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With his own trial complete, Kai took the opportunity to observe how the others were faring. He first looked for Liu Wei.

His follower was standing with his eyes closed, a look of intense concentration on his face. Occasionally, a gentle breeze would ruffle his clothes, but he seemed to be struggling to maintain it.

Looks like he got a wind technique, Kai mused. Makes sense, given his affinity. But he's having trouble controlling it. Hopefully he can pull through before the time limit.

Next, Kai's gaze fell on Zhi-Zhi. To his surprise, the tiny tortoise seemed to be making good progress. A faint green glow surrounded Zhi-Zhi's shell, and as Kai watched, small vines began to sprout from the ground around him.

A wood-based technique? Kai raised an eyebrow. Interesting choice for a tortoise. But he seems to have a knack for it. Maybe it’s got something to do with his ‘mother’?

Lu Chen caught Kai's attention next. The young noble was moving through a series of fluid motions, water droplets forming in the air around him. His face was the picture of peace, almost as if he were dancing rather than practicing a martial technique.

Water element, huh? He seems pretty comfortable with it, Kai observed. Must be a good match for his temperament. I wouldn't be surprised if he finishes near the top.

Finally, Kai's eyes landed on Sun Jun. The arrogant young master's face was contorted in frustration as he attempted to perform what looked like a fire-based technique. Flames would flicker to life around his hands, only to sputter out moments later.

Struggling with control. All that raw power, but he can't seem to direct it properly. Still, with his resources and training, he'll probably figure it out eventually.

As the hours passed, more and more participants completed their trials. Some managed to perform their techniques with varying degrees of success, while others struggled until the very end.

As the third hour approached, Lu Chen stood, his arms flowing like water itself. As he completed his final gesture, an orb of water formed between his palms. With a gentle push, the orb expanded into a swirling shield of liquid, rotating rapidly around Lu Chen's body. Droplets flew off, each seeming to dance in the air before returning to the shield.

The elders nodded approvingly at this display of the "Whirlpool Shield Technique."

"Excellent control, Lu Chen," one elder commented. "A fine defensive technique, executed with precision."

Lu Chen bowed, the water shield dissipating into a fine mist around him. He had finished third, just behind Kai.

Sun Jun, on the other hand, struggled for nearly five hours before he let out a loud kiai and thrust his palm forward. A burst of intense flame erupted from his hand, forming a fiery fist that shot forward several meters before exploding in a shower of sparks. The heat was so intense that those nearby could feel it on their skin.

"Impressive power, Young Master Sun," an elder remarked. "Though perhaps work on refining your control in the future."

Sun Jun nodded, trying to hide his heavy breathing. Despite the delay, he had still managed to secure fourth place in the rankings.

And Zhi-Zhi, much to everyone's surprise, showed remarkable aptitude with his wood technique. The tiny tortoise managed to grow a small tree in just over five hours, securing fifth place.

"Ha! Did you see that?" Zhi-Zhi boasted to the other participants. "This is but a fraction of my true power!"

Kai couldn't help but smile at the tortoise's antics.

After nearly seven hours of intense concentration, Liu Wei finally grasped the essence of his wind technique. His face, covered in sweat, broke into a wide smile as he prepared to demonstrate for the elders.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Wei spread his arms wide. He began to spin slowly, as he turned, wisps of wind started to swirl around him, picking up loose leaves and dust.

Gradually, Liu Wei's spin quickened, and the wind responded in kind. A visible funnel of air formed around him, stretching from the ground to just above his head. The whirlwind wasn't large - maybe a meter in diameter - but it was unmistakably real.

Inside the vortex, Liu Wei's clothes and hair whipped about wildly. Despite his obvious exhaustion, his eyes shone with pride and joy.

"Windshield Vortex," Liu Wei announced, his voice slightly muffled by the rushing air.

He held the technique for a full minute before letting it dissipate. As the wind died down, Liu Wei stumbled slightly, clearly drained from the effort.

One of the elders nodded approvingly. "A solid foundation, Liu Wei. With practice, this technique could provide excellent defense against projectiles and even some physical attacks."

Liu Wei bowed deeply, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. "Thank you, honored elder. I will continue to refine it."

Kai, watching from nearby, felt a surge of pride for his follower. Not bad at all, Liu Wei, he thought. You've come a long way from being a simple bandit.

As the 24-hour mark arrived, the Sect Master raised his hand, calling for attention. "The trial is complete," he announced. "Those who have not yet mastered their techniques, I'm afraid your journey with us ends here."

