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Kai crouched low in the underbrush, his eyes scanning the forest floor. Broken twigs and trampled vegetation marked the bandits' trail clearly. He allowed himself a small smile.

Tracking in real life isn't so different from following quest markers, he mused. Just have to pay attention to the details.

As he moved through the forest, Kai's mind raced with possibilities. He knew he was severely outmatched in terms of raw power, but that had never stopped him before. In his gaming days, he'd led raid groups to take down bosses twenty levels above them.

This is just another raid, Kai reminded himself. Gather intel, form a strategy, execute flawlessly. Simple.

After a few hours of careful tracking, Kai heard voices ahead. He slowed his pace, moving as silently as possible. Through the trees, he caught glimpses of a small clearing with several crude tents set up.

Bingo. Bandit camp located.

Kai found a secluded spot with a good view of the camp. He settled in, preparing for a long stakeout. As he watched, he counted at least a dozen bandits milling about. Most looked like common thugs, but a few carried themselves with the confidence of cultivators.

Okay, let's see. Two guards on rotation, three by the main fire, four near the prisoner tent...

His eyes narrowed as he spotted a large, muscular man barking orders. The other bandits seemed to defer to him.

That must be the leader. Stage 6 or 7 Qi Refining, according to Zhang Wei. Way out of my league in a direct fight.

As Kai continued his reconnaissance, he overheard a heated argument breaking out among a group of bandits near the prisoner tent.

"I say we have some fun with the girls now," a scruffy-looking man growled. "Why wait?"

Another bandit, taller and leaner, shook his head. "You idiot. They'll fetch a higher price if they're untouched. Think with your head, not your-"

"Enough!" The leader's voice boomed across the camp. He strode over, his presence silencing the argument immediately. "We stick to the plan. No one touches the merchandise. Anyone who disobeys answers to me. Understood?"

The bandits mumbled their agreement, though some looked less than pleased.

Kai felt a surge of disgust. These bastards want to sell these women and children as slaves, I can’t let that happen.

He continued observing, gathering every scrap of information he could. Guard rotations, sleeping arrangements, the layout of the camp - Kai committed it all to memory.

As the sun began to set, Kai retreated deeper into the forest to plan his next move. He found a small clearing and sat cross-legged, closing his eyes to focus.

Okay, let's break this down. I'm outnumbered and outpowered. A direct assault is suicide. I need something to even the odds.

He opened his eyes, gazing at the darkening forest around him. An idea began to form.

In games, when you're up against a tough boss, sometimes you can use environmental hazards to your advantage. What if...

Kai's eyes widened as the plan crystallized in his mind.

A spiritual beast. If I could lure a powerful beast to the camp, it would cause chaos. The bandits would be distracted, maybe even thinned out. That could be my opening.

He nodded to himself, a smile spreading across his face. It was risky, borderline insane even. But it was the best shot he had.

Now, where to find a Stage 7 Qi beast?

Kai closed his eyes again, recalling everything he'd learned about this world's ecology. He thought back to countless hours spent studying monster spawns and boss locations in his old games.

In games, powerful monsters usually inhabit specific biomes. They need territory, food sources. If I were designing this world, where would I put a Stage 7 beast?

He opened his eyes, scanning the forest with new purpose. The terrain sloped upward to the east, towards rockier ground.

Higher elevation, more dangerous terrain. That's where I'd put the tough mobs.

With a nod, Kai set off towards the rocky slopes. As he hiked, he kept his senses alert for any sign of a powerful presence.

Hours passed as Kai climbed higher into the mountains. The forest thinned out, giving way to scrub and bare rock. Just as he was beginning to doubt his theory and wonder if game logic didn’t apply to this world, he felt it - a prickle of energy on the back of his neck.

There's something up ahead. Something powerful.

Moving cautiously, Kai crept forward. As he peered around a large boulder, his breath caught in his throat.

There, in a small valley below, stood a creature straight out of legend. It resembled a tiger, but far larger than any earthly feline. Its coat glowed with an otherworldly blue-green light, and Kai could see sparks of energy crackling around its massive paws.

As Kai focused on the beast, a translucent window suddenly appeared in his vision:

Name: ???

Species: Thunderclaw Tigress

Level: Stage 7 Qi Refining

Type: Lightning Attribute Beast

Danger Level: High

Holy sh- Kai's thoughts were cut short as the tigress's head snapped towards him. Its eyes, glowing with electric blue light, locked onto his position.

A wave of pressure washed over Kai, nearly driving him to his knees. The beast's aura was overwhelming, far beyond anything he'd encountered in this world so far.

Oh shit, Kai thought, his heart racing. Why did I think this was a good idea?

The Thunderclaw Tigress let out a bone-shaking roar, electricity arcing between its fangs. Kai's mind raced, searching for a way out of this potentially fatal situation.

Okay, don't panic, he told himself, trying to steady his breathing. Think this through. What would I do if this was a game?

The massive beast began to stalk towards him, each step sending small shockwaves through the ground. Kai's eyes darted around, looking for any advantage he could use.

I can't outfight it, and I probably can't outrun it for long. Need to outsmart it somehow.

He spotted a narrow crevice in the giant rock face behind him. It looked just big enough for him to squeeze through, but far too small for the tigress.

That's my out. But I need to time this perfectly.

Kai took a deep breath, steeling himself for what came next. He locked eyes with the approaching beast, then made a show of stumbling backward in fear.

"Nice kitty," he said, voice quavering. "Good kitty. You don't want to eat me. I'm all skin and bones, see?"

The tigress growled, lightning crackling along its flanks. It crouched low, preparing to pounce.

Almost there. Just a little closer...

At the last possible second, as the beast launched itself towards him, Kai dove to the side. He rolled to his feet and sprinted for the crevice, hearing the thunderous impact of the tigress landing behind him.

Kai squeezed into the narrow opening, jagged rock scraping his sides. He pushed deeper into the crevice, heart pounding in his ears.

A deafening roar echoed through the rocks, followed by the sound of massive claws scrabbling at the entrance. Kai pressed himself as far back as he could, watching sparks fly as the beast tried to force its way in.

After several tense minutes, the tigress finally withdrew, letting out a frustrated growl. Kai, seeing the giant rock hold, allowed himself a breath of relief.

Okay, step one complete. I've found a Stage 7 beast. Now I just need to figure out how to lure it back to the bandit camp without getting myself killed in the process. No pressure.

He peered out of his rocky shelter, watching the Thunderclaw Tigress pace back and forth. Its eyes still glowed with predatory focus, fixed on the crevice where Kai hid.

This might take a while, Kai thought, settling in for a long wait. But hey, at least the hard part's over, right?

As he huddled in the cramped space, Kai's mind was already working on the next phase of his plan. He'd need to be smart, cautious, and more than a little lucky to pull this off.

Just another day in the life of an isekai protagonist



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