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"Look, I can explain this; please let me go," Damon says with a look of fear on his face.

"Shut up, you freak; we caught you looking inside our locker room, you fucking pervert." Camile scorned him. The attractive woman watched him with despise while he just stumbled on the floor.
"No, please, I can explain. This is a mistake. I'm not a freak or a pervert; I just was... I just-"

"You tried to watch us naked, you pervert; don't pretend you didn't do anything, you sick fuck." Shouted Julie, the other chick inside the room, looking at him with despise in her brown eyes, she tosses her brown mane of hair while she watches him.

"No, please, I'm not like this; please, just let me go; I'm not a freak. "Damon pleads with the girls; the fear in her eyes is so evident while he is thinking about the fact that finally the girls caught him by surprise.

"Yeah, of course, you're not a fucking freak who just wanders around every single day in the morning after our cheerleading training session and tries to look at our hot, sexy bodies," Amy says sarcastically, followed by a chuckle.

"We know everything about you; don't try to lie to us; we know everything," Julie says, taking her phone and showing him the pictures where he invades the girl's locker room, searching the girl's clothes and outfits, and images of Damon taking pictures of the stunning girls winning their cheerleading practice and the female athletes as well.

"But...but... how?" Damon is unable to find words to defend himself while Julie scrolls a bunch of pictures showing Damon's pervert tendencies, making him flush in shame. He knows it; he is done; the hot girls caught him by surprise; and there is no one who can save him.

"I told you, baby, don't pretend you are not a fucking freak; we caught you, baby; don't try to neglect it." Julie watches him with a serious look on her cute face, watching his fear and thinking with disgust towards Damon's behavior.

"You're a fucking cunt, spying on hot girls like us and taking pictures to get off with our lovely bodies; this is disgusting." Amy yells out at him. The three women are around him, watching him with utter disgust.

"Okay, okay, sorry, I'm not going to do it again; you caught me; I have no option but to apologize to you all." He says, followed by a sigh, that he avoids making eye contact with the women, watching down to the floor while the girls just watch him with despise.

"Oh, look at you, you pretend there has been nothing happening and just apologize to us will solve this problem. Oh yeah, you're such a clever guy." Camile responds to him due to his lack of morality.
"You're going to pay this; you don't pretend to invade our locker room and get safe; of course not; you freak," she continues while watching him and takes her purple gym bag.

"I said I'm sorry. What do you want me to do?" He says in a shy tone that his blotchy face still flushes due to the girls finally catching him.

"A single apology doesn't fix this, baby. Men are a pain in the ass; they always sexualize us, treating us like a piece of meat. You need to be what it feels like to be a woman," Camile says with a necklace in her hand.

"What is it?" Damon asks her.
"You need to put this on, and you'll know what it feels like to be a woman," she says with a grin on her face.
"This is your punishment," Amy says with a smile, anticipating what is about to come with the poor freak.
"You always invade our locker room; it's fair for someone like you to explore femininity for the first time in life and feel what it is to be harassed every single day just by our stunning looks." Julie rolled her eyes in disgust.

"Okay, so you think this necklace will turn me into a woman?" Damon says in a sarcastic tone that a smile forms on his face. He watches the necklace; it seems like an ordinary one, nothing special at all.

"Put them away, and you'll see." Camile miles at him, brings him the necklace, and Damon takes it.

"Okay, this turns me into a woman, right?" He says it sarcastically, thinking about the fact that the girls are losing their minds, or whatever the case is.
"This is going to be so easy," he thinks and puts the necklace on, thinking about how the girls make him a joke.

"Well, it's done," he says, standing on her feet, and the girls watch him wearing the necklace, thinking about the fact that he is going to turn too soon.

"And now what?" He says it in an impatient tone.

"Just wait and see, baby," Amy smirked at him.