A wave of his hand, and the Enlightenment Stones flew back to him, glowing faintly with residual qi. Then, with another gesture, a shimmering screen of water appeared in the air before him.

"Behold," the Sect Master said, "the results of the selection so far."

The water rippled, and names began to appear, ranked from top to bottom. Kai's eyes quickly scanned the list:

1.        Shen Yu

2.        Kai Thorn

3.        Lu Chen

4.        Sun Jun

5.        Liu Wei

6.        Zhi-Zhi

Not bad at all. Kai nodded to himself, satisfied with the results. We've all made it through. But Shen Yu... he's going to be tough to beat.

As the participants began to disperse, discussing their results and new techniques, Kai felt a presence beside him. He turned to see Shen Yu standing there, his dark eyes unreadable.

"Congratulations," Shen Yu said, his voice low. "Your comprehension speed was... impressive."

Kai nodded, studying the other youth's face. "Thanks. But clearly it isn’t as fast as yours."

For a moment, they stood in silence, each taking the measure of the other. Then Shen Yu spoke again, his voice barely above a whisper. "That might not be the case.”

Before Kai could respond, Shen Yu turned and walked away.

What did he mean by that? Kai wondered. Is he confirming that he already knew the technique beforehand, I’m almost certain he is either a regressor or reincarnator, I just don’t know which one…

As Kai mulled over the enigma that was Shen Yu, Liu Wei approached, his face beaming with pride.

"Master Kai!" he exclaimed. "I did it! I actually managed to complete the technique!"

Kai smiled, genuinely happy for his follower. "Well done, Liu Wei. I knew you had it in you."

Liu Wei's smile faltered slightly. "But... it was nothing compared to you."

Kai placed a hand on Liu Wei's shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about that. What matters is that you passed. Many others didn't make it this far. You should be proud."

Liu Wei's smile returned, brighter than before. "You're right, Master. Thank you."

As Liu Wei chatted excitedly about his new wind technique, they were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Ah, my faithful disciples! Bask in the glory of your master's achievement!" Zhi-Zhi waddled up to them, his tiny chest puffed out. "From last place to sixth place! Sixth, I tell you! A most auspicious number, wouldn't you agree?"

Kai couldn't help but smile at the tortoise's enthusiasm. "Indeed, Zhi-Zhi. You did very well. That wood technique of yours was quite impressive."

Zhi-Zhi preened at the praise. "Of course it was! In my younger days, I once grew an entire forest with a single thought! This paltry sapling was but child's play for one of my immense talents!"

Liu Wei chuckled. "Of course, great Zhi-Zhi. We're honored to be in the presence of such a master of wood techniques."

As the group continued their light-hearted banter, the Sect Master's voice suddenly rang out across the plateau, silencing all conversations.

"Disciples," he said, "you have done well to come this far. But your journey is not yet complete. Tomorrow, you will face your greatest challenge yet - the Trial of the Heart."

The Trial of the Heart. Kai had been expecting this.

It's not just about power or technique. It's about character.

His mind flashed back to Elder Feng's warning to Liu Wei, trying to scare the former bandit about this very trial. The Azure Sky Sect was known for its righteousness, its dedication to justice and protecting the weak. This trial wasn't about combat or comprehension - it was about moral fiber.

They want to know if we're worthy of their teachings, if we align with their values, Kai mused. This could be tricky.

He glanced at Liu Wei, who looked nervous but determined, clearly remembering Elder Feng's words. Zhi-Zhi, on the other hand, was already boasting about his "immense spiritual fortitude." Kai couldn't help but smirk at the tortoise's unwavering confidence.

At least I've had time to prepare for this, Kai reassured himself. I might not be the paragon of virtue they're looking for, but I'm not a villain either. I just need to show them that sometimes, the ends can justify the means - if the cause is right.

As Kai looked around at the other disciples, he assessed their potential reactions to this trial. Sun Jun, for all his arrogance, came from a respected family known for their contributions to the sect. Lu Chen had a reputation for kindness and generosity. And Shen Yu... well, Shen Yu remained an enigma.

I wonder how many others here are putting on a front, Kai thought. How many of us don't fit the mold of the perfect, righteous cultivator? The real question is, how will the sect judge us?

As the disciples began to disperse, heading back to their quarters to rest and prepare for the coming challenge, Kai's mind was already working on strategies. This wasn't a game he could easily min-max or find exploits for. This was about presenting the core of who he was as a person in the best light possible.

I need to be smart about this, Kai decided. Show them that sometimes, true righteousness requires making tough choices. After all, in this world, pure idealism can be a luxury not everyone can afford.



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