhi-Zhi scuttling along behind them.

"Wait for me, you impertinent disciples!" the spirit tortoise huffed. "A master should always lead the charge!"

As they rounded the corner, they were met with a shocking sight. The massive doors that sealed off the trial quarters had been smashed open. Standing in the wreckage were three figures, their auras crackling with power that far exceeded anything Kai had felt from the other participants.

Foundation Establishment cultivators!

Author's Note

Check out the pic of Zhi-Zhi attached!



David Ellis

I can feel the divinity emanating from the picture you gifted us!