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Hey all! I have a little issue to discuss.

Every month I've been sending the Patreon print out to backers, and it's been great fun! Super pleased that people seem to enjoy them. But due to the nature of print runs, I always end up with spares:

So I put this question to you: would you mind if I sold these extra prints separately on my online store?

I can see it from your perspective, you paid for exclusive prints, and you might not want any old jerk to have the opportunity to grab one after the fact. But if people didn't mind, it would be a useful way for me to get them to happy homes.

In the interest of fairness, I would be selling them at a higher price than Patrons pay (the tier is at £10 for post access + print + postage, I would probably sell them separately for £10 + postage on top of that). Additionally, I would not print more of these - once they're gone, they're gone!

Please answer the poll if you feel strongly, and please message me if you have further thoughts! I will not hold it against anyone if they don't want them being sold, I am more than happy to keep them myself in storage or something if people are uncomfortable with their "Patreon exclusive" prints going to non-Patrons.

Thanks for your time!



I personally don’t see an issue with it; especially if they’re being sold at a higher price to non-patrons, you know? Honestly, it’s a hassle holding on to prints that you can’t really get rid of other than selling them (or throwing them away…which of course would be awful!) I say go for it, and by the looks of it it seems most people agree (though I DO understand why someone wouldn’t!)

David Cooper

Thanks for the feedback! I think I probably will be holding onto them because a couple of people have voted against selling them, and I wanna keep people happy! No harm no foul and all that.