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A little insight into the Simpsons character drawing process here: when I sit down and watch these episodes, I take notes as I go. Every time a new character speaks, I jot down their name (or description), and if they are particularly obscure, the time at which they appear.

Sometimes, minutes will pass with no new character, especially with scenes in the Simpsons' house, but often when we are dealing with already established characters. Where possible, I keep an eye out for interesting looking bonus characters to include for you all!

At the start of an episode, I don't know how many characters I'll be covering in total, so I am particularly eagle-eyed, wanting to make sure I can cover as many little background details as possible. By the end of the episode I usually have more of an idea how many jerks I'll be drawing, and will likely feel like I need to flesh out how many I want to cover.

So that's how you end up with a unremarkable nobody like this, because he was lucky enough to appear early in an episode.

This post is part of my "Every Simpsons Character Ever" series. For a list of my rules in this project, click here.




I think you just described exactly how I approach every day of my job.