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"I forgot to tell Linda something," Sally says to herself. She rubs her blond hair with strands of gray with her thick hand while retracting herself about the fact she forgot to mention something to her daughter.
"This always happens; I'm starting to forget everything; it happens over and over again," she says with a concerned look on her round, wrinkled face, thinking about the problems of her lack of concentration and retention of things.

"Maybe this is a symptom of aging. I'm just 40 years old; I'm not that old." She was shocked to see herself as someone older than her 40-year-old persona.
"I'm not as old; I'm just forty. I think something like this might occur as a result of this stressful life," she says to herself as she enters the doctor's office for a good appointment.

"I hope the doctor can help me. I hope that." She says as she rubs her head and adjusts her glasses, as much as she can say, her body and her whole appearance have seen better days. While she is forty, she probably looks five years older, and her out-of-shape body is rather overweight, with a pear-shaped physique and frumpy clothes, wearing undesigned sñlñlacks and a brown sweater to hide her chubby flabby body.

"Hello," she says in a shy tone as she makes her way inside the doctor's office.
"Hello, Mrs. Williams, please take a seat." The doctor says with a smile adorning his face that he offers her a seat, and then the overweight middle-aged woman obeys him and sits in the chair near his desk, both staring at each other.

"How can I help you?" The doctor asks with the same smile.
"I have very memory problems and a lack of concentration in my daily life; I don't know if this is caused by stress or something; I have a very stressed life; I'm a wife and my mother and I have a job; there are days where I just feel like I'm on the verge of collapse," she says, looking at the desk, avoiding making eye contact with the doctor.

"I understand, Mrs. Williams, as much as you said, you have a very stressed life," he says, looking at the stressed woman in front of him.
"These are symptoms of burnout. Mrs. Williams is a very common thing these days; one of the first things I can suggest to you is proper rest," the doctor says, looking at the middle-aged woman's expression of frustration.

"I cannot do that; I'm a very busy woman; I'm a wife and a mother of a lovely daughter, and I work in a very extenuating job; my husband needs me, my daughter needs me, and I need the job as well; I cannot do that, doctor." She says with a tone of concern that the word "rest" or take a vacation is not in her vocabulary; she is a woman with the right sense of work.

"Well, I can see you are a woman who is very proud of your family and very committed to your work and your family as well; I see that looking in your eyes, and yes, I can help you with something," he says, looking inside his pockets and putting a small white bottle of pills on the desk.
"What is this, doc?" Sally asks with a hint of curiosity, looking at the pill's bottle.

"These are medicaments to lower stress levels in the system and gain more strength and energy; they are very effective," he says with a smile on his face.
"I got it, doc, but there are no real problems if I take them?" She says it with curiosity and a hint of doubt.
"Of course not, Mrs. Williams; these pills are effective, and without a single percent of risk or side effects, they are effective in controlling stress levels so you can work all day in your daily life." He smiles at her and offers her a pink pill.

"It's just a single dose per day, and you'll notice the difference." He offers her the pill.
"You are the doctor, so I can trust in you," she says, feeling relieved about this. "I have nothing to fear; is it my doctor who recommended me these pills? I can trust in him," she thinks as she takes the pill, and without thinking twice, she swallows the pink-colored pill.
"You have nothing to fear, Mrs. Williams; once you start to notice the first effect, you will love it. Just wait and see how your energy increases.

"Well, I have to do that; I cannot stand to just feel tired, and with a lack of focus in my daily life, I feel like I need this, doctor. I need something to help me increase my energy and with my stress levels down for good," she says to her doctor. Feeling less tired than a minute ago, she notices it instantly.

"How do you feel, Mrs. Wlilliams?" The doctor asks her, noticing her composure is changing; she looks less tired and has a better look.
"I feel...I feel good, very good, doctor." She says with a shocked look on her face that she notices her heart is beating faster, and an increase in energy and a rush of excitement flood into her veins.

"God, this feels good, really, really good." She exclaimed, noticing her body was tingling, excitement flooded inside her veins, and her facial expression changed from her initial tired look to one completely opposed. Her tiredness was gone, and now she is ready to work and take care of all her responsibilities.

"Is it working, right?" He asks his patient.
"Yes, doc, it's working, I'm ready, my tiredness is gone, I think I can do anything right now, and I feel like I can bear with everyone." She exclaimed, the tingling increasing all over her body; her heart is beating like a drum; blood and adrenaline pour into her veins; her entire self is turning more and more uptight.