"Don't be so impatient, you little freak," Julie giggles.
"Just wait, it might take a few minutes, but don't worry, you'll embrace your new feminine self soon," Camile gives him a wink.
"Okay, okay, let me tell you something, girls; this is so ridiculous," Damon says with concern towards the girls.
"Do you really think this fucking necklace has the power to turn me into a-" Damon stops talking the moment a shiver runs down his spine, so electric and intense that his body shudders instantly.

"OOOOOH!" He moans instantly while he falls on his knees, grabbing his loins as he feels his stomach and internal organs churning. Another shiver runs down his spine, more intense this time, making him moan once again.

"There you got it, baby, enjoy it," Camille winks at him while the other girls chuckle. Damon's body stumbles on the floor as his body spasms while his arousal grows by the second.
"OH GOD!" He moans in pleasure while his body spasms and is assaulted by waves of maddening arousal over and over again. His member forms a tent between his legs, stretching the fabric of his jeans, while his hips buck uncontrollably.

"The good thing is this is a very pleasurable transformation; enjoy it, you freak," Amy grinned at him, while the girls giggled watching Damon''s body spasming and moaning repeatedly while his hair grew from his scalp, turning long and luscious.

"Oh, it's happening; look at her hair." Julie giggles watching Damon's hair turn into a luscious mane of hair with streaks of blonde, while his face reshapes, turning into an angular form while the blotches disappear, turning his face into smooth, free-blemished skin, while his eyes turn long and adopt a vapid look, and his lips turn luscious and kissable.

"Such lovely lips," Amy says.
"Yeah, he is turning gorgeous, "Julie says while Camile nods while watching Damon's body lose height by the second, his previously 6\0 ft reduced to 5'4, his bones reshaping his entire mass shrink by the second, this already slim but well-built anatomy slimming, losing muscle and gaining a healthy feminine softness overall while the muscle around his torso evaporates, turning into a slim feminine torso with a big pair of perky breasts hanging on his chest, his arm becomes slim and he loses all his previously musculature while his hands become dainty and slim, losing his previous thickness.

"Oh shit, what is happening to meee?" He screams in a mix of fear and joy while a third climax assaults his body. A torrent of cum erupts from his ragging erection, and his boxers turn into a complete mess with the sticky seed all soaking them.

"Oh boy, you look like a bitch in heat." Camile smirked at him, looking at Damon's legs slimming, turning more feminine by the second, his ankles turning slim as the rest of his legs, his butt reshaping, the preciously square form turning into a perky-toned bubble butt, his thighs reduced in size turning toned and feminine as well, and his clothes are several sizes smaller on his now feminine and slim shape.

"OOOOH SHIT" Damon's thoughts are fogged by an outstanding wave of pleasure assaulting his body; his dick spurts are the final vestiges of his masculinity before shrinking into nothing but a spongy clit his urethra separates, his testes receding into his shaft, turning his new ovaries; his loins churn as his new chalice of womanhood forms inside his loins, opening his new tunnel of love.

"It's done, girls; she is one of us."Camile says with a proud smirk on her face that she tosses her black-raven hair while she watches Damon's nasty spectacle of transformation and pleasure come to an end as he lies on the floor, soaked in his now-loose clothes covering his new feminine body.

"How do you feel, baby?" Julie says it with a smile.

"I feel great; this was amazing, my god." Damon's eyes wide open while he heard his own voice turn into a high-pitched girlish one, he reincorporates; his legs felt like he had been running a marathon; he felt tired and sore as a result of the mind-blowing climax.

"Oh my god, what's happening to me?" He screams in terror, watching his transformed body, now completely feminine. He grabs his perky breast with both hands, feeling the sensitivity of his new mounds, moaning instantly.

"Seems like you're enjoying your new body, don't you?" Amy grins at him and watches Damon's hot, sexy body, biting her bottom lip.

"This feels so good." He flushes after the words escape from his mouth.
"Don't be shy, baby; this is the good thing about being a woman; we're able to enjoy a lot of pleasure," Julie says, admiring her own mounds, stroking her boobs, and feeling her sensitivity to the fabric of her tight sports bra make her nipples tighten.

