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"And one of my wet dreams is to be with a guy that turns into a girl and make him explore the new feminine world he is about to live in a lovely girly and innocent body," she says to Damon, with her eyes glowing with glee as her tight slit goes damp with this naughty fantasy.

"So, would you like to do this for me?" Alyssa says it with a seductive tone in her voice, making Damon feel nervous as a result.

"Ehm, I don't know; the thing is, how are you supposed to do that?" He asks her friend with the same confused tone, as his face still looks shocked and confused at the same time.

"Well, I have my own magic," she said with a smile. She winked at him and rubbed his shoulder, making Damon's face flush in response.

"I have everything planned to do that, but...the thing is...I haven't found a guy who could accept this challenge, you know, so many freaking assholes." She says it was followed by a chuckle as Damon chuckled too in response to making Alyssafeels okay.

"So...what do you think?" Alyssa asks him with a seductive tone, winking at him once again while she keeps rubbing his shoulder.

"I don't know, Alyssa, I...ehm." Damon finds it difficult to speak coherent words to not make her feel bad and not hurt her feelings; his eyes look at the floor, and he avoids making eye contact with her.

"I shared this secret with you, baby. I've opened my heart to you, and you would like to know something else?" She asks him, her lips closer to his ear. Damon can hear Alyssa's breathing while his face flushes with shame and a hint of arousal.

"Ehm-....ehm...y-yes," he says with a trembling tone in his voice, as he cannot articulate proper words as he still looks at the floor.

"I always thought about you as my perfect guy to be transformed into a lovely girly girl." She whispered to his ear, sending a shiver running down his spine as he felt his member grow erect. He cannot deny how aroused Alyssa makes him feel, and her sultry voice makes him hornier as ever.

"You are my perfect guy, please..." She whispers in his ear...

"Do it for me, please?" She says as she licks his ear, sending him into a frenzy state of horniness as his manhood grows hard as a result while he remembers the years of always hiding his feelings from Alyssa, and then there is a chance—a golden chance—to be with her, but in very wacky circumstances.

"Ehm...okay..." He says it in a trembling tone of voice while he tries his best to hide his erection as he tries to articulate a proper word as his erection grows harder by the second.

"Really? Oh Damon, thank you so much." QAlyssa hugs him hard, her big boobs pressed against his chest, feeling the titty flesh from first hand, sending a shiver down his spine, and his dick is diamond hard as a result. For the first time, Alyssa hugs him and accepts to be with him, but in a very wacky condition as he tries his best to don't moan as his dick spurts a bit of cum inside his pants.

"Ehm...you welcome" He barely responds to his friend, trying his best to don't succumb to his primal urges. He has a lot to lose if he shows her his deep carnal urges, the ones that have been deep inside his mind for so long, loving Alyssa in secret, jerking off thinking about her beautiful body and lovely smile.

"I see you are so nervous; I don't want to know that you're thinking about something lewd or naughty, don't you?" She says, followed by a chuckle, her stunning brown eyes watching down his crotch, noticing the tent between his legs.

"Oh, you pervy boy." She grins at him, making Damon's face flush even more. He is on the verge of getting away from Alyssa's apartment; she has noticed his ragging erection; he failed to hide his primal urges; his longtime crush has found him; and with this, his shame increases exponentially.

"s-S-Sorry...ehm...i" Damon tries to articulate his words properly, but the fact that Alyssa notices his ragging erection makes him unable to articulate a proper sentence when she puts her hands to his mouth. His delicate fingers touch his thin lips, and the softness of Alyssa's fingertips makes him shudder once again.

"Don't talk, Damon... I plenty assure you that my idea turns you very hot. I had that feeling the time I saw you. You're a wacky and lovely guy. I would love to be with you, but in a lovely girly body." She grins at him and takes a bottle of pills from her purse when there is a fact that Damon's life is going to get a wacky yet wonderful change.

"Take this, and you'll see what happens." She smiles at him while Damon watches the small bottle of pills.

"So...this is what I'm going to do to be with her?" Damon thinks while his eyes are glued to the small bottle, and there he takes one of the pink-colored pills and swallows without thinking twice.

"Thank you, baby." She smiled at him, and she stomped him with a kiss while Damon's arousal heightened as his erection formed a tent between his legs, stretching the fabric of his pants.

"Well, it's done, and now what?" He asks with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Just wait and see, baby." She smirked at him, rubbing his chin, making Damon tingle in response as he noticed the tingling increasing with each passing second.

D "Oh," Damon feels a shiver run down his spine, making his body shudder as his already hard cock throbs inside his pants, making him moan in pleasure.

"There it comes, baby, enjoy it." She grins at him, her pussy getting wet as she watches Damon's body about to transform.

"Oh god!" He stumbles on the floor, shuddering in pleasure as his dick spurts a load of cum inside his pants, moaning in pleasure.

"GOD YES," he moans repeatedly while Alyssa watches him in delight as he keeps writhing on the floor, his body spasming, and his dick spurts load loads of white sticky seed inside his pants.

"The transformation is quite pleasurable, so enjoy, baby." She grins, enjoying the changes in Damon's body, which is shrinking in size and height; his previously 6'0 reduces to 5'4; his bones are reshaping; and there is a cack and pops as his hipbones widen, his mass reduces, his body slimming down dramatically; the fat and muscles around his torso turn slim as his chest inflates into a parky set of bobs; his legs reduce in size, turning slim; and long as the fat of his belly turns into a flat, sexy tummy, his clothes now hang loose on his new diminished and feminine frame.

