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The morning sun peeked over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the Misty Waterfall Village. Kai stood at the edge of the town square, watching as villagers began to gather for the Talent Ceremony.

Liu Wei shifted beside him, his eyes darting nervously among the crowd. "It feels strange not to be participating, Master. Do you think the other villagers will resent us for already being cultivators?"

Kai shook his head, his gaze steady as he scanned the crowd. "I doubt it, Liu Wei. Most of them are probably too focused on their own chances to worry about us."

Not that it matters what they think anyway, Kai mused. In this world, strength is what counts. As long as they can't harm us, their opinions are irrelevant.

Sat on top of Liu Wei's head, Zhi-Zhi puffed out his tiny chest. "Besides, they should be honored to witness my presence at such an event!"

Kai suppressed a smile. This little guy's ego is something else.

"Let's focus on observing the ceremony," Kai said, his voice low. "We might spot potential allies or rivals among the candidates."

Liu Wei nodded, his posture relaxing slightly. "You're right, Master.”

As more villagers filed into the square, Kai noticed Elder Zhang bustling about, directing people and ensuring everything was in order. The old man's face was a mixture of excitement and worry.

He's probably concerned about how I'll behave after last night's... eventful dinner, Kai thought.

Near the center of the square, a simple wooden chair had been set up on a raised platform. Next to it stood a small table with a velvet cloth draped over it.

"Look," Liu Wei whispered, pointing. "That must be where the Outer Elder will sit."

Kai nodded. "And I bet that cloth is covering some sort of testing crystal."

As if on cue, a hush fell over the crowd. Outer Elder Feng strode into the square, his blue and white robes billowing slightly in the morning breeze. Trailing behind Feng was a frail-looking old man Kai vaguely recognized as the village leader.

I almost forgot that guy existed, Kai mused. Elder Zhang does all the real work around here.

The village leader cleared his throat and addressed the crowd in a wavering voice. "Esteemed villagers, welcome to this year's Talent Ceremony! We are honored to have Outer Elder Feng of the Azure Sky Sect with us today. He will test our youth for cultivation potential using the sacred Spirit Essence Crystal."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the gathering. Kai watched as parents hugged their children, whispering words of encouragement.

In every xianxia novel I've read, this is always a big moment, Kai thought. The start of the protagonist's journey. I'd better keep my eyes open.

Elder Feng took his seat on the wooden chair, his piercing gaze sweeping over the assembled villagers. When his eyes met Kai's, there was a flicker of... something but it was gone too quickly to tell.

"Let us begin," Feng announced, his voice carrying easily across the square. He reached for the velvet cloth and pulled it away, revealing a palm-sized crystal that seemed to glow with an inner light.

Elder Zhang stepped forward, unrolling a scroll. "We will proceed in alphabetical order. When your name is called, please step forward and place your hand on the crystal."

The first name was called, and a nervous-looking boy of about fifteen stumbled forward. He placed a trembling hand on the crystal, and... nothing happened. The crystal remained dark.

Feng's face remained impassive. "Next," he called out.

And so it went. One by one, the village youth approached the crystal. Most produced no reaction at all. A few caused the crystal to flicker weakly, drawing gasps from the crowd.

Liu Wei leaned in close to Kai. "Master, how bright does the crystal need to get for someone to be accepted?"

Kai kept his eyes on the proceedings as he answered. “I’m not too sure but from what I can see, it needs to glow steadily for at least a few seconds. A weak flicker isn't enough."

Zhi-Zhi snorted. "If I touched that crystal, it would probably explode from my immense spiritual power!"

Kai and Liu Wei exchanged amused glances but said nothing.

As the ceremony continued, Kai found his mind wandering. I wonder if this is how the System chose me back on Earth. Some cosmic crystal deciding I had the right "stats" to be isekai'd?

His thoughts were interrupted by a collective gasp from the crowd. Kai's attention snapped back to the platform, where a young girl stood with her hand on the crystal. It was glowing steadily, brighter than it had for anyone else so far.

Elder Feng leaned forward, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Interesting," he murmured. "You have some potential, child. Not enough for the Azure Sky Sect, but perhaps one of the smaller sects would take you on."

The girl's face fell slightly, but her family erupted in cheers. Kai could understand their excitement. Even the chance to join a minor sect was a big deal in a village like this.

As the girl stepped down, Elder Zhang called out the next name. "Shen Yu, please step forward."

A young man detached himself from the crowd. Kai estimated him to be around sixteen, with a lean build and sharp features. What caught Kai's attention, however, was the boy's eyes. They were calm, almost unnaturally so for someone about to face a life-changing test.

I don't know much about this one, Kai realized. He's always kept to himself. Could he be...

As Shen Yu approached the crystal, the crowd fell silent. Even Liu Wei and Zhi-Zhi stopped their whispered commentary, caught up in the tension of the moment.

Shen Yu placed his hand on the crystal without hesitation. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, slowly, a faint glow began to emanate from the stone. It grew steadily brighter, until it surpassed any glow before it.

Outer Elder Feng nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Well done, Shen Yu. You have earned the right to attempt our trials."

The crowd cheered again, but Kai barely heard them. His eyes were fixed on Shen Yu's face, watching for any reaction.

There was none.

No shock. No joy. No relief. Shen Yu's expression remained as calm and unreadable as it had been before the test.

That's not normal, Kai thought, his mind racing. A village boy with the chance to enter an immortal sect should be ecstatic, or at least surprised. Unless...

"Master Kai?" Liu Wei's voice broke through his thoughts. "Is something wrong?"

Kai shook his head slightly. "No, nothing's wrong. Just... thinking."

