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Kai's heart raced as he sprinted through the forest, the thunderous footsteps of the beast echoing behind him. Branches whipped at his face, leaving stinging scratches, but he didn't dare slow down.

He'd waited in the crevice for hours, carefully observing the tigress's patterns. When it finally wandered far enough away, distracted by a low-level spiritual beast that accidentally wandered into its territory, Kai had seized his chance. He'd slipped out of the rocky shelter and taken off running, purposely making noise to draw the beast's attention.

This is just like kiting a high-level mob, Kai thought as he ran. I need to keep it chasing me without letting it catch up.

The beast roared, the sound reverberating through Kai's bones. He risked a glance back and immediately wished he hadn't. The creature was massive, easily twice his height, and it was quickly gaining on him!

Okay, time to use that Qi Condensation skill, Kai decided. Let's see how creative I can get with this.

As the beast lunged forward, Kai focused his qi, willing it to take shape beneath his feet. A glowing platform materialized in mid-air, just as he leapt upward. He landed on the ethereal surface, wobbling slightly but managing to keep his balance.

The beast skidded to a halt below, confusion evident in its glowing red eyes. It swiped at Kai with its massive paw, but he was just out of reach.

"Not so tough now, are you?" Kai taunted, allowing himself a small grin. Taunting giant monsters probably isn't the smartest move but I have to admit, it is fun!

The beast roared in frustration, rearing up on its hind legs. Kai's eyes widened as he realized it could almost reach him at this height.

Time for a little parkour, he thought, focusing his qi once more.

Just as the beast's claws were about to connect, Kai leapt sideways. Another qi platform materialized, providing a brief foothold. He pushed off immediately, creating a series of glowing stepping stones in the air.

The beast gave chase on the ground, its massive form crashing through the underbrush. Kai kept moving, alternating between running on the ground and creating aerial platforms when needed.

Every few moments, the tigress would launch itself into the air, massive paws swiping at Kai as he leapt. Each time, Kai barely managed to twist away or create a new platform just out of reach.

"Too slow!"

The beast roared in frustration, electricity crackling along its fur. It redoubled its efforts, closing the gap inch by inch.

This is actually kind of fun, Kai mused as he vaulted over a fallen log. In a terrifying, might-die-at-any-moment kind of way.

As they neared the bandit camp, Kai noticed a change in the beast's behavior. Its pursuit became less focused, its head turning towards the scent of the camp.

Looks like it worked, Kai thought, relief flooding through him. Time to let this oversized furball be their problem.

He created one last qi platform, using it to propel himself onto a nearby tree. From his perch, Kai watched as the beast stalked towards the camp, its earlier chase forgotten.

Now, let's have a good look at what we're dealing with, Kai thought, his breath finally steadying as he observed the bandit camp below. The bandits continued their celebration, oblivious to the danger lurking at the edge of their camp.

"Hey, Wang Jun! Pass me another bottle!" one bandit called out, his words slurring slightly.

A burly man with an ugly scar across his cheek tossed a bottle to his companion. "Here ya go, Liu. But don't blame me when your head's pounding tomorrow!"

Liu caught the bottle clumsily, nearly dropping it. "Ah, who cares? We've got plenty to celebrate! That village was a gold mine!"

Another bandit, a thin man with a bow slung across his back, chimed in. "Yeah, and the ladies ain't bad either. Bet we can fetch a good price for 'em in the city."

Near the fire, a group of bandits had started a dice game. Shouts of triumph and groans of defeat mingled with the crackling of the flames.

"Ha! Read 'em and weep, boys!" a bandit with an eyepatch crowed, scooping up a pile of coins.

His opponent, a younger man with a wispy mustache, slammed his fist on the ground. "Dammit, One-Eye! You've got to be cheating!"

One-Eye grinned, revealing several missing teeth. "Ain't my fault you can't spot a good bluff, kid. Maybe you should stick to robbing grannies."

The other bandits roared with laughter, causing the young man's face to flush red with embarrassment and anger.

As the night wore on, the bandits' revelry grew louder and more boisterous. Some began to argue over trivial matters.

"I'm tellin' ya, I'm the one who knocked out that old geezer in the village!" a heavyset bandit insisted, swaying slightly on his feet.

His companion, a man with a long braid, scoffed. "In your dreams, Fat Zhang! You were too busy stuffing your face with stolen food. I saw the whole thing!"

Fat Zhang's face contorted with anger. "You callin' me a liar, Braid-boy?"

