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I suspect big things were planned for this guy.

I feel like I've said this about a few of these single appearance characters, but I really think in their worldbuilding, the show creators thought they might have a lot of use for a pawn shop. The guy even greets Homer by name, implying a familiar relationship.

I can see why repeated trips to a pawn shop might have been predicted. Heavy emphasis was put on the Simpsons' financial struggle, as the show was intended as a somewhat realistic portrayal of a lower middle class family, and presumably this was the first of many trips to the pawn shop. The guy, while unnamed, has a very distinctive appearance, and was perhaps a potential classic Springfieldian in the making. Sadly, as far as I can tell, this guy never shows up again.

Did you notice he only has three fingers, low even by Springfield standards? I know I only gave him three on the other hand, but for some reason I am assuming he is completely symmetrical.

Hey, look at that, one hundred entries in our stupid little database! That's ignoring all the bonuses of course - I have not counted, but if we include all of them I'm sure the count is up to at least one hundred and two. Still, one hundred feels like a landmark! I'd like to take a moment to thank you all for making this possible - if no one else was interested in this silly little project, I'm sure it would have fizzled out by now. One hundred down...several thousand to go!

This post is part of my "Every Simpsons Character Ever" series. For a list of my rules in this project, click here.




IIRC he had a bit of a distinctive voice too? Like the sort of voice that could have become a regular recurring character.