"How was this possible?" He asks in concern, looking at his new, sexy feminine body.

"I cannot believe this," he says repeatedly.

"I told you, baby, it's the necklace." Camile replies, making Damon still in concern about the necklace. He asks himself, noticing the necklace disappears.

"The necklace is gone," he says in amazement.
"This is the rule: the moment you'll turn into a woman, the necklace disappears, and you'll turn back to your old identity in the lapse of a couple of days, but the only thing to do that is to don't swallow cum. That's the only thing you have to do, and you'll be able to get back to your old life." Camile explains to him the game as Damon watches her with a sense of incredulity and fear. He has been transformed into a completely different person, and his mind cannot process the fact that his body has changed along with his sexuality; he is now a woman.

"This is your punishment; you need to embrace women's lives before getting back to your old identity," Amy says, followed by a smirk.

"This teaches you how to be a woman," Julie chuckles at him, looking at his clothes, the ones that look awkward in his now slim, sexy shape.
"OWel...seems like I have no option to deal with this," Damon says with a flush in his now cute face. Her feminine facial features denote a sense of amazement at the change in his body and sexuality.

"I don't know, but I'm feeling horny all of a sudden; this body feels so sensitive." He says rubbing his nipples and the friction of the fabric of his loose shirt increases the pleasure, making him moan.
"This is the good thing, baby; you have all the pleasure you want," Camile says, rubbing his now slim shoulder.
"But remember, don't swallow cum; this would be your end," she says closely to him.
"Now, before you embrace your new feminine self, you need a good set of clothes to match your new sexy bod," Amy says, and she brought him a purse with a sexy, slutty dress, so the one leaves nothing to the imagination.

"This suits your new body perfectly," Julie cheers up.
"Yeah, baby, go wear it," Camile says, and Damon takes the dress, undresses his now loose garments, and prepares herself while the girls apply makeup and select him a good set of designer pumps.
"Camile says with a smile adorning her face.
"Ehm, thank you," Damon says in a shy tone. There is a fact about his arousal growing inside his loins, rubbing his toned legs, and feeling the heat emanating from his tight slit.
"God, I'm so horny, I think I need a cock." His eyes were wide open when this thought appeared from nowhere: "What the fuck?" He thinks in shock, images of wild sex with muscular guys appearing in his mind, making his tight snatch go wet instantly.

"We need a name for you," says Amy, thinking of a name to match Damon's new identity.
"How about, Callie?" Julie asks the girls. and then nods at that name.
"That sounds great; what do you think, Callie?" Camile asks him, but Damon doesn't reply. He is lost in his own thoughts, and his body turns hornier by the second. "I need a big cock to impale my pussy; oh fuck, no, stop thinking like that, you son of a bitch," he says to himself, making the girls notice his own erratic behavior.
"What happened, Callie?" Amy asks in curiosity, looking at Callie, lost in her thoughts.
"What's going into you?" Julie asks her, rubbing Callie's shoulder and making her moan in response.

"Oh, I got it," Camile says, watching Callie rub her toned legs.
"What Callie needs is the sweet company of a good-looking guy; it seems like his new body is giving her wild." Camile laughs at that response while the other girls laugh too, watching Callie's face flush.
"Ehm, I'm horny; this body is making me so horny," Callie says in disgust and arousal, this new body giving her a horniness she didn't know back in her former male body.

"Don't you worry, Callie, we can solve this problem," Amy says with a grin on her face.
"Really?" Callie says it with curiosity.
"Yeah, baby, we're going to a party tonight, so you can find a big sexy man to fuck your brain out." Julie smirked at Callie and gave him a wink.
"You can come with us, baby," she says, making Damon just nod in response.

"God, I cannot wait to find someone to fill me with his seed. Oh, fuck, not again. This is fucking insane, fuck, fuck." Callie thinks in despise, but in the end, her new urges are overwhelming her mind, and without any more option, she accepted to go to the party.


