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Kai sat cross-legged in the fields outside his little hut. Opposite him, Liu Wei mirrored his position, his expression a mix of eagerness and nervousness. To Kai's right, Zhi-Zhi on a smooth stone.

"Alright, Liu Wei,” Kai began. “We're going to start with the Swift Wind Step technique."

"I've been looking forward to learning this for years, Master!” Liu Wei exclaimed.

Kai smiled, pleased by Liu Wei's enthusiasm. "Well, thanks to that fruit you ate in the Whispering Woods, which boosted your wind affinity by 20%, you're in an excellent position to learn it quickly."

"I’m ready to begin but Master," Liu Wei said, his brow furrowing in confusion, "why focus on this technique specifically? Wouldn't it be better to work on overall qi cultivation with the Azure Sky Sect trials so close?"

"Good question. In a perfect world, we'd have time to round out all aspects of your cultivation. But we don't have that luxury. The trials are just around the corner, and we need to play to your strengths." Kai paused, letting his words sink in. "Your main advantage is your speed and agility. The Swift Wind Step will enhance those natural talents. In a trial situation, being able to move quickly and unpredictably could make all the difference."

It's basic gaming strategy, Kai mused. Buff your strongest stats first, especially when you're on a time crunch.

Liu Wei's eyes lit up with understanding. "I see! So, we're focusing on what I'm already good at, rather than trying to improve my weaknesses."

"Exactly," Kai nodded approvingly. "In the long run, we'll work on all aspects of your cultivation. But for now, we need to make you as formidable as possible in your areas of strength."

Zhi-Zhi, who had been uncharacteristically quiet until now, suddenly spoke up. "Ah, yes! As the ancient saying goes: 'A fish that swims faster than the current need not worry about the direction of the river.'"

Kai and Liu Wei exchanged puzzled glances.

"Um, Zhi-Zhi," Kai began gently, "I'm not sure that saying really applies here. Or... exists at all."

The tortoise puffed up indignantly. "Of course it does! It's a very old and wise saying. You humans simply haven't lived long enough to hear it."

Right, because you're such an ancient and wise being at the ripe old age of... what, a hundred? Kai thought, suppressing a smirk. Instead, he reached out and patted Zhi-Zhi's shell. "Of course, Zhi-Zhi. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us."

Looking pleased with himself, he tortoise settled back onto his stone.

Turning his attention back to Liu Wei, Kai took a moment to gather his thoughts. When he'd used the Skill Scroll for Swift Wind Step, the scroll had disintegrated, its knowledge absorbed directly into his mind. He understood the technique on a fundamental level, but translating that understanding into teachable instructions was proving to be a challenge.

It's like trying to explain how to ride a bike, Kai mused. You know how to do it, but putting it into words is trickier than you'd expect.

"Okay," Kai began, "the key to the Swift Wind Step is in the name itself. You're not just moving quickly; you're becoming one with the wind. Start by visualizing your qi as a gentle breeze flowing through your body."

Liu Wei closed his eyes, his face scrunching up in concentration.

"Don't force it," Kai advised. "Let the qi flow naturally, like a stream finding its path. Now, focus on your feet. Imagine the wind gathering there, coiling like a spring."

Liu Wei nodded, his eyes still closed.

"When you're ready to move, release that coiled energy. Let it propel you forward, but don't fight against it. Move with the flow of the wind."

Kai watched as Liu Wei's face twisted in confusion. Maybe I'm being too abstract, he thought. Time for a more practical demonstration.

"Here, let me show you," Kai said, standing up. He took a few steps back, giving himself some room. "Watch closely."

Kai closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He felt his qi stirring, responding to his will. In his mind's eye, he saw it swirling around his feet, building up like a miniature cyclone. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, he released it.

To Liu Wei and Zhi-Zhi, it looked as if Kai had simply vanished. A heartbeat later, he reappeared several meters away, leaves and dust swirling in his wake.

