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Chapter 7 of my 8th stuck story, The Diva.


“Pull me outta here- quick-“ Regina took Clementine’s hand and tried to throw her weight forward.

Clementine frantically tugged Regina’s arm as Regina, red faced tried to force herself through the tiny shower door.

She didn’t budge.

“Mrs Belaire?”

“The soap, get the soap-“ Regina stage whispered.

Clementine dropped to the ground and grabbed the bottles, scrambling back to her feet and handing two bottles to Regina while she spun the cap off the third and poured soap down Regina’s exposed hip and thigh, squeezing her hand between Regina and the shower stall to work the soap in.

Regina emptied one bottled down her front, she tried to reach the last bottle behind her to soap her butt but couldn’t get an angle in the cramped confines of the shower, “here, behind me, get my butt.”

Clementine stood on the toilet and leaned over Regina to empty a bottle of conditioner across her butt shelf. She wouldn’t be able to work it in but anything might help.

Their hands slipping apart, Clementine laughed and handed Regina a towel to wipe the soap off her hand while she rinsed her own hands in the sink.

“Okay,” Clementine dried her hands and grabbed Regina and pulled-

and pulled-

and pulled-

She tried to brace her foot on the shower, the toilet, she repositioned herself with every tug, the trailer rocked back and forth as Regina heaved herself forward to no avail.


“It’s not working-“ Regina was breathing heavily as the image of her being hoisted out of the trailer by a crane, nude, on the front page of every tabloid and social media platform flashed across her mind.

The same image flashed in Clementine’s mind, but she was ashamed by how hot she thought it was when they were both in such a panic, “what do we do?”


“Stall them.”

“Stall them?”

“Go- go, hurry”

Regina shoo’d Clementine out of the bathroom with no direction while she caught her breath.

Clementine straightened herself out and calmly opened the door and stepped out of the trailer, forcing the production assistant waiting there to back up. She stayed as poker faced as she could, still not sure what her bluff would be.

“Where’s Regina?”

Clementine glanced back at the trailer looking for words, her eyes fell upon the cheap paper star with Regina’s name on it taped to the window of the door.

“Mrs Belaire will not be leaving her trailer right now.”

Regina tried to settle her breathing so she could hear the conversation outside but her heart was still racing and the sound too faint.

And then she heard the trailer door open and Clementine walked back in like a zombie and sat on the toilet, petrified.

“So-“ Regina coaxed her.

“I said you wouldn’t be leaving your trailer.”


“And he asked why and I said you weren’t happy with how you were treated by the director and producers, he kinda rolled his eyes and walked away, I’m sorry, I panicked.”

“Well, you didn’t lie.”

“But they’re going to come back, they’ll send someone else.”

“So we better get me unstuck then,” Regina put her hand on Clementine’s shoulder, it felt funny consoling her when she was the one who should be panicking.

Clementine looked up at Regina, she wished they had all the time in the world, to feed, to fuck, to kiss, to pull Regina out. It was the time limit and the worry of interruption that ruined this otherwise perfect moment.

“Okay, let’s get to it,” Clementine grabbed Regina around the knee and braced her leg on the shower door.

Regina brought her free arm back into the shower and tried to exit the shower leg/hip first, pushing off the shower wall and rocking her wedged hips towards the door.

Regina’s thigh squeaked against the shower door but was trapped behind her hanging belly that she couldn’t maneuver past or twist out of the way.

“We can’t go from the bottom up,” Regina pulled her leg back from Clementine and offered her hands instead, “let’s work from the top down.”

Before taking her hands, Clementine slid Regina’s free breast out of the door and then pulled the other tit into the doorway alongside it, Regina twisted her torso and faced Clementine side ways as if she could fly out of the shower.

Taking both Regina’s hands, Clementine pulled. There was an encouraging squeak as Regina’s arms and bust leaned out of the shower.

Clementine repositioned Regina’s tits so they wouldn’t get caught in the door and pulled again.

They were making incremental progress into Regina’s waist. The angle was allowing Regina to twist herself more and more sideways. She pushed her feet to the back of the shower to give her some leverage and shove herself into the doorway.

Clementine let got of Regina’s hands again to try and micro-manage the progress of Regina’s enormous wedged belly. Regina braced one hand against the wall and another against the shower and continued shoving herself forward as she pushed with her back leg off the shower wall.

Inch by inch Clementine pulled at Regina’s fat, first Regina’s belly apron and then her shelf butt. The two areas combined made for the largest circumference of Regina’s body and somehow they were both going to have to fit through this narrow shower door at the same time. Seeing how much of Regina was in the shower seemed like an impossibility of physics, her volume far exceeded its container.



Regina and Clementine froze.

“Who’s that?” Clementine looked to Regina for answers.

“Based on what you said to the PA, I’m going to guess that’s the Assistant Director. There’s a hierarchy to on-set problem solving: PA, AD, and then last the producers and director.”

“What do we do?”

“Same thing, stall them.”

“What do I say?”

“You had the right idea, they already think I’m a diva, so give them a diva.”

“Okay, okay,” Clementine did not look okay.

“Hey, come here-“ Regina pulled Clementine by the shirt in for a kiss.

