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The first picture was made on a whim, I saw some ink sketches on brown paper, and wanted to try replicating the feeling in photoshop to see if it would work for a comic style! In particular using white on top of the darker colour, instead of working from light to dark. One of the big things I struggle with in my ink experiments is getting the lighting to feel like light, instead of just another tone. Only having one tone for the skin and background is limiting, but it definitely draws more focus to the light and shadow.

Here I have the first experiment on a layer underneath, acting as a sketch layer to base my inks on! (You can see I'm not sticking to it much, though)

Getting some spot blacks in, I'm so happy with the texture on this brush.

For some reason I noticed that it was reading from top left to top right, where usually when I use this layout it reads from top to bottom, so I added in a speech bubble to hopefully guide the eye better. I also decided against the brown in the end,  I think the blue fits their story better (set in winter and there's Feelings)




aww i love this!!! and the blue works perfectly in the end. also!! the speech bubble is such a neat trick to guide the eye 💖


Thank you! I do the speech bubble thing a lot ahaha, I think our eyes are lazy and jump to them before looking at the pictures sometimes, which is a blessing when I'm not sure if the images lead enough alone.