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Chapter 8 of my 8th stuck story, The Diva.


Once again the image of Regina, naked, having to be cut out of the trailer, surrounded by clicking cameras, flashed through both their minds, and once again Clementine had to suppress how horny that made her.

It was more difficult for Clementine to be working on getting Regina unstuck from behind without getting overwhelmed with desire.

Earlier she might have thought they could sneak in one last fuck to celebrate getting Regina unstuck, but it was taking too long and there would be another knock on the door any moment-


“Now what,” Regina had figured once the director quit they’d run out of time fast.

Clementine climbed back over Regina, “wh-who is it?”

‘Who do you think?” It was Leonard the producer.

Clementine spun back to Regina, “what do I do?”

“You’ve been doing great so far, keep doing what you’re doing.”

“I haven’t been doing great, I’ve tanked the film and I’ve destroyed your career-”

“You’ve been doing a great job of stalling them though, so- stall them.”

Clementine exited the trailer and Regina went back to work scooting herself forward, she felt like she was making progress on her thigh.

“Clementine, how are you, is Regina in?” The politeness in his voice was unsettling, like he was on the verge of a breakdown.

Clementine kept her back against the trailer door so Leonard couldn’t get in, “she doesn’t want to talk to you right now.”

“She had no problem talking to me when she negotiated herself a producers credit.”

“That was hours ago.”

“And we apologize for the petty power play, but she won, didn’t you see?” Leonard pulled out his phone, the director’s tantrum in the headlines, “the little prick is gone, so before we all pack up and go home, I need to round up the producers for a little-chat.”

“Regina is going to direct.”

A bark of a laugh leapt out of Leonard’s mouth, “what?”

“Regina’s willing to step up and direct, if you can convince the cast and crew to stick around we won’t even have to lose the rest of today.”

“Since when is Regina a director?”

Clementine was having a euphoric gameshow moment, she knew the answer.

“You know as well as I do that Regina directed most of the episodes of Postal in its last two seasons, music videos for Cake Walkers, her-her documentary on chocolatier unions- she’s more qualified than the p-prick ever was.”

Leonard was silent for a moment.

“But she’s never done a feature, and she’s supposed to be acting in the film, we’d have to rewrite the script around her character.

“Beth Howards will play her character.”

“What? Beth Howards?”

Clementine’s encyclopedic knowledge of fat actresses was coming in handy.

“Look just because Regina’s fat doesn’t mean the character is fat, why not Melody Hynes or-“

“The character is fat, Beth Howard is your woman, Regina is your director, all your problems are solved.”

Leonard stared at Clementine suspiciously.

“All my problems are solved you say. That sounds like Regina speaking but it sounds more convincing when Regina says it.”

Over Leonard’s shoulder, Clementine could see paparazzi parking across the street, grabbing their cameras, “and she will say it, to the whole crew, in a- a- short while, we’re just-”

She opened the door behind her and backed into the trailer, “we’re just figuring out the best way to tackle this afternoon’s scenes.”

Clementine locked the door behind her and exhaled.

“Soooooo, how did it go.”

Clementine fell against the bathroom door.

“I got a leg out, well, almost.” Regina proudly wiggled her toes of one partially free leg, still wedged at the uppermost thigh, at Clementine.

There was something so pure and sincere in Regina’s pride it overwhelmed Clementine, she surprised Regina with a warm embrace, kissing her so hard she bumped Regina’s head against the bathroom wall, “sorry.”

“You never have to apologize for wanting me too intensely.” KISS

Still kissing Regina, Clementine grabbed Regina’s belly and pulled, as if she was dipping Regina at the end of a dance. KISS

Tilting Regina’s weight forward and down gave them some assistance from gravity and Regina squeaked forward again- “unnngh.”

Regina lifted her leg in the shower up and pushed off of the wall. KISS

Clementine pulled the hanging apron of Regina’s belly through the narrow shower door, “gasp.”

Reaching past Regina’s free-hanging belly, Clementine grabbed Regina’s FUPA, sliding her middle and ring fingers inside her as she did. KISS

Penetrating and pulling, Clementine dipped Regina again as Regina pushed with her back leg and SQUEAK “mmmph!”

The sudden freedom caught them both by surprise, Clementine was now holding Regina’s full weight, she fell back back onto the toilet with Regina on top of her.

Regina lifted herself off Clementine in elation, “we did it!”

Clementine stood up against Regina, backing her against the bathroom wall, thrusting her hand inside of her.

“My- my-“ Regina put a leg up on the toilet seat behind Clementine to open herself up, “hungh- hungh”

Clementine interrupted her with a kiss, and then slid down to bite Regina’s chins and down further to bite her nipples.

“My hero,” Regina grabbed Clementine as she came, shaking- wobbling all over.

They stayed frozen in embrace, Regina holding Clementine’s head between her breasts, their hearts racing.

“Do you have Beth Howard’s number?”

It was a total non-sequitur to Regina, “one fat actress not enough for you, you’re insatiable.”

Clementine poked Regina’s fat belly, “we need her to take over your part.”

“I figured I was fired, c’est la vie.”

“Oh god, you’re not fired! You’re directing.”


Clementine shrugged meekly.

Regina grabbed her face and kissed her, “I’m firing my agent, I’m firing my manager, you’re my everything now.”

Locking foreheads, nuzzling noses, Clementine whispered, “you’re my everything.”

“Get me out of this bathroom, we’ve got a movie to make.”

Shuffling sideways between the counter and the wall, Clementine shoved and shoved and shoved and shoved until Regina was into the doorway, and through the doorway and out of the hall and back into the kitchen.

Clementine sat in the booth, head in her hands, admiring Regina as she texted Beth Howard.

“Where did Lenny come up with Beth Howard?”