"I feel like I can do whatever the fuck I want." She exclaims in joy, her eyes wide open, to find herself saying the F-word, a word that has been so gruesome to her to speak in public. This time, though, the case is different. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not used to speaking these nasty words, but shit, this pill is fucking amazing." She exclaims, noticing she said the f-word once again. She lets out a chuckle.

"Don't worry, Hally, this is the special side effect of the pill; you're noticing you're feeling more energetic and active, right? This is what I was talking about; the pill effects are nothing but incredible and very helpful to your body and system."He speaks to her with a smile on his face; he notices Hally's changing behavior, and her tired look changes into a more active and happy one.

"Yes, doctor, I feel this. It's fucking amazing. I never felt this in my entire life. God fuck." Her face flushes a bit as she rubs her chubby legs.
"Ehm, there is something wrong, Hally?" The doctor asks.

"Ehm, no, just, I'm feeling a bit hot." She whispers, rubbing her thighs together as a growing heat emanates between her legs. "This is weird; I haven't felt this in years, and now, wow, this feels...weird," she thinks, rubbing her legs as a forgotten sensation grows inside her loins.

"This is one of the pill's side effects, Hally. As your heart is pumping faster, more blood floods into your veins, and as a result, a rush of intense sensations such as excitement or adrenaline enters your system." He informed her about the side effects, rubbing his chin with his thick, hairy hands.

"The growing arousal is one of the pleasure side effects of the pill; you have nothing to fear, Hally." He smiles at her, noticing she is turning more anxious by the second. Her body squirms, and the sensations flooding inside Hally's system are overcoming her senses little by little.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, doctor, I haven't felt this horny in years. Oh my, I said the word horny, fuck, this is crazy. I know this might sound crazy to you, but I haven't had sex in so many years. I mean, my husband told me I'm as cold as an ice cube, but he is just an asshole who cannot comprehend when I'm menopausal, and this is a fucking pain in the ass," she says in despise, thinking about her husband and the moments of disgust with him in bed. Her body temperature got warmer, a heat was growing inside her legs, and she felt the walls of her aging slit moisten for the first time in years.

"Oh god!" she moans involuntarily as she takes off her frumpy glasses and puts them on the desk, noticing her vision getting more clear. "My god, my vision is clear; fuck, what is this?" She says it in shock.

"I tell you, this is a side effect, Hally. Just enjoy it; trust me, this is going to be fantastic for you. Once you get ready, you'll be nothing but a hot, slutty woman." He smiles at her and rubs her shoulder with it, making her moan in the process.

"What did you, OOOOH" She stops talking abruptly as a shiver runs down her spine, a wave of arousal assaults her body, her aging, loose slit turns wet, and her clit throbs, sending more waves of pleasure and overcoming her senses.

"Oh, my goodness." She moans. There are plenty of thoughts about the wacky pill's side effects, but for now, there is a growing need between her legs; her womanhood want
s to be touched.

"This is insane," she thinks, but there is nothing she can do to reverse this but rub her slit with wanton abandon.

"Don't try to resist, Hally; just enjoy this pleasurable ride." He smiles at him, sitting at his desk, enjoying the show of the middle-aged woman rubbing her womanhood with wanton abandon. She has no time to discard her frumpy clothes because it would take more time, and she has no time to waste in things like that. The only thing on her mind is to satiate this maddening lust.

"Oh god, yes, this fucking pussy is killing me." She moans in despise and excitement as she rubs furiously her snatch furiously like a maniac. The friction between the fabric of her clothes intensifies the pleasure, sending more electric shots of lust all over her body. Her mind is overwhelmed by the intense sensations flooding into her system. There are no thoughts of her family or her boring job, but just pure raw bliss.

"OH GOD, YES, I NEED THIS." She screams in pleasure, her body spasms, her hips bucking faster as she feels her clit throbbing and her snatch clench hard.

"I cannot stop it; it feels too fucking good." She screams in protest, but her mind and body are on autopilot; her crazed, lusted mind is overwhelmed by the intense sensations, and there is no time for stupid rational thoughts. She has more important business now.

"Don't fight it, Hally; it's useless." The doctor grins at her and rubs his crotch. He gets a boner watching this nasty spectacle.

"I GONNA I GONNA UGGHHH" She grunts in blissful pleasure as a mind-blowing orgasm explodes between her legs with an explosion of lovely juices, soakening her slacks and forming a puddle between her legs as a result.

"OOOOOOHH" Her mouth lets out an animal grunt as her body spasms uncontrollably, and she collapses on the floor, thrashing and screaming in maddening olust, her entire soul overwhelmed by the outstanding pleasure.