"You're getting gorgeous, Danni." She smirks at him while Damon's face reshapes, his sharp facial features turn softer and smoother, and the wrinkles and spots around his face vanish, leaving his face smooth and soft while his blond hair grows longer, changing color into a brown one cascaded to his back. Damon's Adam's apple vanishes as his chin reduces, his now feminine face gains a sexy look, and his former pale coloration adopts a new stunning tanned tone."

"OOOH YES" He screams in her new high-pitched voice while his dick spurts the last remnants of seed before shrinking into nothing but a clit and his balls receding into his shaft, opening the new tunnel of love.

"You're so hot, Danni." She smiles at him and watches his stunning transformation with delight, and a hint of arousal invades her body.

"Wow!" he exclaims in her new girly voice as he tries to stand on his feet, his now sexy legs shaking as a result of the post-orgasmic bliss.

"What...is this?" He is shocked by his new feminine body, his clothes hanging loosely on his new sexy frame.

"Bitch, you're beautiful; you make me jealous," Alyssa says, admiring Damon's new figure. His sexy and lovely body is on full display once he stirs off his oversized clothes, leaving his body naked and admiring his girly and beautiful shape.

"I have a good set of clothes for you, baby." She brought him a set of cute red sport bras and red leggings to match her new sexy body.

"Put this on; you'll look hot, Danni," she says, so Damon obeys her and wears the designer set of clothes, making him look comfortable on his new feminine skin.

"Ehm...I look...pretty" Damon admires his new form in front of the mirror, her long mane of hair, her sexy facial features, and her toned, sexy body. Alyssa was right; he looked very hot indeed.

"So...this is who I am now," he says in shock, touching his new girly face with his dainty fingertips and admiring the smoothness of his new face.

"You are better now as a girly girl, Danni." She rubs Damon's shoulder, feeling the sensitivity of his new body.

"Danni," he repeats to himself, a new name to fit his new identity.

"Yes, you look very pretty in that sexy outfit, don't you?" She smiles at him, making Damon feel confident about his new appearance, his eyes glued to his new reflection, his former male body replaced by this new feminine one, and very beautiful indeed.

"I can get accustomed to this," he smiles at his reflection, and a sense of pride fills his mind. He has been turned into a beautiful gal, which makes him smile widely.

"Are you happy? Of course, yes, baby, you're going to love your new life as Dnni." Alyssa smiles back at him and hugs him tightly.

"I think so..." He says this, thinking about how her life will be with this lovely new body.



By the following days, Damon's new life as a lovely girly girl called Danni has been very good for him; he has embraced this new life very well, thanks to Alyssa. They have been roomies, sharing their thoughts and helping Danni to embrace her new life as a girly girl.

Danni is such a fashionist in her soul; she embraced it very quickly. She loves to wear stunning dresses and sexy skirts to emphasize her toned legs.

Thanks to Alyssa, she pushed her to create a social media account, one that has been well-received and has thousands of followers admiring her stunning beauty.

"Hey Danni, what are you doing?" Alyssa asks her friend, while Danni scrolls on her phone.

"I'm looking at my TikTok, replying to comments; they are so lovely; they love me," Danni says with a smile on her face. She is surprised by the love of her fans towards her.

"You're taking very well this new lifestyle, Danni," Alyssa says to her friend, surprised by how Damon embraces the new female lifestyle very well.

"Yeah, I know, it's unbelievable. I love this. I'm feeling so confident in this sexy body. I'm hot, I'm sexy, and I have thousands of followers on my social media. I couldn't ask for more. I love being Danni." She says, with a wide smile on her face, that she loves this new lifestyle.

"They're going to be a party tonight; we can get a bit of fun as a pair of hot chicks. You know what? I think it's going to be great," Alyssa says to her friend.

"Oh, that sounds good," Danni says to her friend as she tosses her long hair while picking up her phone.


"So, are you ready?" Alyssa says this to her friend.

"Yeah, of course, baby." She smiles back at her friend, thinking about the good-looking boys that they're going to meet tonight at the party.



Once at the party, Alyssa and Danni enjoy a lot of fun dancing with most of the hot guys; they are by far the hottest girls at the party, and every man is drooling at the hot duo.

Danni's body is filled with arousal while she is dancing with Tom, a hot, muscular guy.

"God, I'm so horny." She thinks to herself, thinking about the fact that she has been living all her life like a man, and now she is turned on by this muscular guy dancing with them. They don't last so long dancing as they head to one of the bathrooms to get a closer moment and release all the sexual tension.

"God, it's happening; it's fucking happening; I'm about to have sex with a guy." Damon's mind is shocked by the primal urge of his new feminine body; everything goes so fast, with Tom impales his dick into her wet snatch, making her moan in pleasure.

"It's happening. I'm fucking with a guy. I'm fucking with a guy." TDamon's thoughts were dissolved the moment Tom released his white seed inside her eager pussy, dissolving any thought of Damon and replacing them with the new lovely girly memories of Danni.

Danni's eyes got blank for a few seconds before returning to normal. Damon's life has never existed.

"I love you, babe," Danni purrs to her lover, while he replies with a short but deep "Me too, baby." Both kiss passionately while a new round of sex awaits them.

This has been the passionate beginning of their lovely relationship. Danni and Tom are made for each other, and Danni couldn't ask for more. Her lovely friend Alyssa and her wonderful boyfriend Tom make her happier than ever.



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