"Wow!" Liu Wei exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement. "That was incredible, Master!"

Even Zhi-Zhi looked impressed, though he quickly hid it behind a mask of indifference. "Hmph. I suppose that's somewhat impressive. For a human."

Kai walked back to his starting position, a slight smile on his face. "That's the basic idea. Now you try, Liu Wei. Remember, visualize the wind, gather it at your feet, then release."

Liu Wei nodded eagerly, getting to his feet. He closed his eyes, his face a mask of intense concentration. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and tried to move.

Instead of the graceful dash Kai had demonstrated, Liu Wei stumbled forward awkwardly, nearly falling flat on his face.

"That's... not quite right," Kai said, trying to keep the amusement out of his voice.

Liu Wei's face fell. "I don't understand. What am I doing wrong?"

Before Kai could respond, Zhi-Zhi spoke up. "Ah, young human, you're thinking about it all wrong! You need to be more... more..." The tortoise paused, clearly struggling to come up with something profound. "More wind-like! Yes, that's it. Be the wind!"

Liu Wei's confusion only seemed to deepen. "Be... the wind? How do I do that?"

Zhi-Zhi nodded sagely. "It's simple! Just... um... blow around? No, wait, that's not right. Swoosh! Yes, you need to swoosh!"

Kai couldn't help but chuckle at the tortoise's well-meaning but utterly useless advice. "I think what our wise friend is trying to say," he interjected, shooting an amused glance at Zhi-Zhi, "is that you need to relax more. You're too tense."

He stood up, walking over to Liu Wei. "Here, let me try to explain it differently. Forget about the wind for a moment. Focus on your body. Feel the energy flowing through you."

Liu Wei nodded, closing his eyes again.

"Now, imagine that energy gathering in your core," Kai continued, his voice calm and steady. "When you're ready to move, let that energy flow down to your feet, then push off with it. Don't try to control every aspect of the movement. Let your body flow with the energy."

Liu Wei's brow furrowed in concentration. He took a deep breath, held it for a moment, then exhaled slowly. Suddenly, he moved.

It wasn't as smooth or as fast as Kai's demonstration, but it was a definite improvement. Liu Wei managed to dash forward several steps before stumbling to a stop.

"That's it!" Kai exclaimed, genuinely pleased. "That's the basic idea. You just need to refine it now."

Liu Wei's face lit up with a mixture of pride and excitement. "I did it! I mean, it wasn't perfect, but I felt it! The energy, the movement... it was amazing!"

Zhi-Zhi huffed from his perch on the stone. "Well, I suppose it wasn't terrible. For a beginner."

Kai smiled at the tortoise's backhanded compliment. "High praise from our esteemed spirit beast friend."

Turning back to Liu Wei, Kai's expression grew more serious. "Now comes the hard part. You need to practice this over and over until it becomes second nature. The goal is to be able to use the Swift Wind Step without even thinking about it."

Liu Wei nodded eagerly. "I understand, Master Kai. I won't let you down!"

For the next hour, Liu Wei practiced the technique relentlessly. Each attempt brought small improvements, but also new challenges. Sometimes he would move too quickly and lose his balance. Other times, he wouldn't gather enough energy and would barely move at all.

Kai watched closely, offering advice and encouragement. "Remember, it's not just about speed. It's about control. Feel the flow of energy and move with it, not against it."

As Liu Wei continued to practice, Zhi-Zhi couldn't resist adding his own commentary. "Bah! What good is all this running around anyway? True strength lies in standing your ground!"

"Oh?” Kai raised an eyebrow at the tortoise. “And I suppose you'd just hide in your shell if an enemy attacked?"

"Hide?” Zhi-Zhi puffed up. “I never hide! I strategically defend myself with my impenetrable armor!"

Kai chuckled, reaching out to pat the tortoise's shell again. "Of course you do. But remember, Zhi-Zhi, not all of us are blessed with such formidable defenses. We fragile humans sometimes need to rely on speed and agility."

