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This show is just so peak, it's actually mind boggling how good this show is...




Excellent reaction to an amazing episode, so crazy good! I especially like how we get more of Yamada's feelings and insecurities here. Yeah that scene with the hotpot hit really hard for sure. I'm not sure I've ever gone from laughing out loud from the whole going commando bit plus the dog "attacking" him lol to tearing up from the emotion of what Yamada was saying. All this was done so well with the character animation and facial expressions to the voice acting and music to really sell the whole scene and give it such a big impact. I think it also helps get us even more invested in their growing relationship from getting her feelings out there.

Keith Engel

He did explain himself though about how he was afraid of being hurt during the hug. You see his lips moving.


This studio really just knows exactly what they're going for and have such a good understanding of the source material, and somehow just know how to improve upon it as well every time

Thomas Ebert

This Epsiode was absolutely amazing!


Yamada wanted to say her dad is like ichi btw. I mean they look exactly alike. If you scale ichi up by 300% in blender.