Clementine melted against Regina’s lips. All her anxiety fell away. Regina was hopelessly stuck but somehow still completely in charge.

“Now go get ‘em.”

Clementine took one last look at Regina, wedged, hanging sideways out of the shower door, but somehow casually at home.

Using the same approach as before, Clementine swung the door open to make the assistant director step back and then immediately shut the door behind her so he couldn’t get past her.


Clementine forgot that she’d reported to the assistant director as a production assistant earlier that day, it seemed like a lifetime away now.

“Oh, hi, how are ya.”

“Where’s Regina?”

“Mrs Belaire has decided she does not want to leave her trailer.”

“Is this because of the early call time, that wasn’t me, THAT WASN’T MY CALL REGGIE” he shouted over Clementine’s shoulder at the trailer.

“She knows whose call it was.”

“Well what does she want then, an apology? Cause we all know the director’s too much of a spoiled prick to apologize.”

“So get a new director.”

“Ha, yeah, don’t we all wish.”

Clementine stayed stone faced.

“That’s what Reggie wants? An he goes or she goes situation? Look, I love Regina but this isn’t 1997 anymore, she doesn’t have that kind of clout.”

“It’s her script you’re shooting, and she’s a producer now, she’s his boss.”

“That- she’s not a real producer, that’s just a vanity credit.”

“Take it up with Lenny.”

The assistant director’s demeanor changed, he seemed to shrink before Clementine’s eyes.

“Look it’s day one, Regina doesn’t need to go for the nuclear option here. We can even make her scenes 2nd unit scenes, I’ll direct them, she won’t even have to see the prick all shoot.”

“There’s no point discussing this with me. Take it up with Lenny.”

“You’re young, you haven’t been on as many shoots as me, but a clash like this on day one, the film will fall apart, we’ll all lose our jobs.”

Clementine could feel her resolve floundering but remembered Regina was still stuck in the trailer. Maybe instead of the worst outcome, a total production shutdown, maybe they could just get Regina fired instead.

“That’s for Lenny to decide.”

“Okay, just please, try to talk Regina down, I’ll talk to Lenny.”

Clementine waited until the assistant director was a good ways away before jumping back inside the trailer.

She found Regina, still hanging sideways out of the shower, trying to pull herself from the sink counter.

“I might have made a… tactical error.”

“Did it buy us more time?”

“Well- yeah.”

“Then great, look I can get my hands onto the counter here, if you can try to work my belly through while I push and pull I think we’ve got a chance.”

Clementine was happy to fondle Regina’s belly instead of worrying that her stalling methods may have lost dozens of people their jobs.

Regina was so soft and squishy, it was difficult to fathom how she couldn’t squeeze through, but there was just so much of her still inside the shower. Her entire lower belly, her hips and butt and thighs. Now that Regina was leaning out of the shower door, it allowed Clementine to lean in and see what they were up against.

While Regina twisted and pushed and pulled, Clementine grabbed handfuls of Regina’s belly, pressing in to work it around the corner of the shower door, it didn’t really work.

“That tickles.”

But reaching into the shower gave Clementine an idea.

“Hang on.”

Clementine kicked off her shoes and socks and climbed onto the toilet, stepping across Regina’s torso and on to Regina’s butt shelf, perching in the shower stall.

“Are you okay?”

“You weigh nothing, why are you climbing me like a monkey?”

“I’m getting behind you, to push.”

“Just don’t get trapped behind me, we still might need you to negotiate on my behalf again.”


Regina’s phone ding’d in the kitchen, but the two were too focused on the task at hand to pay it any mind.

Clementine wound her self up like a spring behind Regina’s hip, taking a firm grip of her belly apron and butt before unwinding in a great shove.

Regina pulled on the counter, Clementine pushed from behind and Regina…



She was halfway through now, still hanging sideways out the shower door, still the bulk of her inside the shower, but they’d reached her belly button.

There was just enough room now for Clementine to step down into the shower behind Regina.


Clementine’s phone went off in her pocket, but with her face buried in Regina’s ass, she couldn’t be arsed to check it.

“How did you get in here,” Clementine wasn’t complaining really, she was just amazed at how enormous Regina was in comparison to the the micro shower.

“I wish- I- knew-“



“huff- huff- huff- what the fuck is that dinging?”

Clementine pulled her phone out of her pocket and leaned on Regina’s ass while she checked her messages.

“OH NO.”

“What? What is it? Where’s my phone?”


“The director quit,” Clementine felt her knees go weak as she slumped into the pillow of Regina’s naked wedged fat, “it’s all over social media.”

“Get my phone.”

Clementine scrambled over Regina and found her phone in her purse, handing it to Regina as she climbed back in the shower behind her.

She didn’t want to face Regina, so she hid behind her bum.

As she felt Clementine shoving her from behind, Regina held herself upright on the counter and flipped through her messages.


“I’m sorry,” PUSH “I’m sorry” PUSH

“You must be a hell of a negotiator.”

PUSH “sorry.”

“Holy shit it made the trades-“


“What does that mean?“ Clementine knew it couldn’t mean anything good.


“It means-“

Clementine stopped pushing, but kept a suspenseful grip on Regina’s ass.

“the paparazzi are coming.”


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