The tortoise seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding sagely. "Ah, yes. I suppose you poor, shell-less creatures must make do with what you have. Carry on with your running practice, then."

As Liu Wei continued his attempts, Kai found his mind wandering. It's strange, he thought. In all the games I've played, learning skills was instantaneous. Click a button, spend some points, and bam! New ability unlocked. But here, even with my gamer-like abilities, there's no shortcut for actual practice.

He watched as Liu Wei made another attempt, this time managing to dash several meters before losing control and tumbling to the ground. The young man got up, brushing dirt from his clothes, a look of determination on his face.

He's got potential, Kai mused. More than I initially gave him credit for. With the right training, he could become a formidable cultivator.

A notification popped up in Kai's vision:

Liu Wei's Loyalty: 80/100

As Liu Wei prepared for another attempt, Kai called out, "Wait a moment, Liu Wei. Let's take a short break. You don't want to exhaust your qi reserves completely."

Liu Wei nodded, wiping sweat from his brow as he walked back to where Kai and Zhi-Zhi were sitting. He plopped down on the grass, breathing heavily.

"How am I doing, Master Kai?" he asked, a mix of hope and anxiety in his voice.

Kai considered his answer carefully. In a game, I'd have exact stats to reference. Here, I have to rely on observation and intuition. "You're making good progress," he said finally. "Your control is improving with each attempt. The key now is to make the movement more fluid, more natural."

Liu Wei nodded eagerly. "I think I understand. It's like... like when I used to scout for the bandits. I had to move quickly and quietly, without thinking about each individual step."

"That's a good analogy, Liu Wei. This technique isn't so different from that. The main difference is that you're using qi to enhance your natural abilities."

Just as Kai finished talking, he noticed a message pop up.

New Title Acquired: Novice Instructor

Description: Your efforts in teaching others have been recognized. You now have a 5% increased chance of successfully imparting knowledge when instructing others in skills or techniques you know.

New System Feature Unlocked: Teaching XP

You can now earn XP from teaching. XP will be gained when a student successfully learns or improves in a skill you're teaching.

Kai's eyebrows rose slightly, but he managed to keep his expression neutral. Another title, and a new system feature? This could be a game-changer.

He quickly glanced at his existing title:

Village Protector

Description: You have proven yourself as a defender of Misty Waterfall Village.

+10% to all stats when fighting to protect the village or its inhabitants.

Interesting, Kai thought. This new title is more specialized, but it could be incredibly valuable in the long run. Especially if I end up taking on more disciples in the future. And earning XP from teaching? That's a whole new avenue for progression.

He pushed the thought aside, focusing on the task at hand. "Alright, Liu Wei. Now that you've got the basic movement down, let's work on incorporating it into combat situations."

Liu Wei's eyes lit up with excitement. "Like how you used it against those rogue cultivators? That was incredible, Master. One moment you were there, the next you were behind them."

Kai nodded, pleased by Liu Wei's enthusiasm and recollection. "Exactly. The true power of the Swift Wind Step comes from how you use it in battle. It's not just about moving fast; it's about moving smart."

"I remember," Liu Wei said. "You used it to dodge attacks that seemed impossible to avoid, and to strike from unexpected angles. It was like you were everywhere at once."

“Those are exactly the kind of applications we'll be working on,” Kai nodded. “The technique can be used both offensively and defensively."

"So, how do we practice these combat applications, Master?" Liu Wei asked eagerly.

“Let's set up a little test,” Kai grinned. “I want you to try and tag me using the Swift Wind Step. Don't hold back - I can handle it."

"Tag you?" Liu Wei's eyes widened. "But Master, you're so much more skilled with the technique than I am."

"That's the point," Kai explained. "In a real battle, your opponents won't go easy on you. This will help you learn to use the technique under pressure. Remember how I used it against the rogue cultivators - try to apply those same principles."

Liu Wei took a deep breath. "I understand. I'll do my best."



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