As Shen Yu melted back into the crowd, Kai's mind whirled with possibilities. Could he be a hidden protagonist? A reincarnator? A regressor? In xianxia novels, there's always someone with a secret past or future knowledge.

He ran through the possibilities:

Reincarnator: Someone reborn into this world with memories of their past life.

Regressor: Someone who's lived through these events before and come back in time to change things. They'd know exactly what to expect, which could explain Shen Yu's lack of reaction.

Hidden Protagonist: Someone with a secret background or special ability, waiting for the right moment to reveal themselves.

Or, Kai reminded himself, he could just be an unusually calm teenager. Not everything has to follow story logic.

Still, Kai made a mental note to keep an eye on Shen Yu. In a world of cultivation and immortal sects, it paid to be cautious.

Elder Feng's voice cut through Kai's thoughts. "We will depart for the Azure Sky Sect in three days. Those who have been selected should prepare themselves. When we arrive at the sect, that is when the real trial begins."

As he said this last part, Feng's eyes locked onto Kai. There was a clear message in that gaze: You'd better be ready.

Then, almost as an afterthought, Feng's gaze shifted slightly. His eyes widened as he noticed Zhi-Zhi perched on top of Liu Wei's head.

Crap, Kai thought. He seems interested in our little "master" here.

As the crowd began to disperse, chattering excitedly about the results of the ceremony, Kai felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Elder Zhang, looking both relieved and apprehensive.

"Kai, my boy," Zhang said in a low voice. "A word, if you please."

Kai nodded. "Of course, Elder Zhang. Liu Wei, why don't you take Zhi-Zhi back to my hut? I'll meet you there later."

Liu Wei bowed slightly. "Yes, Master."

As Liu Wei walked away, Zhi-Zhi's voice could be heard complaining. "But I wanted to show that Outer Elder my true power! He would have begged me to join his sect!"

Kai followed Elder Zhang to a quiet corner of the square. The old man's face was creased with worry.

"Kai," Zhang began, "I hope you understand the opportunity before you. The Azure Sky Sect is one of the most prestigious in the region. If you impress them during the trials..."

Kai held up a hand. "I understand, Elder Zhang. I won't let you down."

Zhang's expression softened. "I know you won't, my boy. It's just... after last night's dinner, I worry that you might... ruffle some feathers."

Kai couldn't help but smile. "You mean you're worried I'll mouth off to the wrong person and get myself killed?"

Zhang winced. "Well, I wouldn't put it quite so bluntly, but... yes."

"Don't worry," Kai said, his voice taking on a serious tone. "I know how to play the game. I'll be on my best behavior."

As long as no one tries to take advantage of me, he added silently.

Zhang studied Kai's face for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. I trust you, Kai. Just remember, one wrong move can be fatal."

"I'll remember," Kai promised. Trust me, old man, I've read enough xianxia to know how cutthroat this world can be.

As Elder Zhang walked away, Kai's gaze drifted back to where Shen Yu stood, still as calm and unruffled as before. The boy's parents were hugging him, tears of joy streaming down their faces, but Shen Yu's expression remained neutral.

There's definitely more to that kid than meets the eye, Kai thought. I'll need to keep a close watch on him during the trials.

With that thought, Kai turned and began making his way back to his hut. He had a lot to prepare for in the next three days.

As Kai walked through the village, he couldn't help but notice the change in atmosphere. Everywhere he looked, people were talking excitedly about the Talent Ceremony and Shen Yu's success.

"Did you see how the crystal lit up for him?"

"I always knew that Shen boy was special!"

"Do you think he'll become a great cultivator?"

Kai tuned out the chatter, his mind focused on the tasks ahead. I need to make sure I'm fully prepared for these trials. Who knows what kind of tests the Azure Sky Sect will throw at us?

As he approached his hut, he heard raised voices from inside. Kai sighed. What are those two arguing about now?

He pushed open the door to find Liu Wei and Zhi-Zhi in the middle of a heated debate.

"I'm telling you, I could have made that crystal explode with my power!" Zhi-Zhi was saying, his tiny face scrunched up in indignation.

Liu Wei rolled his eyes. "And I'm telling you, Master Zhi-Zhi, that's not how the test works. It's not about raw power, it's about potential and affinity."

"Hmph!" Zhi-Zhi turned his back on Liu Wei. "What do you know about it, anyway? You're just a former bandit!"

Liu Wei's face flushed with anger, but before he could retort, Kai cleared his throat loudly.

Both Liu Wei and Zhi-Zhi turned to look at him, their argument forgotten for the moment.

"Master Kai!" Liu Wei said, bowing slightly. "How did your talk with Elder Zhang go?"

Kai moved into the hut, closing the door behind him. "It went fine. He's just worried about how we'll behave at the Azure Sky Sect."

Zhi-Zhi puffed up his chest. "He needn't worry about me! I'll show those sect elders what true nobility looks like!"

Kai and Liu Wei exchanged glances, both trying not to laugh.

"I'm sure you will, Zhi-Zhi," Kai said, keeping his voice neutral. "But for now, we need to focus on preparing for the journey and the trials ahead."

Liu Wei nodded eagerly. "What should we do first, Master Kai?"

If this were a game, now would be the time to grind for experience and upgrade our equipment. Kai thought as he sat down on a simple wooden stool. But apart from that Roach Carapace Fragment, I don’t have any other materials that could make a worthwhile item.

"Well, it’s too late to attempt another breakthrough now," Kai said aloud, "instead we need to make sure we have a few techniques up our sleeves. It’s time I teach you some techniques!”


Kevin Jalop

That turtle needs to pipe down unless he wants to become turtle soup lolz