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"Hey Damon, just relax. I know there is a tough moment in your life. I know what you feel, but c'mon man, stop thinking about that," Carlos says to his friend with a hint of discomfort on his face. The look of his face seems a bit of reproval towards Damon, who is just sitting on the leather sofa, and his tired eyes look on the floor.

"I know about it; it's okay; I think it's time to get back on track, but it feels so hard to assimilate, man. I broke up with my girlfriend, and I feel like a piece of crap," Damon says with a sad tone. The depressed look on his face denotes a man who has been under so much pressure and frustration due to a broken relationship.

"Yeah, I know what you feel, dude. Life sucks; I know it, and there are times when life is just a pain in the ass. You have to go ahead and deal with it; don't think about Elena anymore; she is such a bitch," Carlos shouted at his friend, making Damon watch him. The words have been deep inside his soul this time.

"I have no argument to refute that, man. I know, she treated me like a piece of crap. You are right about her; she is such a bitch." He spat in frustration, watching him with a tired look in his eyes as he rubbed his chin and thought about the times Elena treated him like a piece of shit.

"You have no option to deal with it, Damon; that bitch is gone; it's time to get back on track; you have a job and you have me as your friend; don't worry about that fucking bitch," Carlos spat about Damon's former girlfriend while he headed to the fridge.

"You have to deal with this, and I have the cure for that fucking depression of yours," Carlos says, offering him a can of drink.

"So the cure is to drink alcohol?" Damon says, with an eyebrow lifted, that the fact his friend offers him a can of beer makes him concerned.

"Look, Damon, you need to loosen up. You have been talking about her all this week; it's time to end your misery. Take this and drink it, and stop thinking about that," Carlos says, offering him a can of beer.

"Well, I think you're right; I've been talking the same old shit throughout the week. It's time to say goodbye to that bitch and start thinking about myself." He says, grabbing the can of beer and noticing there is a particular name.

"Nasty beer, horny erotic chick," he reads, making him smile a bit.

"What a weird name for a beer," he thinks. For the first time in the day, his face denotes a bit of happiness.

"Well, time for a good one, my friend. The moment you enjoy this one, you'll never be the same." Carlos smiled at him.

"You're right, I need to loosen up, so fuck those stupid feelings about that whore," Damon shouted out at his former girlfriend, and he drank the beer without thinking twice, feeling the exotic flavor that engulfed his throat.

"Oh, this feels...nasty...and good. For some strange reason, this one feels very sticky and good," Damon says, licking his thin lips as a result of the exotic flavor of this beer.

"The beer is very exotic; the flavor is like nothing you have tasted before; when you get transformed, you'll understand very well." Carlos grins at his friend while Damon looks back at him with a confused look on his face.

"Transformed?" What are you talking about?" Damon stopped talking when a tingling invaded his body, intensifying and making his train of thought completely fogged. Whatever the reason was, he was unable to think of anything else but the intensification of the tingling and a heat emanating from all his body.

"There is something I have had in mind for so long, buddy," Carlos says, watching Damon's body tremble as his face gets confused and has a flushed look.

"I said transformed because this is what's going to happen to you, my friend; you'll be my horny girlfriend." He grins at him as Damon barely hears what he is saying to him, finding no coherency in his words.

"Ehm...what are you...oh," Damon's body was assaulted by a suddenly growing arousal, making his legs shake and his manhood grow hard, forming a tent between his legs, stretching the fabric of his jeans as his body grew warmer, and making him unable to think of something else.

"This feels...strange...and...and" 

"And hot," Carlos finished.

"Yes...hot... I don't know what is going on right now. but...feels so fucking good," Damon says with a breathy tone in his voice, his legs shaking and his body trembling. He finds it hard to stay on his feet, so he stumbles on the floor, with his body spams and shuddering in growing arousal, as his dick throb inside his pants.

"This is one of the side effects, dude, but don't worry, you'll be a horny girlfriend very soon." Carlos grins at him, watching in fascination as Damon's body changes from head to toe.

"God, this feels so fucking good." Damon's mind is overwhelmed by the unwanted pleasure as his dick spurts loads of white sticky seed inside his pants, forming a stain between his legs. He is unaware of the growing hair; his former brown tone changed into a darker one and cascaded to his back; his face reshapes; his facial features turn feminine; by the second, the wrinkles and spots vanish; his nose is reshaping, getting smaller; his lips are inflating, turning kissable and luscious; and his eyes adopt a vapid look; his former tired look entirely vanished; his chin recedes, his neck slimming; Adam's apple vanishes. His body reduces in mass and muscle, turning slim, and his height reduces by a couple of inches; the fat around his middle evaporates, leaving a sexy flat belly; his chest expands and turns into a perky set of boobs; and his arms get slim and toned, erasing their previously muscle and fat; his legs turn sleek and long as his butt reshapes, lifting and tightening, turning into a hot-toned butt.


