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Hey everyone,

As promised, I’ll be checking in every two weeks to give you the news on the progress and what’s new with the project.

First off, a quick personal update, unfortunately, I was down with a fever for a few days. It’s not often I get sick, but I’m feeling much better now and am back at full speed.


Many of you have been asking about the public release of the 0.5.x chapter. This update is taking a tad longer because I decided to do a quick pass through the entire game but I'm very close to have it ready!

What’s on the list? Well, it’s a lot of what might seem like mundane stuff — multiple UI improvements, minor fixes across dozens of CGs, and some minor script changes. These aren’t major narrative changes but an example of a change is that both the Art and the Maze scene still felt like they needed a more seamless integration within the story, so I’ve added a very small interlude scene with Kazou to better maintain the suspension of disbelief across those events and also develop a bit more the character (small scene I promise).

Another example is the kissing and whispering CGs that also got a significant facelift. This part of the visuals was a bit outdated and not quite up to the recent standards of the game and often criticized in comments.


This chapter moves the plot in significant ways (especially if you felt like Terrace didn't have enough screen time 😏) so I felt this was the perfect moment to tackle the backlog of enhancements I’ve been wanting to make.

With that said, while my hands are busy with this grunt type work, my brain is racing with ideas for the next chapter. I will share more information soon!

So, despite being busy with 0.5.2 I do hope 0.6.x will be a more tidy update.

Thank you so very much for your continuous support and patience!




Glad you’re feeling better!


Will there be the possibility to name saves in the next update?