“He didn’t, I did.”

“Of course you did, you weirdo.”

Regina pulled clothes out her duffle bag.

Regina swung her hips in a silly parody of seduction as he lifted her high wasted panties over her butt and cradled her hanging belly, Clementine had to cover her eyes, “stop you’re making me wet again.”

“I owe you an orgasm. I owe you a lot,” Regina pulled out her shape wear.

“No!” Clementine grabbed the reducing tights and threw them aside.

“What are you doing, Clem, I need those,” Regina picked them up off the floor.

Clementine took them away again and held them behind her, “no more shape wear, you’re done with shape wear, you’re Regina goddamn Belaire, your shape is perfect, I love your shape,” Clementine pressed her hand into Regina’s soft belly for emphasis.

“Except I DO need shape wear because none of my clothes will fit without it.”

“We’ll get you new clothes, a sponsorship, a whole fashion line.”

“That’s great that you’ve got plans, but I mean I need it right now, my dress won’t fit without it.”

“Oh,” Clementine’s steadfast moral stance was wavering, looking at the red dress from wardrobe hanging on the hook on the back of the trailer door, “well I can get you into the dress,” Clementine pulled Regina’s red dress off the hanger.

“I can’t split a seam on my first day directing a feature.”

“Save the seam splitting,” Clementine threw the dress over Regina’s head, “for when we get home.” KISS

Regina poked her fat arms through and tugged the dress down around her tits, Clementine grabbed the sides of the dress and helped stretch it across Regina’s substantial belly.

“Am I allowed to wear a corset? Does that count?”

“Only if it’s for fun.”

“Only for restriction, never for reduction.”

“That’s it.”

The dress wasn’t supposed to be a wiggle dress, but it was too tight to be anything but. Finally getting the dress over her hips and ass, Regina turned around and lifted her hair so Clementine could zip her up.

Or try.

Clementine could see what Regina meant straight away, the two zipper trails diverged dramatically from the coin purse dimple on Regina’s shelf butt. The dress was at least two sizes too small. It would have been a struggle to close even with shape wear.

Regina pressed in her great belly and inhaled, Clementine scooted the zipper up the interlocking teeth.

Exhaling and huffing and puffing, Regina lamented, “the dress wasn’t this tight at wardrobe check yesterday,” somewhat regretting abandoning her diet so thoroughly, “I could get by today in my old leggings and shirt dress.”

The clothes Regina had worn in that morning were barely a step above pajamas because she was only meant to wear them for a few minutes, they wouldn’t command respect from the crew. The dress from the costume department would.

Taking Regina by surprise, Clementine pushed her face first against the wall of the trailer, “OH!”

“Sorry,” Clementine hadn’t meant to be rough, “sorry.”

“Never apologize for being so fucking hot,” Regina purred.

Clementine grabbed Regina’s hair and pulled her head back for a kiss, she was more submissive than dominant but pretending to be dominant was fun, “tomorrow you can dress in a jeans and a vest and a ball cap like a lesbian Spielberg but today, you’re a diva director.”

Lifting her knee up against Regina’s ass, Clementine pressed her against the wall. Regina flattened herself against the trailer with her hands up as she felt Clementine tug the zipper up and encase her into the dress, “gasp- Gasp- GASP”

She was in!

Regina straightened herself out, the dress didn’t feel terribly uncomfortable now that she was in it, the stitches felt strong, maybe Cordie had given wardrobe some tips, “how do I look?”

Clementine got weak kneed watching Regina spin in front of her. Even without hair and makeup, she had turned on some kind of magical movie star charm, “like you’re in charge.”

“Damn right I am.”

“Shall we to set Mrs Belaire?” Clementine opened the trailer door.



Regina slammed the door on the paparazzi, “shit.”

“What? What is it? You look great.”

Regina’s hands were still on the door, “the door, I can’t fit through the door.”

Clementine remembered Regina struggling to shove herself into the trailer that morning, before multiple shopping carts full of craft services, “oh- oh no.”

“I mean- I CAN fit through, but not gracefully, it will be more vaudeville pratfall than elegant movie star.”

“I can give you a push, -again.”

“The only the worst than being photographed and videoed struggling through a doorway will be getting caught on camera needing to be pushed through a doorway.”

“So we don’t get caught.”

“They’re right there, how would their cameras not catch every squeeze.”

“Movie magic- we choreograph it.”

“Choreograph what, my falling flat on my face?”

“Your exit, or more like, your grand entrance,” Clementine did a dramatic twist of her hips as if she was scooting sideways through an invisible door, theatrically twirling her hands in an exaggerated I’m-ready-for-my-close-up manor, even as gangly and awkward as she was Regina got the idea.

The two rehearsed in pantomime their door swing, push, hip sway, step, wave, walk, after their fifth attempt Regina felt like they’d found their rhythm.

If they played it just right, Clementine would be able to “hide” behind Regina’s frame as she pushed, appearing only after Regina was unplugged.

“Ready to push a fat lady through a doorway one last time?” Regina put on her sunglasses.

“The last time?” Clementine hoped not.

“Well, the last time today hopefully, but I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities again in the future,” Regina patted her belly for emphasis.

Clementine grabbed Regina’s belly and pulled her in for a kiss, “break a leg.”

Regina placed on hand on her door handle and the other hand on the door frame where she’d brace herself so she wouldn’t fall over as Clementine pushed her through, she took a breath to center herself, “action.”

In one fluid, seamless motion, Regina opened the door, shoving herself forward sideways as Clementine pushed on her inside hip and belly with all her might, Regina rolled the motion into a burlesque hip swing, waving and smiling at the paparazzi as she stepped down the stairs, Clementine appearing behind her to walk casually alongside.

It worked.


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