"Maybe I am! What you gonna do about it?" Braid-boy taunted, puffing out his chest.

Just as it seemed the two might come to blows, a voice cut through the noise. "Enough! Save your energy for something useful, you idiots."

The bandits immediately fell silent, turning to face the speaker. A tall, imposing man stepped out of the largest tent, his presence instantly demanding respect. Even from his hiding spot, Kai could sense the power radiating from this man.

It’s him again. Their leader.

The leader surveyed the camp with cold eyes. "We move out at first light. Make sure the prisoners are ready for travel. And keep your wits about you. We're not out of the woods yet."

As the bandits scrambled to follow their leader's orders, a low, menacing growl suddenly echoed through the camp. The beast Kai had led there had finally made its move.

In a blur of blue-green fur, the creature burst into the clearing, its massive jaws snapping shut around the nearest bandit before anyone could react. Screams of terror and pain filled the air as chaos erupted.

"It's a Thunderclaw Tigress!" someone yelled. "Quick, get your weapons!"

Kai watched as the battle unfolded. The Thunderclaw Tigress was a whirlwind of destruction. Its glowing coat lit up the night, sparks flying with each movement. Long, curved fangs crackled with electricity, and its claws left scorched gouges in the earth with each step.

The bandits, caught off guard and many still drunk, struggled to mount an effective defense. Some swung wildly with swords or axes, while others fired arrows that mostly missed their mark.

This is my chance, Kai thought, his eyes darting between the battle and the group of prisoners. While they're distracted, I can free the women and get them out of here.

Keeping low to the ground, Kai began to make his way around the edge of the camp. He used his Qi Condensation to create small distractions – a rustling bush here, a floating pebble there – to keep attention away from his movements.

As he approached the prisoners, Kai couldn't help but continue observing the battle. The Thunderclaw Tigress moved with a fluid grace that belied its massive size. It effortlessly dodged most attacks, retaliating with swift, brutal strikes of its own.

I am glad I never engaged it in battle, I definitely wouldn’t stand a chance, Kai let out a sigh of relief.

The bandit leader had joined the fray, he wielded a long, curved blade that glowed with an eerie blue light. Each swing left trails of frost in the air, and where it struck the Thunderclaw Tigress, patches of ice formed on its scales.

Interesting. Some kind of ice-attribute weapon. Definitely need to watch out for that.

Finally reaching the group of prisoners, Kai quickly ducked behind the tent they were tied to. He peeked around the corner, making sure the coast was clear before calling out to the women.

"Psst! Over here!" he whispered urgently.

The women's heads snapped towards him, eyes wide with a mix of fear and hope.

"Kai?" one of them gasped. It was Mei Li, the village chief's daughter. "Is that really you?"

Kai nodded, pressing a finger to his lips. "Shhh. Yes, it's me. I'm here to get you out, but you need to stay quiet and follow my instructions. Understand?"

The women nodded.

Kai quickly set to work, using a small qi-blade to cut through their bonds. As he worked, he kept one eye on the ongoing battle, ready to create a distraction if needed.

"Alright," he whispered once they were all free. "We're going to sneak out of here while they're distracted. Stay low, move quietly, and whatever you do, don't look back. Head straight for the village. Got it?"

"But what about you?" Mei Li asked, concern evident in her voice.

Kai managed a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about me. I'll be right behind you. Now go!"

As the women began to slip away into the darkness, Kai turned his attention back to the battle. The Thunderclaw Tigress was holding its own, but the bandit leader was proving to be a formidable opponent.

Suddenly, the leader's eyes flickered towards the escaping prisoners. His face contorted with rage.

"The prisoners! They're escaping!" he roared, parrying a swipe from the Thunderclaw Tigress. "You! Go after them!" he ordered, pointing at one of the bandits who had been hanging back from the main fight.

Damn it, Kai thought. So close.

He turned to the fleeing women. "Go! Run as fast as you can! I'll hold them off!"

As the women disappeared into the forest, Kai steeled himself for what was to come. He turned to face the approaching bandit, his mind already racing with possible strategies.

Okay, Kai. Time to put all that gaming experience to the test. Let's see what we're up against.

As he focused on the bandit, a familiar translucent window appeared in his vision:

Name: Feng Lei

Level: 4

Qi: 75/75

Strength: 27

Agility: 23

Durability: 25

Intelligence: 13

Wisdom: 12

Huh, not as tough as I thought. But still a level above me. This is going to be tricky. I just hope all those years kickboxing comes in handy…



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