"Oh, this is so fucking hot, and now, there it comes, the best." The doctor smiles, watching the middle-aged woman collapsing on the floor and trashing and moaning by the consecutive climax, assaulting her body over and over again.

"Hally's mind is under a fog of raw pleasure that makes her oblivious about the changes all over her body, she didn't notice her body mass and height changing, her pear flabby pear-shaped body slimmed dramatically, the middle-aged fat melted away, leaving her body slim and toned, the flabbiness of her arms, gone for good, turns her arms into a toned and slim shape as well as her legs, thighs, and butt turns into a completely different version, turning slim, and toned, with a perky tight butt without a hint of cellulite, her round wrinkled face reshaping, her bones reshaping themselves, the former and round wrinkled face turns into an angular and youthful modelesque face of a twenty-year-old woman with hot cocksucker lips, small nose and a vapid look in her eyes, without a single hint of wrinkles and blemishes, her dull hair turns into a luscious blonde hair. Her skin youthened as well; the blemishes, scars, and body hair vanished entirely, turning into healthy youth skin; and her final change was that her aging slit tightened, the loose walls of her tunnel reshaping tightened and smoothed as well into a tight tunnel of love. And the final touch—her big pair of tits growing around her chest, which turned perky and very yummy—stands proudly around her now-loose sweater.

"It's complete; this is so fucking hot." The doctor says, stroking his dick, that watching Hally's former middle-aged shape transform into a young sexy hottie was too much for him, so he unzips his pants and begins stroking his member with wanton abandon.

"This pill is fucking amazing," he thinks, jerking himself off and watching the hot blonde lying on the floor in loose clothes. Even with them, she looks hot. "What do you think, Hally?" He asks the hot, transformed woman lying on the floor, recovering from the afterglow of her marvelous climax, as she regains her senses little by little.

"Ehm...what...what happened?" Hally whispers in a high-pitched voice, making her eyes wide open. She shuts her mouth with her now slim, well-manicured hands, noticing her body has changed dramatically. "What the fuck?" She stood on her feet, noticing her clothes were very loose on her now slim and sexy shape.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" She screams in anger and fear as she takes a look at her own body. Her body is completely different from her old shape; she lost her fat all over except her tits, which now have grown a few sizes with a gravity-defying effect.

"They're so fucking big." She admires them and runs her hands around her tits, feeling her new sensitivity through the fabric of her loose sweater.

"Oh God!" A shiver ran down her spine, making her moan in pleasure immediately. Rubbing her thighs, she noticed her slacks fell to her knees, exposing her now tight and shaven slit.
"Oh fuck," she tries to cover her decency, feeling the sensitivity of her pussy, sending more waves of pleasure all over her body.

"Don't try to hide, Hally; you're horny, which is so normal; you are a slut; remember that," the doctor says, stroking his cock, making Hally's lips form an "O.".
"Fuck you, fuck you, baster." She screams in pain and arousal; she cannot deny that her pussy is getting wet by the second.

"Don't be rude and take your milk; this is going to be your medicine from now on." He grins at her. There have been a few times when he has had the same reaction from his clients; at first they rejected it, but then they embrace the hedonism and enjoy being nothing but horny sluts.

"Fuck you." She grunts in a mix of anger and pleasure as she nears him and bends on her knees, stroking the doctor's member faster and faster, like a possessed maniac.
"I so fucking hate you. I'm so horny that I cannot stop thinking of nothing but a hard veiny cock to milk off and impale my vulcano pussy. I fucking hate you." She grunts in pleasure, stroking her member faster.
"Shhh, stop talking, bitch, and just suck it." He grabs her blond hair and puts her face directly on his dick, with her luscious lips making contact with his big shaft.

"Yeah, that's better." He moans as Hally begins to bounce her head like a bitch in heat. She despises him for what he has done to her, transforming her into a slutty every man wet-dream and only suited for porn. With a body like this, her life is ruined, nobody would take her seriously, her husband and kids don't recognize her, her old life is over, and with her heightened libido, she only could be suited for the adult industry.
"Oh god," he moans in pleasure as a torrent of virile seed erupts from his dick directly into Hally's mouth, swallows everything, and makes her entirely satisfied.
"That is, Hally." He grinned at her; apparently, she seemed to enjoy this pleasure.

"Embrace your new slutty self, Hally; this is what you want," he says with a grin.

"This is what I want, a fucking slut; my old life is over; I'm a horny fucking slut." She grunts in despise, and as her arousal grows once again after these words escape from her mouth, she embraces her new life and, with this, a new beginning for Hally.


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