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You're probably wondering why we're stopping to acknowledge this random character, unless you real the title to this post, which you probably did.

The father of this strange little family, sat right next to the "Existential Despair" sign, has a strange secret.

(Before we get to it, take another look at that baby. I know you probably glossed past him. Look at him. That baby has seen things.)

In 1991, a year after this episode, The Simpsons Arcade game was released. It's a personal favourite of mine, being of of the very few actually good Simpsons video games.

Konami, makers of this game, only really had season one Simpsons lore to use in this game. As a result, this random nobody from Dr Marvin Monroe's waiting room becomes the boss of level four.

Yes, I realise the clothes and colouring are slightly different, but I'd recognise that face anywhere.

This odd appearance means I now have to keep an eye out for other weirdos from the arcade game, in case they show up as background nobodies.

I'm willing to bet the dream bowling ball is never in the show. I know of one other character that is though.

Hey, while we're here: did you know that the Arcade Game hides a weird secret about Marge?

The idea was that Marge was hiding bunny ears under her hair, to be revealed somewhere down the line. These sprites - barely visible in the game - are basically the only remaining evidence of this abandoned idea. Very strange.

Anyhoo, there was a recent rerelease of this game as an arcade cabinet and I have been VERY tempted to get it, despite the fact that I have no room for it and it hasn't even released in my country. Tell your friends about this Patreon to help support my ridiculous dream!

This post is part of my "Every Simpsons Character Ever" series. For a list of my rules in this project, click here.



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