The party has been a long ride of lust and passion for Damon. Now Callie, the hot woman, is still struggling with her new urges for a big hard dick to impale her needy snatch, and the girls are helping her to get that piece of meat between her hot sexy legs, while Amy, Camile, and Julie are dancing to the rhythm of the music, swaying their hot sexy bodies to the delight of everyone. Callie is for her own dancing with a hot muscular guy he met a few minutes ago. The guys have been dancing for a couple of minutes, enjoying their bodies and exploring their sensuality.

"God, this fucking guy is killing me," Callie thinks to herself while she is rubbing her lover's crotch with her tight, sexy rear, feeling the hardness of her lover's manhood and making her shudder in pleasure.
"God, what's happening to me? I feel like I'm losing myself. Fuck this stupid, sexy, horny body. Thanks to you, I'm looking for a hard cock to impale my pussy." She thinks in a mix of disgust and pleasure; as much as Callie is concerned about the new urges of this sexy body, the pleasure is overwhelming her senses, making her feel like a prisoner in her own body.
"This is fucking crazy," she thinks, rubbing her lover's crotch slowly. With her toned, sexy rear, the moment is too much for them to handle, so they run to the bathroom to relieve this sexual tension.

"Please, I need you. I need you right now." Callie moans, unzips her lover's pants, and starts stroking his member with reckless abandon.
"You are so fucking ready, baby." The man smiles at her; he is surprised by her initiative, stroking his member with wanton abandon, sucking, and licking the tip of his manhood head.

"You like it?" She says it with a grin.
"Oh yeah, baby, keep on," he moans, grabbing her luscious hair while Callie's lips make contact with her lover's erect manhood.
"Oh fuck, I did it, I fucking done it, I'm fucking with a man, I'm giving a man a blowjob, this is fucking insane, I cannot believe I'm doing this, this fucking body is making me sick," Damon thinks into his head, feeling like a prisoner of the nasty sexual urges of this body; he cannot fight but just embrace these urges and deal with them, her luscious lips massaging her lover's cock, making him moan in response.

"Oh sh*t, this is insane," Damon thinks while sucking the lover's member with reckless abandon, Callie's head bouncing up and down, feeling the hardness of that rigid cock.

"It's so fucking big, I love it, oh for fuck sake, this is insane, this stupid body makes me enjoy this fucking nasty spectacle," Damon thinks in his while grabbing her lover's tight muscular butt and pressing them tight against her naughty mouth, feeling the entire member inside her mouth, making her gag a bit, making her completely aroused as much as her lover.

"Here it comes, here it comes." Her lover moans as a torrent of cum erupts from his dick directly into DCAallie's mouth, making her noise in pleasure while her tight snatch drips wet.
"Oh shit, this is fucking disgusting. That's why I'm doing this; I'm not." Damon's thoughts vanish from Callie's mind, erasing every single trace of Damon's identity, replaced by only the slutty mind of Callie, the sexy gal cheerleader; the memories of her cheerleading practices and her friendship with Amy, Julie, and Camile are invading her mind; her entire mind has been rewritten; she is now Callie in body and soul; and there is not a single memory of the former freak.

"MMMMMMMMMM" Callie's noises are loud while her eyes roll back into their sockets as drops of cum poured down her naughty mouth. As she feels her own orgasm, climaxing instantly, her pussyc clenches hard while her body shudders in pleasure while her lover moans as well, the horny couple is enjoying the intense pleasure their bodies are experiencing right now.

"Oh shit, this is amazing, baby," Callie's lover says between gasps. This is one of his best orgasms ever, and he tosses Callie's luscious hair.

"Would you like a new one?" Callie grins at him, grabbing her lover's manhood and licking his shaft.
"Oh yeah, baby, just do it," he replies, feeling hornier than ever thanks to this insatiable, sexy girl.

"Everything for my hot stud." She grins as she grabs his member and strokes faster, enjoying the great manhood of this muscular stud. Callie is enjoying her life as a sexy hot girl, but she has to be careful to don't last as much with this guy because her friend could get worried about her; indeed, they are very good friends.


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