"Oh god, what is happening to me?" Damon thinks in his foggy state of mind while a few foreign images fill his mind; the ones feature strong muscular men with hard veiny dicks, making him horny like hell while his dick shrinks, reduces into a clit, and his balls recede into his shaft, opening the new tunnel of love as his inside churns, forming the womb and the challenge of his new womanhood.


"Wow, that was awesome; this fucking beer really worked," Carlos says in amazement, watching his friend turn into a hot, lovely woman who stumbled on the floor in his now-loose clothes, breathing hard, still recovering from all the blissful joy he experienced in this wacky transformation.

"You are so hot, even with those clothes; they look awkward on your hot body," Calor says, admiring the form of his transformed friend while Damon's senses slowly get back to normal.

He asks in a new high-pitched voice, and his eyes got wide open as a result.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" He screams out loud while he stands up and notices his loose clothes and his hot body, a perky set of boobs hanging proudly on his chest, his long hair, and his small and well-manicured hands.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" Damon screams at his friend in a mix of concern and fear; his former male body is no more, and in its place is this lovely, hot body.

"I've just improved you, baby. You were quite miserable about your broken relationship, yet now I've improved you, turning you into this lovely woman with a high libido. The only thing on your mind is to satiate your lust for a big, hard dick." Carlos grins at Damon.

"How did you..." Damon's mind fills with images of big, hard pricks, and his mouth salivates as the images and his tight slit get wet really fast.

"They're so big and yummy." He thinks his need for a cock increases by the second, making him moan.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Damon shouted out as these nasty thoughts made him change his mind, feeling scared and horny at the same time.

"Your new body has new needs. baby, don't try to fight them; just embrace them like the horny gal you are." Carlos grins at him, watching in delight how horny Damon is as his body


"FUCK YOU, YOU PSYCHO!" Damon shouted back at him, while he could not deny the growing heat inside his legs, his tight slit dripping with lovely juices.

"Don't be so rude, baby; just embrace this new chance in life, and let's see what happens." He smiles back at Damon, making him horny at the same time.

"He looks cute, oh fuck," Damon's inner battle with his new urge is still inside his mind, while he still has some things to deal with with his friend; for example, the thing he has done with him turned him into a horny, beautiful gal. He still has some needs to satiate, but the thing is that the new urges start to affect his mind.

"Fuck it, I think I have no option but to deal with this shit," Dmaon says in disgust, and with this, the friends coordinate to go to a party tonight.




"Wow, this is amazing, Denisse," Carlos says to him when the two are dancing at the party. Damon, now that Denisse and Carlos' girlfriend are enjoying the party, dancing and rubbing their bodies with desire, Damon's new urges make him hornier and randier, rubbing her tight ass against Carlos' crotch.

"God, I'm so fucking horny; I need a cock; this fucking body; I hate this, but I'm horny, really horny." She despises him for what he has done to his body and identity, but he feels aroused, and he needs to satiate his lust.

"You are so lovely, Denisse," Carlos says to his friend.

"I'm so fucking horny," Damon couldn't hold it any longer. They headed to the bathroom, and Damon unzips his friend's pants, leaving his erect manhood bare exposed.

"God, it's so fucking big, oh fuck you," Damon thinks, his mouth and pussy go wet instantly as he strokes his friend's member with reckless abandon.

"Oh, calm down, girl," Carlos moans. The fact his friend is stroking his cock furiously makes him hornier than ever.

"Fuck you, you stupid bastard, thank you. I'm now a horny slut. Fuck you up. I'm so horny. I need a cock so fucking badly." Damon groaned in despise and arousal while strokes faster his friend's dick.

"Oh, shut up, bitch, enough talking." Carlos grabs his friend's head and makes his dick shove inside his mouth, feeling the new lips of his transformed friend.

"Oh sh*t, what the fuck are you doing? Oh shit, this feels good; I'm giving a blowjob; this dick feels so fucking hard, so fucking big, and yummy." Damon's thoughts are a mix of anger and lust for this wacky moment; his friend's dick is shoved into his mouth, and for some reason he loves it.

"This fucking body," he thinks in disgust as his head bounces with reckless abandon. His possessed mind is filling with new thoughts of dicks and parties, enjoying sex with strong, muscular men as his slit drips wet as a result.


"You are really good, Denise," Carlos moans in pleasure as his orgasm hits him hard and his dick spurts a torrent of seed into Damon's mouth.

"MMMMMMMM" Damon noises of lust as his eyes roll back in his sockets. His mind rewrites itself, filling with new memories to match this new slutty woman.

"FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, THIS FEELS GREAT, BUT NO, I'M NOT LIKE THIS, I NOT, I'M NOT LIKE THIS, I OOOOOOOOHH" Damon's final vestiges of his identity vanish into nothing; everything that he represented is nowhere to be found.

"That was amazing," Carlos says with a wide smile on his face.

"Thank you, Daddy," Denisse purrs to him.

"Would you like a new one, Daddy?" She grins at him, and a bit of cum pours down his mouth.

"Of course, baby, you are such a horny slut," Calros says, feeling proud of his creation. Turning his friend into his lovely, slutty girlfriend is the best; there is nothing that could be wrong.



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