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Chapter 5 of my 8th stuck story, The Diva.


Clementine dug the shopping cart back out from the bushes behind the trailer and ran towards craft services, jumping onto the back rail of the cart and riding, she felt like she could burst into song.

Usually, to lift her great weight from a seated position, Regina would throw herself forward to shift her center of gravity beyond her feet and use the momentum to lift herself up.

But already pressed up against the wall in front and behind left Regina little room to maneuver in the usual way.

Taking the sink and the shower door in her hands, Regina braced her feet against the wall in front of her, she shimmied her butt up the toilet cistern and the wall behind her. It was an exertion on top of several exertions already today.

“Ha!” she was upright, “ha,” but she wasn’t standing. Like a plank of wood she was diagonal across the bathroom. Feet against one wall, head and shoulders against the other, her center of gravity too far back to balance.

“Come on Reggie, you can do it,” she scooted one foot back gently off the wall, trying to find purchase before her weight brought her crashing back down.

Planted. Her foot was securely under her now, “phew.”

She caught her breath and leaned against the tiny shower doorway, “it ain’t happening.”

But she didn’t doctor this script to have bad hair delivering her freshly polished dialogue.

There was a selection of faux-expensive soaps in dispensers on the shower wall. Regina pressed some soap into her hand, “maybe with some lubricational assistance.”

She took the soap dispenser off the wall and pumped the soap down between her tits onto her great belly. Unable to get her fat arms behind her back in a way that would allowed her to operate the soap she held the bottle back over her head and pumped soap down onto her butt shelf.

Replacing the dispenser she worked the soap into her belly and butt as she ran the water in the shower. The thought occurred to her to just wash herself and her hair there in the bathroom using the sink, maybe she could squeeze in enough to just wash her hair in the shower. But now that she was all soaped up she wanted to give the shower door a try.

She met resistance immediately, just above her knee. She hadn’t lubricated her thighs.

Tugging her leg back out from the door Regina got more soap and one at time put a leg up on the toilet seat and soaped her thighs.


Much easier this time, her leg squeezed through the shower door until she reached her bum and belly. Pressing in her belly and scooting her butt she immediately met her next obstacle.

One thigh, hip, tit and arm in the shower and she was already touching the opposite shower wall. The shower was so impossibly small there was no room for her to squeeze into!

Undaunted, she turned herself a bit as she entered, thinking maybe she could both enter the shower sideways and stand in the shower sideways. She didn’t think there’d be room to turn around once she was in the shower.

She reached her halfway point. Also her deepest point front to back.

“This was a lot more fun with Clem pawing at me,” Regina thought to herself and wished she hadn’t sent Clementine out of the trailer while she did this, but she was beginning to feel self conscious about the constant need for assistance from someone she fancied.

It was clear now though why she needed that assistance.

Regina worked herself up, rocking back and forth and lunging into the shower with every back and forth.

“You’re self reliant in ever- UGNH- other- UMPH- part of your- MMMPH- life- ex- ex- except- DOORWAYS!”


She was in!

Kind of.

A good deal of her belly, hip tit and one arm still overflowed out the shower door, there was no closing it, but Regina was still counting it. She was in.

There was no room in the shower to put her fat arms down by her side, so she rested them on her bosom.

Blindly she reached behind her to the soap dispensers on the wall, she picked up one, “nope, conditioner,” unable to replace it she left it on her belly, unafraid of it falling down as her belly touched the shower walls on all sides.

“Soap, you’re next,” she dropped it on her belly beside the conditioner.

“By process of elimination…” she was finding it difficult to reach further behind, “shampoo!”

Regina washed her great volume of hair, which had started style trends in the 90’s and drawn unholy ire for cutting it short in the early aughts.

It had all grown back now but was no longer in style so no one cared.

Like the rest of her great volume it was an inconvenience for hair and makeup and costumes, her unruly hair, her unruly body.

Regina rinsed, trying to ignore the amount of water spilling out the open shower door onto the floor.

She left in the conditioner and got to work washing herself, but could only really reach her top half. She leaned her body to one side to try to get an arm under her belly to wash between her legs, panicking for a brief moment when she felt pinned by her fat arm and her lifted belly and took some effort to right herself.

Frustrated she threw the soap bottles off her belly out of the shower onto the bathroom floor.

Calming herself down she decided to quit while she was ahead and turned off the shower.

She slicked her hair back and made a vein attempt to reach the towel on the wall outside the shower but was held back by her round body in the square container of the shower.

She tried to remember how she twisted herself into the shower and tried to recreate the movement backwards, but couldn’t even begin as the narrow door prevented even her thigh from escaping.

Regina braced her inside leg and arm against the opposite wall of the shower and grabbed hold of the shower door with her outside arm and extended her outside leg as much as she could out the shower door, pushing off the far wall and pulling and reaching and… nothing.

She couldn’t budge.

Regina slouched back into the shower, feeling almost weightless in the way her fat was plugged in the shower stall, not requiring much effort from her legs to keep her upright, she sighed heavily, “hurry back, Clem.”

Having left her radio at craft services, too cowardly to face the producers and assistant directors, Clem rushed back to the trailer with another shopping cart full of food.

She couldn’t believe she was getting away with this food heist twice in a day.

She was thrilled by Regina’s eating, her revenge on those trying to police her body, she hoped it wouldn’t stop after the shoot was finished.

As exciting as her promotion was, she wished she and Regina could just jump in her car and drive off and leave all these assholes behind. Maybe that’s what she should tell Regina when she got back, give them the script polish as a kiss off and go home and fuck more.

Home. Clementine just remembered that Regina was a celebrity, that Regina was rich, or at least used to be rich.

The idea of squeezing Regina into Clementine’s compact clunker of a car and what, driving her back to her apartment full of roommates? Or would Regina take her to her home? With her kids?

Clementine shook off the realities of her relationship with Regina, that was for later. She wanted to stay in the moment, the moment of her fat idol in a too small trailer eating to gain weight.

She pinched herself to make sure this was all really happening.

Taking a look around to make sure no one was watching Clementine threw open the trailer door and started piling food in, “I hope you’re hungry!”

“Starving,” answered Regina from somewhere else

Clementine stashed the shopping cart back in the bushes and locked the trailer door behind her as she organized the pile of food in the kitchen and on the dining table, though she knew Regina couldn’t fit at the dining table so she began preparing a tray to bring to the bedroom.

“There was a taco truck there along with the caterers so I got both, I figured you wouldn’t mind.”

Clementine carried a tray full of food towards the bedroom, though she noticed Regina’s duffle bag was still out in the kitchen, so she hadn’t gotten dressed yet, great thought Clementine, another opportunity to see her naked, a cheap thrill.

But the bedroom was empty, “Reggie?”

Clementine did a double take seeing Regina in the shower, overflowing the shower, the water was off, Regina was dripping wet, there was a puddle on the floor and bottles of soap, the gears turned in her head, Regina was stuck in the shower.

“I’m stuck in the shower,” said Regina matter of factly.


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